fix articles 160613, fannie mae freddie mac
Vancouver Libertarian Paul Geddes brings CIA racist stock money launderers to Canada (tags)
Aren't you as a Canadian capable of creating your own political party that at least has no ties to stock fraud,money laundering gold and mortgage scams of the U.S.Libertarian Party and Republican 'libertarian-in-chief' Ron Paul with his criminal ties to James Dale Davidson's,Lord William Rees-Mogg's and ex CIA 'economist' Mark Skousen's Agora Inc crime family ?!
Fannie Mae: Barnie Frank Goes Down On Moses,SEC Chris Cox Cries 'Naked Shorts' (tags)
Of particular interest to me although not the biggest part of the Fannie Mae Freddie Mac money laundering fraud is the lie told by the SEC Chairman and social parasite and war criminal Chris Cox that Fannie Mae, were 'naked shorted' a term made up by penny stock manipulators meaning 'counterfeitted' when Cox can't point to a single example and those who have run penny stock scams and pump and dump money laundering ops are in fact protected by him and so continue to lie about their criminal enterprises or public companies being 'naked shorted' because they are never punished !