fix articles 159713, university medical center
Tucson police: UMC staff photographed patient's 'ambiguous genitalia' (tags)
Some doctors are perverts. Make sure your doctor is not secretly photographing you.
Another labor leader killed in S. Tagalog (tags)
A LABOR leader was shot dead on Monday while two others were wounded in an ambush near a Japanese firm’s office in Imus, Cavite. The victim was Jose Servida, 36, a worker-leader of the EMI Yasaki factory in Imus. He was declared dead on arrival at the University Medical Center from a lone gunshot wound in the chest.
Leaving Las Vegas for a healthier state of being? (tags)
Since Nevada is no longer a frontier state, a fundamental rethinking of health care is in order; "The libertarian attitude has to evolve" else "we should all leave"
The Sweet Taste of Death (tags)
Aspartame is also the reason for the epidemic of obesity as its a neurotoxic drug that makes you crave carbohydrates so you gain weight. (See protest of National Soft Drink Association on It is also makes the liver so toxic as it embalms you (Trocho Study, l998), that its hard to even lose weight.