fix articles 15936, y canto
The Eagle Rock Vigil Enters its Sixth Year (tags)
Reflections, a retrospective, and a (mostly-accurate) list of film screenings at Flor y Canto from 2003-2005.
Film Night at Flor y Canto: March 2003-September 2005 (Part 1 of 2) (tags)
To mark the five-year anniversary of the Eagle Rock Peace Vigil, here is a list of films shown at Flor y Canto over a two-and-a-half year period. These almost-weekly screenings were an outgrowth of the Eagle Rock Vigil. (A link to the rest of this list can be found below in "comments.")
Farewell Flor y Canto, Hello Sandpaper Books – Video from Friday’s party (tags)
Farewell Flor y Canto, Hello Sandpaper Books – Video from Friday’s party
Flor y Canto: Farewell Los Angeles... (tags)
Farewell Los Angeles... Flor y Canto is closing down.
Bike Exhibits Opening June 4 (tags)
NELA Bikes! Art meets human powered transport for a sustainable city: June 4 – 26 NELA Bikes! is a month-long series of events being planned in Northeast LA to celebrate bike culture and inspire people to get out of their cars and ride. It’s being organized in conjunction with Bike Summer 2005, a city wide bicycle extravaganza that comes to Los Angeles this June after being hosted by seven other cities around the US and Canada.
Gino Strada at Flor y Canto 3/19 (tags)
Dr. Gino Strada, internationally known war surgeon and founder of the Italian medical relief group EMERGENCY, will be reading and answering questions at Flor y Canto on Saturday, March 19th at 3:00.
Arlington West at Flor y Canto (tags)
Sally and Peter Dudar will be special guests at Flor y Canto this Friday evening at a screening of their new film Arlington West
Miami Model film screening 11/12 at 8pm-Flor y Canto (tags)
Miami Model- Indymedia film-2004 Friday Nov. 12th at 8pm Flor y Canto 3706 N. Figueroa 90065
When the Organizing Committee of the October Surprise went fishing in the Arroyo this summer, we weren't sure what we'd find - so we asked for everything.
Free University-This Saturday 7/31! (tags)
A a short introduction to Anti-Oedipus and overview of Deleuze & Guattari's concept of revolutionary desire as it relates to political collectivity and the dynamics of group formations.
Flor Y Canto Art Auction (tags)
Lend a Hand is a silent art auction for Flor Y Canto
Lend a Hand to Flor y Canto (tags)
Art contributions of any medium are needed by 7/29 for a silent auction benefitting Flor y Canto Centro Comunitario in Highland Park
Flor y Canto needs your help! (tags)
Flor y Canto needs your help & Friday Film Night.
Flor y Canto needs your help & Friday's Film (tags)
Flor y Canto needs your help & Friday's Film
September Events at Flor y Canto (tags)
September Events at Flor y Canto, Razorcake reading this Sunday
Splitting The Sky Speaking Tour in LA ! (tags)
Splitting the Sky May, 2003, California Speaking Tour
Brew not Bombs Benefit Party! (tags)
Brew not Bombs Benefit Party at Flor y Canto Sat. 15 8pm! More homebrew, less bombs!
Flor y Canto Benefit, Tonight! (tags)
Benefit show for Flor y Canto @ Mr T's
BeeHive Collective Present "Plan Colombia" at Flor y Canto (tags)
BeeHive Collective Present "Plan Colombia" at Flor y Canto Friday Jan. 31st @7pm
Flor y Canto Benefit rain update (tags)
The benefit has been moved to Flor y Canto due to rain.
Benefit Day for Flor y Canto,This Saturday November 30th (tags)
Benefit Day for Flor y Canto,This Saturday November 30th. Stop by and help us raise some much needed funds.
Fundraisers for Flor y Canto! (tags)
Flor y Canto needs your monetary support! Come help us out during our fundraising day, Sat Nov 30, either during the used book sale or for the music event later in the evening at a local Highland Park back yard.
"Boom: The Sound of Eviction" film showing at Flor y Canto (tags)
Free film showing this Friday Nov 22 at FyC, dealing with Gentrification.
Fire in the Eyes- Tonight at Flor y Canto (tags)
"Fire in the Eyes", an evening of live music and images highlighting direct action resistance for land and freedom.
Fire in the Eyes and 2003 Slingshot Organizers (tags)
Fire in the Eyes Monday Oct. 28 7pm at Flor y Canto. video presentation part is just around 30 minutes
Sept events and Volunteer meeting at Flor y Canto (tags)
September Events and Volunteer meeting at Flor y Canto
ATTENTION: Anti-Authoritarians of Color! (tags)
"...But this! Year Zero, will be ours! If we allow ourselves to sleep, we will sleep with one eye open. If we dare to dream, we will dream on our feet. And when the nightmares return pounding on our doors, they will find us awake and armed, because our memory is fire in the house of centuries past." -El Compay Nando
Anti-Authoritarians of Color! (All you "Tanarchists") (tags)
"...But this! Year Zero, will be ours! If we allow ourselves to sleep, we will sleep with one eye open. If we dare to dream, we will dream on our feet. And when the nightmares return pounding on our doors, they will find us awake and armed, because our memory is fire in the house of centuries past." -El Compay Nando
Film Night at Flor y Canto: Paint it Black, Fri. Nov 23 (tags)
Paint it Black: Anarchism, Urban Uprising, and the Mainstream News is will be showing at Flor y Canto, Friday Nov. 23 at 7pm.