fix articles 159484, mahmoud ahmadinedschad
An Immoral War Coalition (tags)
Waging a new war that would exceed all the wars since the Vietnam War with the reason that Iran could produce nuclear bombs in ten years is even more absurd than the lie of weapons of mass destruction with which the Iraq war was justified.
The Fear of the Islamic Bomb (tags)
Iran's president provokes in order to divert. the message seems directed outwards and yet primarily has a domestic political nature. A face-saving solution is crucial. Megaloma-nia, arrogance and invulnerability are sicknesses in the US and Iran.
Calls for Dialogue in the Iran Crisis (tags)
Renunciation on force and non-aggression guarantees are crucial for de-activating the crisis along with convening a UN mediation commission. All military options must be excluded.
A moratorium and a UN mediation commis-sion are vital to prevent escalation in the Iran nuclear conflict.. Since 1968, the nuclear weapon states have refused negotiations on total nuclear disarmament.