fix articles 157580, peter finch
To the Viktor Go the Spoils (tags)
Americans would do well to listen to listen to thousands of Ukrainians protesting a stolen election, even though they’re shouting in a foreign tongue and it would likely be hard to literally understand them but the message should still be able to be discerned anyway.
Will Clarke Provide the Spark? (tags)
Millions of us yearn for the breakthrough revelation that will finally open the eyes of those who have yet to see Bush and his administration for the scoundrels they are. Will Richard Clarke’s claims lead to that magical moment?
Iraqi "intelligence documents" likely planted (tags)
The problem with these documents is that they are being provided by the U.S. military to a few reporters working for a very suspect newspaper, London's Daily Telegraph (affectionately known as the Daily Torygraph" by those who understand the paper's right-wing slant).