fix articles 160691, leumi bank israel
Vancouver Libertarian Paul Geddes brings CIA racist stock money launderers to Canada (tags)
Aren't you as a Canadian capable of creating your own political party that at least has no ties to stock fraud,money laundering gold and mortgage scams of the U.S.Libertarian Party and Republican 'libertarian-in-chief' Ron Paul with his criminal ties to James Dale Davidson's,Lord William Rees-Mogg's and ex CIA 'economist' Mark Skousen's Agora Inc crime family ?!
Ex U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow,Michael Moore, Cerberus,Bawag Austria and Cuba (tags)
Funny you don't hear about the present Treasury Secretary going after ex Treasury Secretary John Snow for his conflict in spying on interbank financial transactions as U.S. Secretary of Treasury through SWIFT of Brussels,Belgium with CIA and perhaps SRA International's Mantas data mining software followed by John Snow's resigning his U.S. Treasury Secretary financial spy post in Europe to BUY BAWAG BANK with Dan Quayle,John Snow,the Kellogg Brown and Root boys and some well heeled Jewish billionaires(who helped them buy Leumi Bank of Israel and who are modest and wish to remain anonymous) !?