fix articles 15828, relative
The End of Neoliberalism and the Crisis of Capitalism (tags)
"Guaranteeing the social infrastructure and social security for everyone should be central instead of guarantees for banks and corporations and socialization and democratization of the economy instead of nationalization!"
Did U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes and ICE conspire in illegal activity? (tags)
For Israel/Palestine: The Meaning of 'RELATIVE CALM' – LA Times Style (tags)
Over all, I guess what he [THE L.A. TIMES] means is relatively obvious: That he can run whatever he wants, distort whatever he desires, lead with whatever his lies. I guess he means that FACTS don't matter, TRUTH is irrelevant, and deceit the order of the day. I guess he means that Americans are pawns, readers are sheep, and people will just keep swallowing whatever the media choose to dish out. I hope you'll tell him he's wrong: 213-237-5000 or