fix articles 15656, prime minister jean chretien
Nothing Sweeter To Bush Than Revenge (tags)
"Even more sinister, Secretary of State Colin Powell -- in an uncharacteristic role as the godfather-enforcer for the administration -- has been lecturing straying nations that they will be punished for their stand against the war. As he puts it, they will suffer the "consequences." The exact penalties are never spelled out but the ominous threat is left hanging. "
Maybe the Canadians Are on to something? (tags)
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Prime Minister Jean Chretien, trying to clamp down on a wave of anti-American comments by his administration, urged Canadians on Thursday not to criticize the United States for attacking Iraq because this could be construed as supporting Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.
UN Authorization Can't Mke Rank Imperialism Just (tags)
If a war without UN authorization would be wrong, does that mean that a war with UN authorization would be right?
As he drags the world to pointless destruction...