fix articles 160623, tony ryals wednesday
Vancouver Libertarian Paul Geddes brings CIA racist stock money launderers to Canada (tags)
Aren't you as a Canadian capable of creating your own political party that at least has no ties to stock fraud,money laundering gold and mortgage scams of the U.S.Libertarian Party and Republican 'libertarian-in-chief' Ron Paul with his criminal ties to James Dale Davidson's,Lord William Rees-Mogg's and ex CIA 'economist' Mark Skousen's Agora Inc crime family ?!
9/11,Mohamed Atta:Titan Corp's Makram Chams Suspends U.S. Constitution (tags)
I have never heard Mr.Chams version of events in Venice,Florida and his association with Mohamed Atta there and of how he came to be the owner of the Kwik-Check that cashed Mohamed Atta's $70,000 check from Dubai.