fix articles 16152, so many Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : so many

so many

We the Scattered in the Insult Society (tags)

Hans-Peter Martin is the author of "Game Over. Prosperity for a Few, Democracy for No One and Nationalism for Everyone" (2018). Now it is Game Over for the West, for our civilization model. Capitalism functions without democracy, without observing liberal human rights.

Brazil wants true justice for Lula! (tags)

Lula's trial must be annulled, Sergio Moro must be removed from the magistracy, dangerous element he is, and Wilson Center’s staff must recycle their behavior patterns! Humanity is tired of this mud! We all know that much more and much better is possible!

Universal Battle Against Inhumane Government (tags)

No man, nor institution may rob me of my liberty.

Cathedral on Verge of Collapse (tags)

The Campaign to Save Mren: An Interview with Dr. Christina Maranci

What is the Origin of Wealth? (tags)

"Europe faces the choice of falling apart in the crisis or taking steps to another economic model," 50 scholars from the advisory board of Attac Germany declared. They make the connection between the chaos of the financial markets and the scandalous distribution of wealth

What's the Difference Between a Comb-Over and Shaved Balls? (tags)

This is a before-and-after story endemic to politics everywhere. Self-aggrandizing, rich assholes hide their true motives to get elected. Once they're elected they fiddle while Rome burns.

Beadwork and beautiful handmade beaded jewelry (tags)

The technique of beadwork is fairly basic and straightforward. It requires neither extensive train nor is it difficult to accomplish. It does require just patience as beadwork can be very monotonous. There are so many people wholesale beads online for make their own jewelry such as: necklace, bracelets, and even crystal earrings and finger rings.

Ten Days Left to Apply to the 2010 School of Authentic Journalism (tags)

It is a herald of the hour we live in that the New York Times has to lay off eight percent of its news reporters but the Narco News School of Authentic Journalism is out scouting and recruiting for a different kind of journalism that is growing and on the ascent.

Eric McDavid - Update and Writing from Eric (tags)

Update on Eric and writing from him

Transgenders Criticize LGB Choice of Film for Festival (tags)

This Saturday, July 21, Outfest is showing the controversial new film, GENDERCATOR at the Village, 1125 N. McCaden Pl, Hollywood, @ 6 pm. It has been labeled alarmingly transphobic (towards trans men) by many, and was even pulled from San Francisco's film festival, Frameline.

Open Letter to Amnesty International on the Iraqi Constitution (tags)

There are so many problems in Iraq now, so many crimes committed daily, where innocent people are killed, arrested, tortured. Why is it so important to neglect all these crimes and be busy with the constitution? Why is it so urgent?

July 7 bombings: Another reason to end war and occupation (tags)

Will the July 7 bombings in London be followed by greater opposition to imperialist war and occupation--which has already cost so many lives and so much suffering in so many countries?

More pictures of the 3/19 anti-war protest in Los Angeles (tags)

Thousands marched in Hollywood to shout out their message of peace, patriotism, and even revolution.



The Politics of Silence (tags)

Transgender women of color are disproportionately target for the most violent of hate crimes. 35 years ago, their outrage at New York City policemen sparked the gay liberation movement. Now, as the Gwen Araujo case stalls in a mistrial, most mainstream LGB group seem to have forgotten.

"The Face of Victory" - Gulf War Soldier song (David Rovics) (tags)

"The Face of Victory" - David Rovics. Song about Gulf War Soldier. Live performance from February, 2004 in Vancouver, BC MP3 - 96Kbps - 4minutes 45 seconds. (4:45)

Bush Iraq Anniversary- March 20 Protester-Terrorists (?) (tags)

The madness of GW Bush is awakening billions. Soon people everywhere will know that it is not Bush but most US people who love their system and their garages full of simple-minded polluting junk, crap, waste, crack and suffering

Where Can Liberals Go to Get Respect? (tags)

Libertarian logic is circular -- If something isn't working, the solution is always the same: We need even freer markets and even less regulation -- without a mystical faith in free markets, their arguments fall apart.

Know Thy Enemy (tags)

Since Bush is encountering so many protestors while in Britain, I thought I'd put my crack research staff on finding out as much information about protestors as they could. Here's what they found:

Reportback from LASSO rally Sunday, 11/23 (tags)

A report from the LASSO/UFCW rally this past Sunday at the Pavilions on Olympic and Beverly/Beverwil

we rushed to aid the rich in SD (tags)

we rushed

Toronto Star Column Hints at a Staged 9/11 as Pretext for War! (tags)

Roll over Chomsky, Corn and Albert! This one's dedicated to those self-proclaimed "anti-conspiratorialists" who won't even hear of the possibility and the REALITY of government/corporate/military conspiracies. Hats off to Landsberg for breaking the code of silence in the official press! Her subtle allusions to the events of 9/11 are to be commended.

The bankruptcy of the anti-Americanists (tags)

The End of An Era

Down the Drain - Congress Wallows in Buckets of Blood (tags)

DOWN THE DRAIN: Congress Wallows in Buckets of Blood - God's Name Evoked Yet Again

The Peace Movement Continues - Report-back Oct. 13th in Westwood (tags)

As the drumbeat of war persists and American bombs continue to fall on Afghanistan, the peace movement here at home persists in sending a message that many Americans are in strong opposition to this war.

Remember our dead hero in Italy (tags)

It is important to remember the death of young Carlos in Genoa. So many times the movement has forgotten the sacrafices that people make on the streets.

democratic party wrapping just got spoiled (tags)

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