fix articles 15982, for america Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : for america

for america

Trump's United States looks more and more like a banana republic (tags)

"The country that was once an exemplary democracy is becoming a Third World banana republic." For a week now, Joe Biden has been declared the winner of the election and future president. But the loser and previous incumbent Donald Trump refuses to acknowledge this. Trump claims he won the election.

Bernie Sanders in Las Vegas: Being free, being high and eminent domain (tags)

The proclamation of a national climate emergency, the ban on oil and gas exports and the import of cheap medicines from Canada are to be implemented by means of the so-called "Executive Order"


By Yair Rosenberg January 30, 2017 • 9:11 AM Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google Plus Pinterest On Friday, President Donald Trump issued an executive order barring all immigrants and visa holders from entering the U.S. from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days. The order included green card holders and also banned all refugees for 120 days. Given the Jewish historical experience with being both refugees and subjected to religious loyalty tests, this directive unsurprisingly evoked a strong reaction from much of the American Jewish community. As so—contrary to some earlier claims—Jewish groups across the spectrum mobilized in opposition to the executive order, in a rare display of unity. The American Jewish Committee was one of the first out of the gate, offering a detailed rebuttal to the policy: “For more than 110 years, AJC has been a consistent voice for a fair, non-discriminatory, and generous U.S. refugee and immigration policy,” AJC CEO David Harris said. “We are all related to those fortunate enough to have been admitted to this country – in my case, my mother, father, wife, and daughters-in-law, and we believe that other deserving individuals merit the same opportunities to be considered for permanent entry.” Assuring security in the implementation of immigration laws and procedures is essential, but lost in the current discussion over the suspension of refugee admissions and the issuance of all visas to citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries this week – as in the rhetoric of the presidential campaign – are several facts: • Refugees from Syria, Iraq and other states in violent upheaval are already laboriously and intrusively vetted by U.S. immigration authorities, assisted by U.S. intelligence agencies, in cooperation with other nations’ intelligence services. For those approved, it generally takes 18 to 24 months to gain U.S. admission; • Refugees from Central America are, almost exclusively, women and children who are at risk of violence, sexual assault, and even death if they are returned to their home countries. They deserve compassion and a fair hearing. • The terrorist threat attributed to refugees is a cruel and distracting fiction, especially when viewed against the actual incidence of mass violence committed with chilling frequency – in schools, churches, shopping malls and other venues – against Americans by Americans. In the 14 years ending in October 2015, a period in which 784,000 refugees were resettled in the United States, there were exactly three arrests for planning terrorist activities (none of which occurred); • Since the 1951 UN Refugee Convention, the United States and the international community as a whole have recognized an obligation to assist refugees. For America to close its eyes – and its borders – to even painstakingly vetted refugees contravenes that international treaty. President Trump, of course, is authorized to assert the sovereign right of the U.S. to assure the integrity of America’s borders and the effective enforcement of the country’s immigration and asylum laws… However, blanket suspensions of visas and refugee admission would suggest guilt by association – targeted primarily at Muslims fleeing violence and oppression. AJC regards such actions, contrary to international perceptions of a compassionate America and reinforcing anti-Muslim stereotypes, as both unjust and unwarranted. As the full scope of the executive order became clearer in airports across the country, the AJC later told reporters, “We are outraged by the new US refugee policy, its draconian face. This is not the American way.” The Anti-Defamation League was similarly scathing. “History will look back on this order as a sad moment in American History – the time when the president turned his back on people fleeing for their lives,” said ADL executive director Jonathan Greenblatt. “This will effectively shut America’s doors to the most vulnerable people in the world who seek refuge from unspeakable pain and suffering.” “For the Sunni family whose son languishes in prison in Iran because of his faith, for the former Army translator in Iraq who has been threatened because of his service,

Support Al Carroll’s A Proposed New Constitution and a New Constitutional Convention (tags)

To end the buying and selling of elections, overturning Citizens United will not be enough! We need a new constitutional convention, one truly representative of the people, for a new constitution to end the power of elites. Congress, show you are truly of the people! Presidential candidates, show you serve the people and not the big donors! Support Al Carroll's A Proposed New Constitution

"The Great Transformation Has Begun" (tags)

The core of this system, its over-arching law, is the endless accumulation of capital. That is its main goal to which everything else is subordinated. Persons and nature are used to make more money out of money. Therefore we are degraded to little wheels in this machine.

Systemic Injustice in America (tags)

police state

Duplicitous Obama Civil Rights Hyperbole (tags)


No Joy to the World This Christmas (tags)


Predicting Protracted Hard Times (tags)

class war

America's Fiscal Cliff (tags)

class war

Targeted Killings: US and Israeli Specialties (tags)

rogue states

America's Weak Jobs Report (tags)

class war

New York Times: Railing Against Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Promoting Fear and Hate in America (tags)


NATO Style Liberation (tags)


Unverified Misreporting on Libya (tags)


Haiti's Cholera Outbreak: A Disease of Poverty (tags)

America bears much of the responsibility

Immanuel Wallerstein's Worldview (tags)

important views

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Full Spectrum Dominance" (tags)

must-read on US imperial aims

Reviewing Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt": Part VI (tags)

Part VI of Federal Reserve Plunder

A New Administration, Tired Old Policies (tags)

Counterproductive policies heading America for depression

Doug Dowd's "At the Cliff's Edge - Part II" (tags)

a stinging indictment of US imperialism

Apocalypse No! (tags)

“The time of warnings, passive resistance and conformity is already passed. All of us are now confronted with an enormous challenge: SURVIVAL" - Council of Indigenous Elders and Priests of the Americas

The Incompetent American (or, the "Ugly American" on Steroids) (tags)

Although some level of incompetence in government is universally expected, it started accelerating towards its pinnacle in the US after the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to install Bush in the presidency.

God Begs (tags)

I beg you on behalf of myself and God, please!

HERO - A bushite killer speaks candidly (tags)

That is a high act of treason. And it's not, "oh well, but maybe it's not true.." No, we have the two documents of question. We have the positions that were offered to the bush administration on behalf of American intelligence. [the N.I.E.] That was their position, the bush administration censored that, re-wrote CRITICAL sentences. Fixed the intel.

A bushite killer speaks freely (tags)

Where are Americans to stand up for the Christian virtues?, That are present within any concepualizations of who God would be? Is God not Just? Would not God wish to follow the crimes scene leads at the real murder scenes to arrest the true evil doers?

My Obsession with Jews (tags)

Now and then I get letters and e-mail messages asking why I am so "obsessed" with Jews and Israel. The question amuses me. It would be one thing if I often wrote about Mali, or Honduras, or Borneo, or any other nation or country most people remember only as a name from geography class.

The Real Clash of Civilizations: Progressives versus the Neo-Cons (tags)

I have no quarrel with honest, decent conservatives. The essence of conservatism is the preservation of what is best from the past, the unwillingness to change what remains useful or valid just for the sake of change.

neoconservatives seek to ensnare US in an endless series of wars (tags)

by Pat Buchanan Does all this explain why bush was brought to power?..Incidentally, and just to be controversial, its my view that sept 11 could have been orchestrated by the neoconservatives

A War in the Planning for Four Years (tags)

Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR Put War Plans In a 1997 Book - It Is "A Blueprint for World Dictatorship," Says a Former German Defense and NATO Official Who Warned of Global Domination in 1984, in an Exclusive Interview With FTW

WHOSE WAR? (tags)

A neoconservative clique seeks to ensnare our country in a series of wars that are not in America’s interest.


They came, they saw, they conquered. Now the United States dominates the world. With the rise of the New Age Roman empire, Jonathan Freedland asks how long before the fall?

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