fix articles 16172, necessary Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : necessary


Qualitative Break: Why a Radical Critique of Work is Necessary Today (tags)

Capital has increasingly decoupled itself from directly expended labor and accumulation is now taking place predominantly on the level of financial markets... In large parts of the Global South, the majority has long since been declared ‘superfluous.’

Climate catastrophe and `freedom of consumption' (tags)

It is not five to twelve, but five past twelve, as philosopher Slavoj Žižek writes. The fact that climate change is a fact (the details may well be debated) and poses a serious threat to humanity is something that the last fool should have realized by now.1 It is also clear that the emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases must be radically and rapidly reduced.

Homelessness: Structural Violence in a Rich Country (tags)

People who have no housing and become homeless in such a rich country are handed over to "structural violence." Nowhere does the capitalist economic system fail so blatantly as in the supply of living space since apartments in Germany are treated like sausages.

Pandemic and the Policy Roots of a Steady State Economy (tags)

We are in the midst of a radical disruption and nurturing the roots of a just transition. Whichever way events unfold over the coming years, it’s clear that returning to the pre-pandemic status quo is less realistic and more difficult than embracing the change that’s well underway.

With a plan against the climate crisis (tags)

Quality and enjoyment would be the new maxims, and the true wealth would be free time. Admittedly, a change in consciousness would remain necessary, and many a convenience in lifestyle would have to be abandoned in favor of the ecosystem. However, the standard of living could be raised significantly through free time.

The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich (tags)

Caring Corrupted: The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich - a timely documentary on how health professionals have been historically coopted to commit government atrocities . Today, we have - The Killing Nurses and murdering medical professionals of the covid-19 Scamdemic.

11-point Plan for a New Socialism (tags)

The break with the old neoliberal and new authoritarian policies becomes a necessity in the face of the multiple crisis. An impending economic slump would exacerbate this situation.

Social Policy as Social Infrastructure (tags)

Work and income must be uncoupled. In Germany, thanks to higher productivity and information technology, 30% more was produced from 1970-2010 with 30% fewer workers. Demonizing China will not resuscitate the Rust Belt. Social policy is crucial.

Think Tank Warns of NATO-Russia Clash (tags)


Growth, Prosperity and Quality of Life (tags)

"Our understanding of a modern economic and social system is strongly influenced by the phase between 1950 and 1975 when the social market economy was created and democracy was re-stabilized. Since then conditions have changed. New answers are necessary."

No Redistribution Without the Social State (tags)

In Austria 30 percent of the gross domestic product is spent on social services (not including education spending)...Since the 1990s social security has been increasingly discussed as a financial burden and less as a social achievement

Lon Snowden's letter to President Obama (tags)

Dear Mr. President: You are acutely aware that the history of liberty is a history of civil disobedience to unjust laws or practices. As Edmund Burke sermonized, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

Defeating “Right to Work” (tags)

The passage in Michigan of the anti-worker legislation grotesquely misnamed “Right to Work” (RTW) should be putting the entire nation on red alert. The downward pressure on the standard of living such bills unleash on the vast majority extend well beyond the union ranks. The bill’s success in Michigan, a pivotal state for organized Labor, indicates the unfolding of a national campaign by RTW’s backers.

Against Growth Mania and Fair Redistribution (tags)

How can we rebuild our society so we manage with less growth and not collapse when growth does not occur? Consumption beyond a certain level is pathological, a compensation or substitute for missed life (cf. Erich Fromm).

Debt Tribunal and Green Socialism (tags)

Qualitative growth, breaking out of the box of quantitative growth, is the key to solving mass unemployment, environmental destruction and trade imbalance. A job in education costs 1/10 what a job in a chemical dye plant costs. The media is part of a system that refuses change.


The bellicose American elite has the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei your best ally.

Dominant Economy Pretends Its Breakdown Was Unforeseeable (tags)

The consensus of the past two decades on how the macro-economy functions is shattered. The breakdown of the dominant economy is a consequence of the financial crisis, the "great shock."

Stagnation as a Trend-Life with Satiated Markets, Stagnating Economies and Reduced Work (tags)

45 years ago JKGalbraith was shocked at the public squalor alongside private affluence. In 2008-10 trillions were given to banks and Wall St. so private losses became public losses. By relieving corporations of taxes, neoliberal supply side strategy worsens growth and employment.


And when does the Judge forget the main?

Social Security for All (tags)

A Christian view of the person that insists on an undeserved right to life opposes a merciless system that produces more and more wealth for a few and forces more and more people into poverty. The narrowing of work to paid work must be broken by the new model of work for all.


It is impossible to hide the truth of everybody the whole time. When is it that the fucking American soldiers will learn this?


To think in politics it is necessary to take into account the symbolic effect of some decisions.


The BP oil blowout is an environmental catastrophe, bringing great peril to marine and wildlife in the Gulf and threatening ecosystems of the planet. The spill is still out of control and spreading. It jeopardizes communities and livelihoods. The government and BP have proven unable and unwilling to stop the disaster, protect the Gulf, or even tell the truth. The people must come together now to stop this nightmare.


Us American we continued in the war business, Obama said.

USA recruits young to do the ciberwar (tags)

USA war company.


Speech of Obama on Iran convinces few.


In criminal subjects it is necessary to accomplish the Law, nothing else.

Planned Economy Instead of Chaos Economy (tags)

For years US imports have doubled US exports. For 10 years China has contributed $2 billion a day to finance US consumerism. Trade policy in the WTO, GATT and NAFTA have led to mass unemployment. Part time work for all and/or unconditional basic income could humanize society and assure dignified life.

Combat troops to replace support troops in Afghanistan as Obama’s war escalates (tags)

The Los Angeles Times reports on September 2nd that the Pentagon is planning on replacing up to 14,000 U.S. “support” troops in Afghanistan with “combat” troops (see,0,6170770.story). The Times reports the support units will be replaced by "trigger-pullers,” according to Department of Defense (DOD) officials.

Pirate Bay Slaps Corporate Terrorists In The Face (tags)

The Pirate Bay has been on the battle lines fighting for free speech rights across the Internet, defending our rights against corporate criminals who engage in racketeering against average every-day citizens who share news, information, books, video, photographs, and other information with each other, activities the corporate Fascists wish to stop.

Revolution: Why it’s Necessary, Why it’s Possible, and What it’s all about (tags)

Revolution: Why it’s Necessary, Why it’s Possible, and What it’s all about. In 2003 Bob Avakian delivered this historic talk in the United States. This is a wide-ranging revolutionary journey. It breaks down the very nature of the society we live in and how humanity has come to a time where a radically different society is possible. He lays it all out in a nine-hour speech-and then goes into three hours of question-and-answer dialogue with the audiences. It's all there-full of heart and soul, humor and seriousness.

The Return of the State (tags)

The state is welcome again in this plight. The brazenness with which those who caused the crisis now demand state subsidies to bailout the financial system is just as breathtaking as the state readiness to fulfill this demand.

From a Failed Growth Economy to a Steady-State Economy (tags)

This past week was the United States Society for Ecological Economics bi-annual conference (at American University near Washington DC). Herman Daly was honored for his many and longstanding contributions.

9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo? (tags)

Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy.

Capitalism and Nature: Elmar Altvater (tags)

The capitalist formation of society is characterized by growth fetishism, the notion that boundless growth is socially necessary. Capitalism is historical. "If its beginning is certain, its end is also certain."

Alexander: Socialists Say Nationalize All U.S. Banks (tags)

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan thinks it’s necessary to temporarily nationalize some banks. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke in recent statements has indicated that the nationalization of some banks may be necessary under certain conditions, and many economic analysts believe nationalization is only a matter of time; however, socialists nationwide say nationalization of all U.S. banks is now necessary to achieve a national economic recovery.

No One Can Escape the Crisis (tags)

From a long-term perspective, the crisis could bring about a radical rethinking in politics and the economy away from the mantra of shareholder value and the pursuit of short-term profits. The neoliberal model of the Washington consensus has revealed its fundamental weaknesses.

Back from the Wilderness: Joseph Stiglitz (tags)

Economy theory has long explained why unhindered markets do not correct themselves, why regulation was necessary and why the government had an important role to play int he economy. Many who worked for the financial markets forced a kind of market fundamentalism.

The Fraudbuster’s Manual (tags)

Manipulation of voting machinery looms large over the upcoming election.

A discussion is provided, to be spread freely if you please, so that the eyes of We the People can guard our Liberty from any would-be oppressor. An emergency voting system to be established in case of Fraud is described.

Uncoupling Happiness and Consumption (tags)

The promised happiness is not possible through more and more consumption. We tinker with a reality-construction, a "reality of the second order" that represses the "reality of the first order." The "good life" can be very well organized.

Theses on the Basic Income Discussion (tags)

Poverty can only be overcome globally. A change in perspective is necessary where social assistance is seen as positive and not negative. Without a committment to human dignity and a human future, barbarism seems inevitable.

Sign petition to lift travel restrictions on Palestinian journalist (tags)

Please sign this petition to help lift travel restrictions placed in this palestinian journalist.

Feminist Self-defense: No God! No Master! No Sexist Aggressions! (tags)

* El Libertario published in its 51st edition (Venezuela, Novermber - Dicember 2007) a text compilation that expresses important aspects of what anarchism proposes may be done to face the growing problem of gender violence.

The Power of Fossil (tags)

A redirection toward regenerative sources of energy is our ownly option. A conversion of energy production and a change of our way of life are indispensable. Energy autonomy is only possible with smaller units and democratic procedures of self-determined energy policy.

Analysis: EU force may reach Chad in Jan. (tags)

Gen. Henri Bentegeat, chairman of the EU Military Committee, said Thursday the forces will be fully operational by the end of the year..."If we aren't welcome, we'll make ourselves welcome. If necessary by force," Bentegeat said, reiterating the EU forces will have a mandate allowing them to use violence if they see it fit.

Presidential Candidate Wants Iraq Vote on Ballots (tags)

Many top Congressional Democrats and Republicans are now taking the position that it will be necessary for the US to maintain a military presence in Iraq into 2009. Despite plummeting American support for the Iraq War, Congress continues to support the occupation and American imperialism. Stewart Alexander, a presidential hopeful with Peace and Freedom Party, believes it has become necessary to put the Iraq War vote in the hands of the American voters.

The Amazon is in danger... Let's really save it! (tags)

I will now mention only three of the most visible and destructive ones: 1. The wood extration, 2. The introduction of cattle and 3. The plantation of soy for exportation.

Manifiesto: Wellcome Energy Crisis (tags)

This text is translated in 6 languages, spreaded around te world. Brake our oil adiction. Act now!

The Stressed New Generation (tags)

Adults have fear of the world because they don't know how to deal with that world.. The traps are now different. They look very frightening for those over 59 because there ia a new communication system that most elders can no longer grasp.



What we can learn from the immigrants rights march (tags)

Two days after May Day's mobilization of immigrants and their supporters, Ricardo Alarcon, President of Cuba's National Assembly, took a look at the marches and drew some conclusions. for the struggle for a better world everywhere.

The Contradictions are our Hope (tags)

Multilateral trade agreements-like the WTO-are not per se something good, especially when they only codify the rules of the rich. Until trade policy changes, massive changes of social hierarchies of power are necessary Th WTO is undemocratic and unjust.

The Land Needs a New Vision (tags)

In capitalism, production is for the market instead of for satisfying needs..The postulate `Work as cheap as possible and at the worst possible conditions' leadsus back to the 19h century. We are far removed today from the watchword More Time for Living and Loving'.

Good Girl Rice, Bad Boy Chavez? (tags)

Ms. Rice calls for a United Front against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Why? What ar the objectives behind such a move? We look at it from a both, Latin (in this case Brazilian) and U.S., American persepective.

Two-Camp Theory (tags)

George Bush's speech on the State of the Nation justifies a world war.. The empire makes clear that games of hide-and-seek are not necessary.

Populist #11 (tags)

Deficiencies of Our Current Federal System

The Whole Bakery! (tags)

"Rebuilding the social state is imperative.. Leftist feminists never wanted half of the mouldy cake but sought to change the bakery completely.. An alliance against education- and social cuts is vital.."

The Unconditional Basic Income (tags)

Alternatives to the work society are necessary. A political movement is only credible today if it positions itself to the changes of the world of work and presents alternatives to the crisis of the work society. Basic income is a first step to freedom.

10 Reasons Why a Basic Income is Necessary Today (tags)

A basic income could heal our fragmented society caught in work fanaticism and work fetishism.. A basic income could change social attitudes and goals and give real meaning to the human rights to life and participation.

Looking For Harvey Weinstein (tags)

The true story of Modern day Michelangelo in a place where folk think Fresco is a soda and Michelangelo a puffy hairdresser from Becerly Hills.

Author Reading-"Liberty in Troubled Times" SM B&N 7/8 7:30pm (tags)

Author James Walsh reads from his 4th book "Liberty in Troubled TImes" 7:30pm Thursday July 8th, Barnes and Noble, 3rd St. Promenade, SM.

Grassroots Effort to Save Theatre Garners International Support (tags)

Snubbing an imminent appellate court ruling, Raymond Theatre developers choose to “build at their own risk,” moving ahead with a March 15 project Design Review. City officials, expecting record-breaking crowds, change venues for what may be the final hearing in the 16-year battle to save historic Pasadena theatre. Friends of the Raymond Theatre prepare to take legal action to stop demolition, while supporters gear up to block bulldozers if necessary.

Rosebraugh Releases Political Violence Book (tags)


2nd Amendment: Right to Keep and Bear Arms (tags)

A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.



BlackBloc Calling in Austin Tx. May 3rd! (tags)

It is time for anti-authoritarians,anti-imperialist, and like minded individuals to converge on the "Showdown in Texas" and show our solidarity against this capitalist machine.


Boycotting is not the only solution, but it's one of many tactics. How do we boycott our own country's goods? By changing our spending patterns. It's something that everyone can do.

No, The Police Were Not Provoked. (tags)

My response to someone that said that the police were justified in their actions, and that non-peaceful protest was in opposition to the point. The incidents that happened to me specifically are in reference to the Hollywood Oscars protests.


the murder has begun..



Our Troops "They Died For Ariel Sharon" (tags)

"Our troops will be fighting a proxy war in Iraq, and beyond, not to protect U.S. citizens from terrorist attacks, but to make the world safe for Israel. When the dead are buried, let the following be inscribed on their tombstones: They died for Ariel Sharon."

U.S. Army signals war concerns (poster, article) (tags)

U.S. Army fears that bringing democracy and stability to Iraq may be an impossible task. (Article below)

Top of the Fold (tags)

"National defense is one of the cardinal duties of a statesman." --John Adams

Proposal of netstrike de Isole nella Rete against the last detentions (tags)

The arrests of the political activists in South of Italy are really grave. It's urgent to give an strong and united response. Isole nella Rete is proposing a netstrike. Over the skin of the activists from the South is the future of all the political activism.

New at (tags)

lots of new stuff

May 4, 1970: Kent State Massacre (tags)

32 years ago 4 Kent State University students were shot dead on campus by the Ohio National Guard, some just walking to class. 8 others were wounded.


ORGANIZERS! Help do your part to promote the international day of protest against the war on December 22, with a few clicks of a button! MASS ACTION IS ABSOLUTLEY NECESSARY, more bloodshed and starvation is imminent, and citizens in the U.S. and allied countries are losing freedoms rapidly! WE NEED TO DO THIS, OR WE WILL REGRET IT IN THE FUTURE!!!

Non-violent means can be just as effective (tags)

non-violent methods to shut down any summit

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