fix articles 1572, car Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : car


Palimpseste sisyphéen (tags)

Et pourquoi pas ?

Paraphysique de la guerre totale (tags)

Partout des autorités subtiles ou manifestes...

Ecosocialist strategy: industrial restructuring (tags)

The findings of international climate research and the IPCC are clear. World society is heading for tipping points that will abruptly change the earth and climate system. As a result, several billion people will lose their previous livelihoods in a few decades.

Météorologie de la souffrance (tags)

La souffrance du monde...

October 2020 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

This October in Honduras, an environmental defender from the heavily persecuted community in resistance against mining, was assassinated. Colonisation processes under the name of Model Cities made further inroads against several communities in Honduras. Several campesino and indigenous communities in land occupations had been attacked, evicted, repressed, faced violence and arrests. Journalists and human rights defender experienced death threats and persecution. COVID-19 continued to claim lives including of health care workers in Honduras - along with two other doctors, a pair of twins - a frontline COVID-19 doctor and a microbiologist aged only 35, died of COVID-19 within days of one another. Read on for this and other news.

Vienna: The Most Livable City of the World (tags)

As early as the zero hour, about ten years ago, we developed the vision of the Smart City with the involvement of civil society. Citizens have said quite clearly: cars out, public transport and pedestrians in.

August 2020 Honduras Coup and Pandemic Update (tags)

This August 2020, we see Honduran people continue to suffer the lack of healthcare and the militarisation under the pandemic, with stories of majorly blatant examples of the dictatorship’s approach to people, arresting and killing a 74 year old healthy man for ‘breaking the curfew’ outside his own home, disappearing a 16 year old whose family had been involved in ‘Where is the Money?’ campaigns, and arresting a COVID-19 frontline doctor, preventing his delivery of an oxygen tank to a patient who needed it, the doctor being someone critical of the JOH dictatorship regime.

March 2020 Honduras coup and pandemic update (tags)

March 2019 Honduras coup update At the beginning of this month, people commemorated that 4 years had passed since Berta Caceres the indigenous feminist environmentalist and anticapitalist leader was murdered, and continued to question how those who had ordered the murder were getting away with this. A teacher and writer who lived a life critical of the dictatorship regimes was murdered. Meanwhile, another school is left with no teachers. The pandemic also arrived in Honduras this month, devastating a people already hungry, lacking healthcare access, and militarised, bringing about a much worse state of affairs.

Worker-Owned Car Wash on Vermont Closed (tags)

Apparently it only lasted about a year.

Pasadenans - get your license plate reader records from police (tags)

The former head of the local ACLU is urging anyone who lives or works in Pasadena to participate in an information-gathering project by filing Public Records Act (PRA) requests for data being captured and stored in the city Police Department’s Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) surveillance program.

The Video ICE Wishes Was Never Made Public (tags)

It looks like a scene out of a movie — men toting shotguns and wearing tactical gear marked "POLICE" suddenly storm into an auto repair shop in South Los Angeles - but they weren't police.

Car drives into immigration protesters outside Rep. Ed Royce's office in Brea (tags)

Car drives into immigration protesters outside Rep. Ed Royce's office in Brea

Brazil, Controversies: Lula, the Car Wash Operation and the Media (tags)

Many in the legal profession in Brazil argue that Judge Moro’s Condemnation of Lula is controversial. So why is this not being taken seriously by the media?

This Week in Palestine, April 21, 2017 (tags)

Hundreds of Palestinian political detainees held by Israel announce this week an open ended hunger strike, meanwhile Israeli troops kill a Palestinian man during a West Bank attack.

Fbi intensifies their treacherous crime spree (tags)

See Evidence that fbi fears my accurate reports on their murderous treachery.

September 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)

September in Honduras. A barber was assassinated after an angry comment to the president on his own facebook. Farmers setting up occupation were violently evicted. Indigenous leaders forced to go into hiding. Lack of justice continues on the Berta Caceres case, this month with an arbitrary arrest against Copinh, her file was stolen by someone robbing the judge's car, and the finance organisation FMO wrote one of the gross reports that doesn't try much to really look like it cares about human rights. This and other news, read on..

Generation Y Doesn't Fulfill Expectations (tags)

The revolution from Silicon Valley has shaken traditional American branches to the core.The Smartphone is more desirable than the car since the drive-in movie theater was replaced by Netflix. "The Facebook post may more important for self-esteem than the Italian vacation."

Why are the Park Rangers making it even more difficult for the homeless in Los Angeles? (tags)

Are The Park Rangers out of step with the new Los Angeles Policies regarding the Homeless?

The fbi's invisible bullets (tags)

See my documentations that show a variety of fbi killing and torture techniques that are invisible to most people.

Insanity of the police/fbi community (tags)

See evidence in this report of the insanity of the law enforcement community in the USA.

Petropawns In Certain States Ban Sale Of Tesla Cars (tags)

The future is here, despite the attempts of the oil industry and its legisllative and judicial pawns to prevent the arrival

Summary of fbi, doj terrorists' assaults on me (tags)

Summary of the unending crimes against me by the fbi assassins follows.

USA puts world and humanity at risk (tags)

See my reports that show how the USA is on a collision course with humanity, as shown in the murderous tactics used by the fbi,cia,dod.

The Electrical Divide: car charger deserts (tags)

There's inequality in access to electric vehicles, not based on price, but on access to electrical infrastructure.

Fight for $15 in LA (tags)

Fight for 15 in LA has been hitting stores along Crenshaw

Chandler Undercover Police Cars (tags)

Here are some undercover police cars used by the Chandler, Arizona Police Department. One car was photographed on Arizona Avenue & Pecos, the other car was photographed on Arizona Avenue & Chandler Blvd. The license plates are both Arizona plates - BEN8578 and ARP3213.

West Hollywood Police Department: "We Don't Need a Reason to Interrogate Pedestrians" (tags)

West Hollywood Police Department: "We Don't Need a Reason to Interrogate Pedestrians"

DEA framed Ramsey Muniz (tags)

Legal assistant and activist Ramsey Muniz was framed by the Drug Enforcement Agency

Remembering Jack Kennedy (tags)


Targeting Iran in Beirut (tags)


Police in America: Licensed to Kill (tags)

police state

Mill Avenue Jack in the Box tows cars (tags)

For years the Jack in the Box on Mill Avenue in Tempe between 7th Street and University has been towing cars and ransoming them back to their owners



Community Protests Police Violence (tags)

January 12, 2013
POMONA - Between 30 and 50 police accountability activists, many of them friends and family of individuals murdered by various area police agencies, gathered on the busy corner of Holt and Garey to call for justice in the shooting death of Andres Avila, who was killed by Pomona police in October of 2011.

Iran Falsely Charged with India and Georgia Attacks (tags)


Protest: ELA Police Checkpoint (tags)

Protest: ELA Police Checkpoint Friday, Feb. 3: 7:00 pm Stop Car Impounds in ELA; Whittier and Hoefner Ave.

Electric cars suck? (tags)

They have a limit range of maybe 65 miles and they are very expensive compared to normal cars with the Volt costing $40,000. I suspect that many tree huggers who thought they were buying a car that used clean electricity to power it will be disappointed when they discover that dirty coal fueled power plants produce the energy they use to charge their allegedly clean electric car.

November 2011 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)

Occupy the Wall Street Occupy the ICE!! Many activist across the county are occupying their community to protest again the greedy top 1% and the corrupted U.S. government policies, immigrant rights activist should also joining this powerful movement to occupy their local Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office to protest against their racist anti-immigrant policies!

BTL:U.S.-NATO Military Intervention in Libya: A Blueprint for the Future? (tags)

Interview with Vijay Prashad, professor and director of International Studies at Trinity College, conducted by Scott Harris

LAPD sergeant a serial burglar? (tags)

According to the following article Los Angeles Police Department Sergeant Lucien "Lou" Daigle is suspected of being a serial burglar.

Garda Armored Car Guard Disarmed, Robbed-Kidnapped (tags)

After disarming the guard who was making a delivery at the Big Lots store, the robber forced the guard into the back of the vehicle, Martin said.

Greg Stanton's Tires Slashed (tags)

When you are running for an office which essentially is the top boss of a legalized form of the Mafia things like this are expected. Does Greg Stanton really think people will love him for stealing their money and giving it to the special interest groups that help him get elected?

The recent surge in racial violence hits Clovis (tags)

A few weeks ago in Clovis, a young Native American woman was attacked by white supremacists. The police department seems to be doing nothing even though they reportedly have the license place number of the a car used by the attackers, and there has been no media coverage. According to a Department of Justice report (2005), "American Indians are more likely than people of other races to experience violence at the hands of someone of a different race."

Seattle cops leave rifle unattened on trunk of cop car (tags)

Seattle cops leave rifle unattended on top of a cop car in downtown Seattle

Almost run over by a Mesa Police Officer (tags)

I was almost run over by a kamakazi pig as I was walking across the street. When I flipped the asshole off he came back and waved his badge at me like he was going to arrest me!

From Chechnya to California: Responses to Killer Pigs (tags)

I read this article on BBC, and couldn't help but think of events in California. As a flyer I saw on the street said, "Let Mehserle Out So He Gets What He Deserves."

Undercover agent shot by drug suspects in Peoria (tags)

Some people say the only good pig is a dead pig. But if you ask alleged Libertarian Mike Renzulli he will say that pigs stands for Pride, Integerity and Guts! Fuck you Renzulli. Maybe you should go join the Republican Party!

Renewable Energy is a Reality and not a Vision (tags)

Germany gains more energy from solar technology than Japan gains from all its nuclear reactions. Development in this area occurred much faster in the last years than many expected. Ten years ago no one would have believed we would gain 17% of our supply from renewables.

Colton Immigrant Community Meets PD Chief, Demands Justice (tags)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

COLTON, California - In a large public gathering the in cafeteria of Alice Birney Elementary School, well over one hundred community members from Colton, a city with a large low-income immigrant community met with their police chief to expose him to the injustices his officers have been committing and to petition for redress of their grievances.

U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Making Big Push for Electric Car Manufacturing (tags)

Stewart Alexander says, “My commitment as a U.S. Presidential Candidate will be to support the opening of electric car manufacturing plants across America, manufacturing millions of electric vehicles within the next decade.” As president, Alexander says he would support the U.S. government investing as much as $100 billion into electric car manufacturing with the dividends being reinvested in jobs and providing for the needs of working people.

FREE SPEECH: a circus of unintended consequences (tags)

A story about a racial confrontation in a small town.

Crooked Toyota Poway El Cajon Owner Vincent Castro Fighting Workers Comp For Mold Illness (tags)

Vincent Toyota Poway El Cajon owner is involved in criminal conspiracy to limit his liability for workers sickened by mold at the Toyota dealership in El Cajon, California

San Antonio Police Department and Civilian Partner “Cellular On Patrol” Attempted “FrameUp (tags)

San Antonio Park Police and Cellular On Patrol try to frame homeless park visitor

Border Patrol targets immigrant rights activist family in Southeast Riverside County (tags)

Saturday, May 22, 2010
RIVERSIDE County, California - At about 10:30 Saturday night, agents with the US Customs and Border Protection entered an apartment where a family was watching television. Although members of the family asserted their rights, these were not respected. An adult and three minors were arrested and taken to the Theodore L. Newton, Jr. and George F. Azrak Border Patrol Station in Murrieta.

New York Car Bomb Incident: Another False Flag? (tags)

Another suspicious false flag possibility

two wheels standing up for rights (tags)

Things to do after being snubbed by a car

Will Our 'Green Jobs' Dollars Help a Ritzy Car Company Open a Toxic Manufacturing Plant? (tags)

Tesla Motors Inc. is planning to build a "green" electric auto at a toxic dump site at Downey, CA. It has received $465 million from the DOE to build this non-union auto assembly plant where injured IATSE 44 movie workers and SEIU UHW Kaiser workers have been sickened.

Google/Paypal Owners Building "Green" Electric Car On Downey Toxic Dump Site?1/9 (tags)

Google owners Larry Page and Sergey Brin and former Paypal owner Elon Musk who is now CEO of Telsa Motors Inc. are planning to possibly build a "green" electric car on the highly toxic dump site in Downey owned by toxic site developer Stuart Licther. Lichter recently lost a SLAPP suit when he tried to shut up injured workers and worker advocates.

Murder by Police Car on Venice Blvd. - Corrected version (tags)

Devin Petelski never saw the angel of death barreling toward her in the form of an LAPD police cruiser. That's because it was driving without lights at about 60 mph.

Murder by Police Car on Venice Blvd. (tags)

Devin Petelski never saw the angel of death barreling toward her in the form of an LAPD police cruiser. That's because it was driving with lights at about 60 mph.


Arson Attack: At 4 am on Wednesday August 5th Arturo Velasquez' car was set on fire outside his home. Arturo is a leading member of the Campaign for Renters Rights. He has been organizing tenants in his building for two years. He is popular with tenants for helping force the landlord, Alfredo Alverado, to make major repairs. A week after Alfredo and Gabriel Alvarado lost in court against Art and the Velasquez family their car was torched. This is a terrorist act!

Shot By Cops & Facing Life In Prison, Vincent Arias Beats The Rap. [Radio Tonight] (tags)

Senate votes to give a tax break to new car buyers (tags)

Alternative economics emphasizes reducing working hours, investing in the infrastructure, expanding the public sector, reducing consumption, ending wars of choice and reconsidering the 700 military bases in 130 countries-all seemingly taboo.

Protesrors targeted in Garden Grove (tags)

Peace in the NorthEast Community March and Resource Fair (tags)

Lead by the Churches of NorthEast LA, the NorthEast LA community will march against violence in the streets. The march ends at a Resource Fair. Snacks and bottled water will be served at both the staging area and the Resource Fair. Along with the Resource Fair there will be live and DJ music and a Mini Car Show.

Formal Complaint Filed Against W. Covina Cop for Civil Rights Violations (Cop pushes kid) (tags)

People throughout the country have been threatened, intimidated and arrested for merely videotaping and photographing public servants. It has happened again in southern California: Police pushed a kid down, and thug cops failed at their attempt to intimidate witnesses. Photos can be viewed at the link below.

Statement by Joaquin Cienfuegos of CopWatch on his Arrest and Release on Bail (tags)

Comrades, I was just released this morning at 8am after being woken up at 3am, thanks to you comrades and your support. I can't begin to tell everybody how thankful I am. I trusted you all to know what to do and to do the right thing.

CIA/US Military Perpetrated Most of Iraq's "Suicide Bombs"! (tags) Baghdad when an Iraqi driver had his license and car confiscated at a checkpoint, after which he was instructed "to report to an American military camp near Baghdad airport for interrogation and in order to retrieve his license." After being questioned for a short while, he was told to drive his car to an Iraqi police station, where his license had been forwarded, and that he should go quickly. "The driver did leave in a hurry, but was soon alarmed with a feeling that his car was driving as if carrying a heavy load, and he also became suspicious of a low flying helicopter that kept hovering overhead, as if trailing him. He stopped the car and inspected it carefully. He found nearly 100 kilograms of explosives hidden in the back seat and along the two back doors. The only feasible explanation for this incident is that the car was indeed booby trapped by the Americans and intended for the al-Khadimiya Shiite district of Baghdad. The helicopter was monitoring his movement and witnessing the anticipated ‘hideous attack by foreign elements."[17]

Oil's End! Honda's Hydrogen Car Decimates Big Oil! (tags)

The future is here and its Hydrogen and the Big Oil Companies know it! Thats why they're "Goouging" American motorists for every cent they can while the "Gouging" is good!!!

The Road to Carfreedom and Top Ten Myths (tags)

These articles from Carbusters 2006 are available at

Report Back/Photos: Green Resolutions Ride (part 1) (tags)

Now that I've gone riding with a group and have learned something about integrating with autos, I feel much more confident about making longer trips on my own.


Paul Modrowksi, convicted of Murder 1 on an accountability basis for supposedly lending his car to a supposed killer -- who was acquitted -- seeks release from prison for Christmas.

British artificial intelligence expert, 84, and leading geneticist, 80, die in car crash (tags)

LONDON: British artificial intelligence expert, Donald Michie, and his ex-wife, leading geneticist Dame Anne McLaren, have died in a car crash, their son said Sunday.

The Date: November 22, 1963, The Time: 12:30 PM (tags)

President John F. Kennedy was shot to death during a midday motorcade in Dallas, Texas. It was a tragedy that shook the nation and the world.

Global Warming Destroys Maple Sugar Industry (tags)

Global warming is the most serious threat facing planet. We have an opportunity, and an obligation, to lead in solving this global crisis by investing in clean and safe electricity, efficient buildings and a less polluting transportation system.

SOS/Minutemen in Long Beach (tags)

A handful of SOS and Minutemen faithful showed up on the corner of 7th and Atlantic in Long Beach to protest the sanctuary given to Liliana, a 29 year old immigrant from Mexico by St. Luks Episcopal Church.

Is US behind the assassinations nd market bombings in Iraq? (tags)

An Iraqi who asked not to be identified had disclosed some of the US activities such as assassinations and bombings in markets that aim at sparking sectarian fighting among Iraqis so as to facilitate the partition of the country.

Secret NSA surveillance (tags)

There seems to be alot of buzz in the media on how Bush authorized the use of illegal NSA wire-taps and surveillance for domestic spying to stop terrorism. I thought I'd write an article summarizing how this was used in my case while running a political web site and direct action network

Nature and Narcissist Lifestyles (tags)

A tree is more than lumber and a national symbol.

Eco-activists could be framed for insurance fraud (tags)

Potential for developers and/or SUV dealerships using arson and "eco-terror" DHS hype to frame eco-activists for profitable insurance fraud..

Its "Leave you Gas Guzzlin/Polluting Car Home Day!" (tags)

A single day's abstinence of gasoline usage in the U.S. would conserve hundreds of millions of gallons of gas from being consumed (and spewed as poisonous exhaust into our breathable atmosphere!) and would also vastly increase stockpiles of gasoline so that prices,and related taxes and fuel related inflations would have to come down!

USS Nimitz, other warships leave San Diego for the Persian Gulf (tags)

USS Nimitz, other warships leave San Diego for the Persian Gulf

We All Can Enlist in the War on Climate Change (tags)

There are common-sense ways to deal with many of the environmental problems we have created. Help from O Canada to counter our helplessness and hopelessness

An Open Letter to Geoge Monbiot on his 9-11 Flip Flopping (tags)

George Monbiot has proven to be another 9-11 leftwing gatekeeper, and has published a series of vitriolic hitpieces disguised as articles attacking the 9-11 Truth Movement for its temerity in challenging the US government Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT). Ive written to Mr Monbiot, whose journalism ive usually admired for its intelligence, perception, wit etc, twice, and received no reply to my first, have written a second, based on new information. Here is that letter.


Robina Suwol recognized in 5th Annual Volvo for life Awards, honored for her fight to prevent harmful chemicals being used on school grounds

Rafik Hariri and the Salvador Option in Beirut (tags)

Suppressed evidence of US-Israel role in Lebanese PM Hariri's Killing

US troops start kidnapping (tags)

That Bush is a dumb fuck. It can't be long before we see American troops kidnapped

Homeland Security Goons now want to screw up the railroads (tags)

Great after screwing up the airlines, now the homeland security goons are going to screw up the railroads!!!!

Activists Call Out Auto Industry’s Empty Promises at LA Auto Show (tags)

*Watch this video of RAN and Global Exchange activists asking GM CEO Rick Wagoner to sign a pledge to make his company the most fuel efficient by 2010.

The Gas Chamber - a Pepper Spray Horror Movie (tags)

The Gas Chamber is the LAPD pet name for what was done to Benjamin Barker on the Venice Boardwalk February 2005.

Phoenix is the most expensive place in the nation to rent a car because of taxes (tags)

Taxes in Phoenix and Arizona make Arizona one of the most expensive places in the nation to rent a car. The government theives at Sky Harbor Airport will shake you down for $7.80 to $30 a day for a car rental

The Gaza Crossing (tags)

Jennifer Loewenstein is a Visiting Research Fellow at Oxford University's Refugee Studies Centre. She has lived and worked in Gaza City, Beirut and Jerusalem and has traveled extensively throughout the Middle East, where she has worked as a free-lance journalist and a human rights activist. She can be reached at:

LAPD says its OK to pepper spray folks handcuffed in the back of a squad car! (tags)

I feel a lot safer now that I know its legal for the cops to pepper spray people who are handcuffed in the back of a police car! Well not really!

High court to rule on deadly force in police chases in Georgia case (tags)

Is speeding a capitol offense the cops can kill you for? don't laugh, the Supremes are analyzing this!


It's after 2 a.m. in the morning, my deadline is tomorrow, and I have been beaten up by the local police and my right elbow is sorely hurting, but I need to write down exactly what happened to me today before I go to sleep. Otherwise I will forget important details. I was harassed, beaten, and shocked with a Tazer-like gun in my front yard before my wife and children, and then abused for 6 hours by the ADL-trained local police. I have every reason to believe it is because of my journalistic investigation into 9/11. I have been threatened before in my career as a journalist, but this is the first time I have been intentionally beaten and abused – by the cops.

STOP petroleum usury. (tags)

Next 13-14-15 August 2006, Stop you car for 3 days (spread the message).

Laguna Beach: Minutemen drop their mask (tags)

Faced with the solidarity of day laborers and their supporters and a defeat in Laguna Beach, Minutemen and Save Our State joined forces Saturday and dropped their facade.


two wheels = the only solution

Anti-gay marriage leader dies (tags)

The head of the ballot effort to prohibit gay marriage and define traditional unions in Arizona was killed in a car wreck early Monday.

Leuren Moret Describes Vicious Attacks on Whistleblowers (tags)

June 15, 2006 by Leuren Moret To the Berkeley City Council and City Manager:

Iraq, car bombs and US covert forces: a little known story from 2003 (tags)

With all the reports on car bombings in Iraq, the SAS covert ops uncovert in Basra, and reports of iraqi cars being wired with explosives, unbeknownst to the driversm we can add this 2003 story

Loremo: The Ultra Efficient Car - 157MPG! (tags)

German Loremo AG will introduce their ultra Efficient Car at the Motor Show 2006 in Geneva next week. presentsGas Cheat codes (tags)

Biodegradable Eating Utensils, Alternative Energy, and Indigenous Culture at Eco Maya (tags)

“The paper goods are made from [materials] like corn, rice, and sugarcane, and they are all biodegradable. Even the trash bags are biodegradable. What we’re trying to do is change the way that festivals are produced.” – Carmelo Alvarez, event co-organizer

MinuteKlan Update from Campo (tags)

Report from a minuteklan member in Campo, Ca.

Veggie Oil Car Demo (tags)

Sustainable UCR a coalition of students, faculty and staff at UC Riverside will present a demonstration of cars converted to run on vegetable oil. April 27 1-3 PM UC Riverside Bell Tower Commons.

Los Angeles City Council Member Dennis P. Zine does a drive-by in South Central (tags)

An update on the situation due to the late night harassment of the South Central Farm by the Los Angeles City Council Member Dennis P. Zine.

Los Angeles City Council Member Dennis P. Zine does a drive-by in South Central (tags)

This is a rebuttal to Mr. Zine's Press Release.

LA Greens Earth Day Speakers -Run Your Car on Biofuels, A19 (tags)

On Wednesday, April 19th, Los Angeles is invited to come learn how to run cars on alternative fuels and peek at cars with “Wessonality”… vegetable-oil-powered automobiles. Hosted by the Los Angeles Greens.

Councilman Zine’s Unexpected Visit to South Central Farm Provokes Angry Exchange. (tags)

Uploaded is an MP3 file of the farmers comments in council chambers today and Council member Zine's response

Antis circulate Hoax Email (tags)

Antis have always resorted to Lies, here's another one.

ballyhoo in sanberdoo (tags)

why would the police gas thousands ofinoccent people

secret NSA surveillance and the case of Sherman Austin from (tags)

Former political prisoner and former webmaster of , Sherman Austin talks about NSA wire-taps and FBI “anti-terrorism” surveillance used against him shortly after 9/11.

Plan to Restore Streetcars in Angelino Heights (tags)

"More than 27 other cities across our country have installed similar trolley lines. It's about time that Los Angeles catches up." -- Bruce Lash, president Angelino Heights Trolley Line, Inc.

Direct Action Gets the Goods! IWW Chicago Victory for Unpaid Worker (tags)

IWW picket wins back wages for unpaid worker in Chicago, IL

Bob Avakian on Richard Pryor (tags)

Recently I was reading reports of police assaults on Black people and of Black people fighting against the police in Memphis and Miami. This called to mind a story I was told a while back. A rookie cop was riding in his police car with his veteran partner when a report came in that there was a Black man in the vicinity with a gun. As their car screeched around the corner, a young Black man suddenly appeared sprinting up an alley--into a dead end. "Shoot him!", the older cop screamed, "Go on, shoot him-- it's free!" "It's free!" Think about that for a second. "It's free!" In other words, here's a chance that gets a pig to sweating and salivating with anticipation--a chance to "kill a nigger" with the already provided cover that a Black man--a Black man, any Black man--was reported in the area with a gun. This is an opportunity too good to pass up: "Go on, shoot him--it's free!"

Where Have All the Bush/Cheney Bumper Stickers Gone? (tags)

You still see Kerry stickers, so what’s the deal? Did the GOP use cheaper glue, or is there some other reason that the once ubiquitous black-and-white decals have suddenly disappeared from the nation’s SUVs?

An Open Letter to Patrick J. Fitzgerald (tags)

Details of the attempted murder of dissidents ordered by the Bush Administration



Flexcar: Public Car Sharing in Los Angeles (tags)

Flexcar is a car sharing program that started in Seattle, Wa., but it is quickly spreading across America. You can now share hybrid cars with strangers in Los Angeles, Chicago, San Diego and more!


They're coming in for the kill....

Ossama Bin Laden Makes Surprise Cameo Appearance in Beheading Video (tags)

Bin Laden Surprise Appearance

Shooting by Riverside Police Department officer comes under fire (tags)

Last December, the police department presented a narrative of the shooting of a young woman inside her car. But inside the department's management, the truth turned out to be much different.

Bovine excrement meter melts (tags)

Cars stolen in US used in suicide attacks The FBI's counterterrorism unit has launched a broad investigation of US-based theft rings after discovering some vehicles used in deadly car bombings in Iraq, including attacks that killed US troops and Iraqi civilians, were probably stolen in the United States, according to senior US Government officials.


MORE ATTEMPTED MURDERS & DEATH THREATS BY U.S. BLACK OPS! SINCE POSTING THIS ARTICLE / October 5, 2005 on all INDY MEDIAS -- Leslie Oliver, Jesus Mendoza & Clare Wehrle have received MORE DEATH THREATS by Black Ops!





What really happened to Summer Lane? (tags)

The door that the Riverside Police Department had shut on the Officer-Involved Shooting of a woman last year, was blown open by a private investigator hired by the police commission.

Car bomb injures Lebanese journalist May Chidiac (tags)

A prominent journalist for an anti-Syrian television station was severely injured yesterday after a bomb rigged to her car exploded, the latest in a string of targeted blasts in Lebanon's capital

British prison break and blown covert operation, exposes "war on terrorism" lie (tags)

Here is some information on what’s going on in our world plus a website ( at the end you can go to participate in the exciting work of some young people engaged in resisting the “madness.” Be there with them November 2. Cause “the world can’t wait!”

British Troops Set Loose By Violent Jailbreak Had Been Caught, Red-Handed, Engaged in St (tags)

British Troops Caught Planting Explosives in Basra? Do you remember that British Officials admitted that they drew the borders of the Middle East eighty years ago in such a way as to expressly keep the region fighting amongst themselves?

The Animal Liberation Front attack! (tags)

“A communiqué received by the Press Office (for the ALF) reads in part: ‘The animal liberation front has taken advice from our Commander in Chief to “smoke terrorists out of their holes.” The target was Los Angeles number One terrorist Gordon Stuckey. Military Strength Smoke grenades were detonated on the floor of this animal killers abode. Sleep light … alf.”

Anti-Commodification Effect of Bicycles (tags)

What the current establishment fears about us bicyclists is not only our freedom, but our manifested alternatives. Alternative transportation, yes, but even more - an alternative value system.

An independent investigation of the murder last week of 32 Iraqi (tags)

An independent investigation of the murder last week of 32 Iraqi children has been conducted by a local Iraqi news location (Mufakirat Al-Islam / with results as follows :



An Amazing Story of Dedication, Pain and Triumph. (tags)

Guerilla Producer "Mikey Jukes" has been on a labor of love, even risking his own life, to make his dream, as well as the dreams of others come true on television.

Minister survives Beirut car explosion (tags)

Lebanon's caretaker Vice Premier and Defense Minister Elias Murr survived an assassination bombing ambush

Bombs Kill 3 Iraqis, One US Soldier (tags)

Bombs Kill 3 Iraqis, One US Soldier


If I die because of exposing this technology -- it will be an electronic murder perpetrated by the US government -- no matter what it looks like.

Reclaiming City Streets for People: Chaos or Quality of Life? (tags)

This book is available for free online in PDF format.

Oughta be news (tags)

Arrest of man on Venice Blvd.

Five US Marines Killed In Suicide Car Bombing In Fallujah (tags)

A short article about recent car bombings in Iraq.

The Peace Wheels Project (tags)

Ultralight ground vehicles can contribute to a more peaceful planet. So can you, if interested.

Hal Netkin to Attack Again! (tags)

The Baldwin Park anti-hate rally scheduled for June 25'th (two days from now) invokes a question: Will the people be safe from Hal Netkin?

Bomb kills George Hawi in Beirut (tags)

An anti-Syrian politician was killed on Tuesday when a bomb ripped through his car in Beirut, witnesses and security sources said.


They have radiated me so strongly that my eyes are filled with broken blood vessels. I will publish a photo on the next post.

Sherman Austin detained for "Terrorist Ties" (tags)

Sherman Austin (former webmaster of detained for "terrorist ties"

Why Isn't,, etc.Reporting on this Deadly Technology? (tags)


Sherman Austin detained for "terrorist ties" (tags)

Sherman Austin (former webmaster of detained for "terrorist ties"


5 PEOPLE ARRESTED TONIGHT, VIGIL HELD TILL ROUGHLY 2AM DEMANDING THEIR RELEASE. BAIL SET AS HIGH AS $50,000. for several arrestees. ***2 INJURED FROM BEING STRUCK BY CAR, one who left to hospital has been released wtih apparently several contusions and other injuries


It is urgent that you help send this around. For all of our benefit.


This is how they glean 'information' to 'set people up'


Electro Magnetic murders are in the plans ... even for you.


The single most deadly weaponry facing us.

Hybrid Car Market Booming (tags)

A couple clips from a mainstream media story.

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Sgt. Anthony J. Davis Jr., 22, was killed Saturday afternoon when a car bomb exploded next to his armored vehicle in Mosul, about 225 miles northwest of Baghdad.


LOS ANGELES SCHOOL IS SITE OF DRAMATIC CONFRONTATION General Franks, attempting to leave the school in an SUV with tinted windows, was totally blocked by protesters who climbed onto the hood and body of the car and blocked his departure with banners, signs and their own bodies. it remained immobilized in the middle of the street.


I am in great danger!!! Please make this PUBLIC .. PLEASE CONTACT PEOPLE IN HIGH VISIBILITY ... This is SERIOUS

Devin Was 13...and the Police Killed Him (tags)

In the quiet of 4:00 on a Sunday morning, in the darkness, alone in the front seat of a car, the short, sweet life of Devin Brown was ended in a violent burst of gunfire. A night-riding Los Angeles police officer stood near the car he was in. It took him seconds to draw his gun and fire: Five shots. Then five more. Half of them struck and killed the boy in the car. Devin Brown was 13.

LAPD SHOT 13-year-old (tags)

LOS ANGELES - Residents in South Los Angeles reacted to the fatal police shooting of a 13-year-old suspected car thief with shock and anger Monday - and questioned whether it was justified.......

Ford Ranger EV Drivers Resist Repossession (tags)

“My all-electric Ford Ranger hauls more weight that my three-quarter ton Chevy with a 350 internal combustion engine,” says California rancher and Ranger EV driver Dave Raboy.

Two Vicious Iraqi Collaborators Fallujahed As They Leave US Base (tags)

Cleansing Iraq of the Foreign Filth--One Righteous Deed at a Time!

Antelope Valley's "(Truly) Free Market"- N26 (tags)

November 26th, on the busiest shopping day of the year, instead of wasting your day inside the stores, come out for a day of mutual aid and sharing. There will be distribution of any and every useful item for FREE, from baked goods, to old records, to baby accessories, to books, to toys and so on and so fourth. There will also be workshops and skill shares going on throughout the day including: -Community Gardening -Know Your Rights Training -Homemade Jewelry -Street Art -DIY Car Repair & MUCH MORE

Oil Addicts to march in Doo Dah Parade Nov 21 (tags)

LA Post Carbon will be entering the Doo Dah parade in Pasadena with an entry called "Got Oil?" The entry will include out-of-gassers pushing their car and carrying empty gas cans and the Earth being followed by a doctors with a thermometer and stretcher.

Valuing the Lives of the People vs. Wanton Police Murder (tags)

If they were there to serve and protect, they would have found any way but the way they did it to handle this scene, they could have and would have found a solution that was much better than this. This is the way the proletariat, when it's been in power, has handled and would again handle this kind of thing--valuing the lives of the masses of people- -as opposed to the bourgeoisie in power, where the role of their police is to terrorize the masses, including wantonly murdering them, murdering them without provocation, without necessity, because exactly the more arbitrary the terror is, the more broadly it affects the masses.

How long can this go on? (tags)

March for Farmworkers (tags)

No Human Being is Illegal

Dear Kerry Supporter (tags)

Jones versus the ashtray (tags)

Zero-tolerance --- zero-thought (tags)

Slaughter in the Streets - US troops kill with indiscriminate fire (tags)

Seventeen year-old Amir is crying during much of the interview. “We were coming home from work, and were shot so many times,” he says with deep anguish and frustration, “Walid told me to leave the car because he was hurt and needed help.”

West Nile? Don't Kill The Birds! (tags)

Saskatoon City Councellor Terry Elm has tabled a motion for a mass killing of birds to prevent the spread of West Nile. Statistics show you're at least fifty times more likely to die in your car driving to buy bug spray, or the carcinogenic effects of bug spray, than you are from West Nile itself.

Sinclair Broadcasting's David Smith Busted In Prostitution Sting (tags)


Another Iraqi Orphan (tags)

Iraqi girl Wiam Mohammed, 4, shows her injuries in Baghdad, Saturday, April 17, 2004. Wiam was fleeing Fallujah in a car with her parents, six brothers and sisters and a cousin. Her parents, two sisters and brother were killed when U.S. occupation troops opened fire on the car that was carrying them. Wiam and two of her sisters were wounded while another sister was unharmed. In this photograph, the child is shown with the bullet wound in her left shoulder (AP Photo/Abdel Kader Saadi)

Top HAMAS leader killed by Israel (tags)

Using a U.S. supplied attack helicopter, Israel assassinated the top leader of HAMAS, Abdel-Aziz al-Rantissi (show in this file photo). Occupation troops fired two missiles at Rantissi's car, killing his two bodyguards and a third Palestinian. Rantissi later died at the hospital from shrapnel wounds to his head. (REUTERS photo/Mohammed Salem)

Iraqi 'beaten to death' by US troops (tags)

So this is what "liberation" looks like? American troops... winning hearts and minds everyday.

Two Finnish Business Executives killed on an unscheduled trip (tags)

Clarified summary on killed Finns in Iraq based on some news articles.



LA Protest Against Wars (tags)

People who were accomadating the American Empire with their silence are now coming back on the street to protest the wars in the Middle East--in Iraq and Palestine......... Below find SIX PICTURES AND A 35 SECONDS VIDEO.

FBI in the classroom no to bush (tags)

Authorities searched Caltech classrooms and tracked the e-mails to Cottrell Why is the racist fbi in our classrooms!!!

US Supreme court cover-up 911; Bush gov., CIA & NSA are behind 9-11 (tags)

Supreme court rejects appeal in secret sept. 11th case... Here the story that proofs why Bush government, CIA and NSA were behind 9-11 and therefore have to cover-up.

msn - vs - yahoo (tags)

the difference between msn and yahoo!

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network Feb.3rd Updates! (tags)

Editorial Column 1.Iraqi Resistance Report 2.Iraqi Resistance Data Report 3.ANSWER: Call for March 20th Demonstrations 4.Communist Martyrs Return to lebenon-Socialist Arab Coalition Webpage 5.Anti-Imperialist Camp: Mumbai Resistance paves way for anti-imperialist pole 6.An Islamic Reader Builds Solidarity With Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network 7.***A Mourning of Communist Martyrs- Touching Poem by Ziad elJishi*** ***En Espanol*** 8.:: Diario de la resistencia iraqui:

Second Hung Jury on Inglewood Cop Who Beat Donovan Jackson (tags)

Copied from the LA Times, about the Jeremy Morse case.

Attacks against Arab community (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.

VONS: People using 60's & 30's tactics? (tags)

Saturday, January 17th at 8:30 PM, someone messed up a costumer's car at the Pavilions/Vons at Berverlywill And Olympic in Beverly Hill.

(2) NLG, LASSO Firing up the Picket Line (tags)

As the other people were leaving the police station, sergeant Lance Heard pushed a woman who had already left the office. Later on, the paramedics showed up to treat her bruises on her knee.

“LA Auto Show” REALITY CHECK (tags)

Global Exchange, Bus Riders Union and Code Pink provide “LA Auto Show” REALITY CHECK Bilingual Audio from the Convention Center– Medea Benjamin, Anti-Corporate Chants and Bus Rider Union spokesperson

US troop toll nears 500 as four die (tags)

As of January 4th... the U.S. death toll in Iraq stands at 483. NOT ONE MORE DEAD! BRING THEM HOME ALIVE! Hey Mr. Bush... where are those weapons of mass destruction you launched this war over? In the photo, Penny Splinter (left) comforts her daughter, Rachel, during the funeral of her husband U.S. Army Maj. Christopher Splinter in Platteville, Wis., Friday Jan. 2, 2004. Splinter, 43, a Dodgeville native, was killed Christmas Eve by a roadside bomb near Samarra, Iraq. (AP Photo/Andy Manis)

Baghdad New Year's Horror (tags)

Now the horror show begins in earnest. A ruthless civil war unleashed by resident bu$h and his idiotic invasion and occupation of Iraq. Hey bu$h.... where are those weapons of mass destruction you launched this war over?! Iraqi police view a blaze after a Baghdad restaurant was destroyed in a bomb attack on New Year's Eve December 31, 2003. A suspected suicide bombing devastated the Baghdad restaurant crowded with New Year revellers who were mostly wealthy and foreigners. The Wednesday blast killed at least five people, Iraqi police said (photo REUTERS/Zohra Bensemra)

Christmas in Iraq (tags)

by ICH

chanukah (tags)

Parade of 100 Chanukah Mobiles To Hit LA Streets Thursday Night, Dec. 25 In Celebration of Eight Day “Holiday of Lights

Living in the Shadow of Death: Gay People Between Fundamentalism and Occupation (tags)

The police officer shoved the Palestinian into the patrol car. “This time,” he said, “we are going to take care of you; I will personally make sure that you are sent back to where you came from.” For Fuad Moussa, a 27-year-old gay man who grew up in Ramallah, these words amounted to a death sentence.

Car Bomb West of Baghdad Kills at Least 17 (tags)

Just 12 hours after Saddam Hussein was captured....


U.S. occupation soldiers secure the area after two US soldiers were killed in the Iraqi town of Mosul, November 23, 2003. Attackers killed two U.S. soldiers on Sunday as their car stood in traffic in the city of Mosul, and a roadside bomb killed another soldier north of Baghdad. Hey George... where are those Iraqi weapons of mass destruction you launched the war over? (Photo REUTERS/str)

Me? A liberal? (tags)

After looking at Canada, I've become a real fan of some kind of national health plan. Of course, that would lead to big government and higher taxes, but maybe it's us little guys got a little something for our money, too.

Facts about inglewood Beating (tags)

I will not respond to the hate on this thread. I will however let the public know what really happened on july 6th 2002. the haters are from a organization called "citizens for police". Fuck them.

Citizens for police (tags)

This is in protest towards the organization "citizens for police" who are constant "trolls" on this site. This organization is formed by ignorant racist white people in favor of jeremy morse. Jeremy morse is the "cowardly" officer from inglewood california who is on trial for the chickenshit beating of an innocent child last july 6th 2002.


Summary of New York Times interview with Nell Connally, last surviving occupant of JFK limo during 1963 assassination, maintains, 40 years later, that a separate bullet struck her husband, then Texas Govenor John Conally, which would mean it was impossible for one man to have fired all shots. Her late husband had also insisted to his death that he was hit by a separate bullet, not the same one that initially wounded JFK.

Intentionally Firing Into the Palestinian Crowds of People (tags)

WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE between the TERRORISM of suicide bombers and IDF/IOF firing at Palestinian Civilians ( including children) on purpose? ANSWER: The Uniform and the US Tax Dollars That Fund It

Grocery Strikers Turn Violent (tags)

Grocery strikers turn violent and beat a person.

Another Israeli Raid Against Civilians Funded By US Tax Dollars (tags)

"Israel's Channel 10 TV said that none of the dead were militants, characterizing the refugee camp strike as a "mistake."Residents said one of the dead was a doctor who was treating victims when a second missile struck. The identity of the other victims was not immediately known."

Why Wolvo is one of the most wanted and hot brands? (tags)

Causerie about some things car industry may face.

Judge the Sherman Austin Case yourself (tags)

Was Sherman a victim of a harsh system, seeking to quash any and all dissent; or did he pose a genuine danger to the public? Read the statements by prosecuting and defense lawyers, and judge for yourself.

Disciplining Palestinians: arbitrary arrests, military incursions, and the shooting ... (tags)

Disciplining Palestinians: arbitrary arrests, military incursions, and the shooting of water tanks.

U.N. Policeman Assassinated in Kosovo (tags)

A sniper shot Satish Menon, 43, of India, on Sunday as the policeman traveled in a U.N. car. About 4,000 U.N. police officers patrol Kosovo alongside 5,000 local officers.

Verdict Is Reached in Taped Beating Trial (tags)

LOS ANGELES - A jury reached a verdict Tuesday in the trial of a white former officer charged with police brutality for punching and slamming a handcuffed black teenager onto the trunk of a squad car during a videotaped arrest.

Massacre in Iraq - 11 civilians killed by U.S. troops (tags)

U.S. Army soldiers remove two destroyed vehicles from the scene of a massacre in the Al Mansour suburb of Baghdad, Sunday July 27, 2003. U.S. troops searching for Iraqi fugitives raided a house in an upscale Baghdad neighborhood on Sunday and witnesses said up to 11 civilians had been killed when occupation troops fired on cars on nearby streets (photo REUTERS/Chris Helgren)

Activists Discover GPS Trackers Hidden in Their Cars (tags)

When Nicosia brought his device to GPS Solutions, a Boulder-based software developer of high-accuracy GPS technology, chief engineer Jim Johnson confirmed their suspicion. "This is definitely a GPS board," says Johnson, referring to one of the components of the device.


KABC: 40 INJURED; 10 CRITICAL; 6 DEAD... Causalities In Crowded Market; Driver Went From One End Of Market To Other... CAR STRIKES CROWD IN SANTA MONICA SLAUGHTER

Poor choices, missed chances, a life in trouble (tags)

Eric Daley, who was fleeing a traffic stop with more than two pounds, struck and killed trooper Johnson. Ironically it was not the state but Daley, described as a libertarian, who repeatedly failed to accept responsibility for his actions.

IRAQ: The Human Toll (tags)

The 'daisy-cutter' bounced and exploded a few feet above ground, blasting red-hot shrapnel into the walls not of a tank but of houses. Rahad Septi and 10 other children lost their lives; another 12 were injured. Three adults were also killed.

UK envoys held at gunpoint by Israelis (tags)

Israeli forces opened fire above a British embassy convoy and held it at gunpoint in Gaza while it was carrying diplomats and the family of an English peace activist left in a coma by an Israeli bullet.,2763,950072,00.html

Fight For Liberation of Brea Continues (tags)

Peace activist continue spread the word in Brea

AWESOME article about brutal cop at awards (tags)

"Iron Mike" in the spotlight

Civilians Slaughtered (tags)

Is this what America has become?

Report from Wash DC: Attempted murder of a peace protester (tags)

We saw what happened yesterday at the Oscars. The police are stepping it up all over the country, especially at the White House, where fortifications and police actions make it look like a third world dictator's palace.

long days journey into night (tags)

in the moments before the strike; report from the trenches in LA

resistance in paris france (tags)

the 3 rd world war started ! articlce in french sorry.

man arrested for threatening peace demonstrators (tags)

At 8 PM on Wednesday night, protestors at Anton & Bristol in Costa Mesa were threatened by a crazed pro-warrior.

Millions stop work as anti-war protests sweep Europe and beyond (tags)

"backers of Washington's hard line like Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar and Australian Prime Minister John Howard are defying hostile public opinion.... On the other side of the globe, Howard was hounded by anti-war protesters who hurled eggs and tomatoes at his car...

Bumper stickers aren't enough! (tags)

Anyone with a computer and some tape, go go go.

“FIRST” strike on IRAQ- DAY OF ACTION!! (tags)


More Hollywood Moments (tags)

A specific sampling of photos from today's protest march in Hollywood.


Judith nails it again. Welcome to "Alice World" where all is taken care of. Freedom and Orange Alerts for all.

Tuesday's (tags)

On Tuesday, Feb. 4th, around 400 people demonstrated at the corners of Olympic and Bundy in Santa Monica.

Inside The Mind Of A Black Man Being Denied Justice (tags)

On March 22, 2001, a simple traffic stop by two LAPD officers escalated into a high-speed police pursuit after Raynell Carmichael was mistakenly presumed to be a murder suspect. This pursuit amounted to nothing more than a "police manhunt for a murder suspect" who in fact was no murder suspect at all. The vehicle he was driving was properly registered to his wife, yet according to LAPD spokespersons during the televised pursuit and later in the news, Carmichael was said to be driving a vehicle that was stolen and associated with a murder suspect.

Police Incompetence-Tell Em What YOU Think!! (tags)

Police pullover family, arrest them, shoot their dog, and laugh about it. One problem, NO CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

Night for Bikes @ Griffith Park (tags)

Support the right of cyclists and pedestrians to view the Festival of Lights. Help break our oil habit. Have fun riding through the Griffith Park Lightshow. Show support for a Car Free Festival of Lights.

Night for Bikes! @ Griffith Park Festival of Lights (tags)

See the Griffith Park "Festival of Lights" on two wheels in the fresh air! Bring friends and family to show demand for Car Free days next year. Enjoy the Christmas Lights show without sitting in a car burning oil.

Baby's Arm Severed in LAPD Pursuit (fwd) (tags)

A 2-week-old baby's arm was torn off and six other people were injured when a car pursued by police crashed into another vehicle Tuesday, officials said. A limb reimplantation specialist examined the boy and determined that his arm could not be reattached, said Dr. James Stein of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles.

Finding the Proletariat in Georgia (tags)

There has been discussion on around the question of whether or not there is a proletariat in the USA. Are there really people here that have nothing to lose but their chains? Some claim that there is no real proletariat in the USA, but when I look around me I see differently.

Reversal of Fortune part III - Regime Change (tags)

Now we explore the actual day that started the disraveling of democracy: November 22, 1963.

Police Commission to investigate RPD shooting (tags)

After hearing comments from over 10 community members concerning a Hispanic man shot by police officers, the Community Police Review Commission decided to investigate independantly

Reversal of Fortune -part II (tags)

In my first e-mail/ post "Reversal of Fortune" I discussed how the 1962 Democratic sweep was a near mirror image of the reverse GOP victory in '02. I asked what caused such a complete reversal of fortune over the last 40 years. The JFK assassination 13 months after the '62 election that had held so much hope for change was first step of such reversal.

final protest against 'Asian Fever' thursday 10/17! (tags)

asian fever?!

report from 'Asian Fever' protest (tags)

response from passersby overwhelmingly positive


Over 20 non-violent forest activists who stayed out overnight at Fox Camp Gate, in the Mattole Watershed, caught Maxxam/Pacific Lumber red-handed violating Judge John Golden's August 29th stay, which ordered that all logging operations on all company land must cease.

Bush Daddy Detachment (tags)

It's the SA.

Martinez Family to Hold Protest Against Downey Police Shooting of Their Unarmed Son (tags)

Seven months ago a videotape captured Gonzalo Martinez's encounter with the Downey police. The tape ended as police fired with handguns and a machine gun, killing Martinez, 26, and spraying shots through a residential neighborhood. Martinez had his hands in the air and was unarmed. For the last seven months, the Martinez family has led protests outside Downey City Hall. The FBI and the Los Angeles County district attorney's office are investigating but no charges against any police officers have been filed.

Police Assault Caught on Video- NYC (tags)

The police have been caught on video macing a man already cuffed, in the same precint of the Abner Louima. This brutal incident is more of call to protest police terror, especially with the National Day of Protest against Police Brutality OCT. 22nd.

Downey: Protests of police shooting (tags)

But on Feb. 15, 2001 he was shot dead after being pulled over for a traffic violation by Downey, Calif., police.


Nearly every day the news reports a child dying in the back seat of the parents car after having been forgotten by their loving parents. How is such a thing possible?


Background information of the Finnish Society and 'an emergency back-up update' to understand why things do go wrong.

RTF webmaster (Sherman Austin) stopped/detained by police because of web site (tags)

Sherman Austin ( webmaster) stopped/detained by police while riding his bike....

Video shows white LAPD officer beating black teenager (tags)

A white Los Angeles police officer was suspended after being shown on a videotape slamming a handcuffed black teenager on to the back of a patrol car and punching him in the face as he was being arrested.

Inglewood Cop Taped Punching Handcuffed Teen (tags)

LOS ANGELES –– An amateur video shows Inglewood police officers punching a teenager and slamming his head against the hood of a patrol car, and the department said it will investigate.

update on political prisoner in southern california! (tags)

read about the newest happenings with Matthew Lamont and Jeff Hendricks

PHOTO. Warren Keith Watts. (tags)


The shady world of spyware (tags)

Fighting spyware

FBI On Trial For Terrorism (tags)

cartoon c 2002 by charles amsellem

FBI On Trial For Terrorism! (tags)

cartoon c 2002 by charles amsellem...Please attend the protest vs the partiot act this saturday, april 06 @1pm; Federal Building in Westwood, 11000 wilshire blv.


My little wild prediction...

Police Intimadation and Arrests at Peaceful Protest in Long Beach (tags)

First hand account of events occuring at an anit-war demonstration in Long Beach.

Long Beach Police State Raids Peaceful Anti-War Demo. (tags)

Peaceful Anti-War Demo in Long Beach Raided by Police State.

Man Slams Car into Ohio Mosque (tags)

In an apparent "revenge" attack for the attacks in New York and Washington, a 29-year-old man rammed his car into a Parma, Ohio, mosque early Monday morning, causing $100,000 damage and sending himself to the hospital.


follow-up on the G8 solidarity protest at the Italian Consulate in Los Angeles

Is Dancing Terrorism?.... the FBI says so.... (tags)

FBI brands Reclaim the Streets as "terrorists" - what the fuck have they been smoking?! In another sign that the growing anti-capitalist, anarchist, anti-car movement is gaining effectiveness, the FBI recently listed Reclaim the Streets amongst the "Threats of Terrorism to the United States."

Gregory Preece arbitration hearing: the shooting (tags)

Arbitrator John D. Perone said, in his decision that former Riverside Police Department officer Gregory Preece should never have been fired for his role as supervisor of the officers who killed Tyisha Miller. Here is more information based on his 42 page finding...

Peacefully Protesting BIO? Expect Harassment (tags)

With the teach-in placid, the march pacific and no one wreaking any havoc, the San Diego Police Department have resorted to petty persecution.

Show support to abortion providers JOIN the car caravan this Saturday March 10 ! (tags)

JOIN US AT THE WESTWOOD FEDERAL BUILDING at 9.00 AM to show appreciation for abortion providers. Partecipate to the car caravan!



Melbourne Police Run Over Protester (tags)

The Melbourne IMC is carrying reports of police violence at the World Economic Forum protests, culminating in the story of an unmarked police car which knocked over several protesters and ran over one woman. This story and its following comments provide an unfolding picture.

IMC Staffer Taken Into Custody By LAPD (tags)

"Clown Guy," who does work for the IMC, was taken into custody after informing members of the Black Bloc via mic about their rights

Subway Turned Back in Downtown L.A. (tags)

The LAPD turn back a subway car headed into downtown L.A.

Another incident (tags)

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