fix articles 158270, harvard study
Will Jimmy Carter’s Book Liberate the Palestinians? (tags)
The year 2006 was another hell on earth for the Palestinian people, especially in Gaza. Is there any hope for relief? Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” led to freedom for African-Americans. Question: Will ex-President Jimmy Carter’s tome, “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid,” play a comparable role in ending the evil of the Israeli Occupation?
Kevin Zeese: “It’s Time to Try Diplomacy in Middle East!” (tags)
Since the end of WWII, the U.S. policy in the Middle East has created only “more anger-more hatred for our county,” said Kevin Zeese. Speaking on 09/13/06, at the Palestine Center, in D.C., Zeese ripped the Bush-Cheney Gang for giving Israel the “green light” to terrorize Lebanon for 33-days. Zeese also took it to task for abandoning the Palestinians and for its hostile attitude towards Iran. “It’s time to try diplomacy in the Middle East,” he said.
Kevin Zeese Challenges Rep. Cardin on Israel (tags)
Kevin Zeese, an Independent candidate for U.S. Senate from Maryland, is shaking up the Establishment. Despite the “unmatched power” the Israel Lobby exerts over our foreign policy, Zeese is challenging Rep. Ben Cardin to speak out about Israel’s “terror military policy” in Occupied Gaza and Lebanon. Cardin, who is also running for the U.S. Senate in MD, submitted a two sentence reply to Zeese. The people of Maryland deserve better!
What’s Next for the Palestinians - Starvation? (tags)
Since 01/06, when the Palestinians elected a Hamas-dominated government, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have accelerated their brutal treatment. After Israeli PM, Ehud Olmert, appeared before the lapdog U.S. Congress on May 31, 2006, the IOF also slaughtered 32 Palestinians, including 10 children. On 06/23/06, Tim Rothermel and Laila El-Haddad, at a Capitol Hill forum, warned that the Palestinians may, eventually, face starvation, too.
Fundamentalist Christianity Weds the Military (tags)
Fundamentalist Christianity weds the military and their offspring is ecclesiastically induced genocidal war from the command center of Fatherland Patriarchy [1]
Should Noam Chomsky Reset His Compass? (tags)
Noam Chomsky was interviewed for the 2005 book, “Imperial Ambitions.” In it, he addressed the Iraqi War, but he failed to take on the hawkish Neocons. Chomsky said the war was about the “control of oil.” He also ignored the influential Israeli Lobby’s role in agitating for the conflict. In the introduction, a colleague said that he “misses nothing.” Question: How can that be true, if Chomsky missed the six ton elephant in the room - the Israeli Lobby?
Sheehan Labels Bush’s White House: “A Crime Scene!” (tags)
On May 18, 2006, activists attempted to deliver a “Don't Attack Iran” Petition, which was signed by over 43,000 individuals, to a White House official. The bureaucrat refused to accept it, despite the fact that the Right to Petition the government for a redress of grievances is a right older than the Constitution and a cornerstone of the First Amendment. A defiant Cindy Sheehan then labeled George W. Bush’s White House: “A Crime Scene!”
Stop the Neocons from Digging our Graves! (tags)
The Neocons are at it again! Besides Iran, they now are verbally assaulting Russian and China. Robert Kagan, the cofounder of the Zionist-dominated “Project for the New American Century,” (PNAC), accused those two nations of being protectors of a “league of dictators,” which includes Iran. Meanwhile, since “Imperialism,” is supposedly the bad guy, the Israeli Lobby and the Neocons, who helped to push the Iraqi War, continue to get a pass.
Kevin Zeese: “Hawkish Israeli Lobby Wants War with Iran!” (tags)
The Israeli Lobby, with others, helped to instigate the Iraqi War. A scholarly report, the “Harvard Study,” which was recently released, also documents the “unmatched power” of the Lobby over the national interest. Now, the Bush-Cheney Gang is targeting Iran for a pre-empted strike. Is the hawkish, hard right, pro-Israeli Lobby pushing for a war with Iran, too? Kevin Zeese, an independent candidate for U.S. Senate In MD, thinks that it is.