fix articles 15554, having Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : having


May to December 2021 Honduras coup update: The impending exit of JOH dictatorship (tags)

This second half of 2021 in Honduras saw continued attacks against peasants, indigenous communities, human rights defenders, unionists, students, political prisioners, community journalist, and also, many killings against politicians – in the context of the November election in which the Nationalist JOH regime saw that at the presidential level, it couldn’t pull off another fraud, although it can at the parliamentary and municipal levels. In addition, inroads were made into beginning several model cities (ZEDES), to add to the long list of dictatorship footprints so that it leaves a nightmare to be unravelled, as FUERA JOH – get out JOH’ becomes a reality, twelve and a half years after the military coup against the Honduran people.

The School Example (tags)

Fromm refers, among others, to the teachings of Karl Marx, Meister Eckhart, Albert Schweitzer and Buddha and their "... radical demand for the abandonment of the orientation towards having, their anti-authoritarian position and their advocacy of complete independence (...) and their demand for social activity.

December 2020 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

This December 2020 saw council police kill a car washer in a war against the poor majority. Also assassinated was a peasants' organiser and a journalist whose work is driven by social conscience. A number of peasants and human rights defenders were judicially persecuted and arrested, including one peasant who was denied bail. Meanwhile, as applications for bail came from political prisoners and prisoners accused of assassinating Berta Caceres, with wishes to be home for Christmas, courts show whose side they are on in who is granted bail and who isn't.

September 2020 Honduras coup update (tags)

A much loved journalist broadcasted after he was shot several times by attackers. Three elderly environmental defenders were massacred. Thousands marched in the Independence Day demonstrations and were repressed with brutal beatings and 15 arrests. Pushes begin for model cities under the pandemic. Another doctor dies of COVID-19. This and other news: This September 2020,

August 2020 Honduras Coup and Pandemic Update (tags)

This August 2020, we see Honduran people continue to suffer the lack of healthcare and the militarisation under the pandemic, with stories of majorly blatant examples of the dictatorship’s approach to people, arresting and killing a 74 year old healthy man for ‘breaking the curfew’ outside his own home, disappearing a 16 year old whose family had been involved in ‘Where is the Money?’ campaigns, and arresting a COVID-19 frontline doctor, preventing his delivery of an oxygen tank to a patient who needed it, the doctor being someone critical of the JOH dictatorship regime.

July 2020 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

This July 2020 in Honduras we saw many killings and disappearances against activists and we saw many COVID-19 deaths including of a political prisoner, an organiser, health care workers and jorunalists. Living under a dictatorship regime where global and national capital, together with regime leaders, continue to profit through laundering and exploiting the people and the land – when you put a pandemic into that equation it’s a disaster, as we can see in Honduras. Government offers no protection for its poor majority, the money officially designated for healthcare doesn’t translate into actual healthcare, and there is no welfare to enable people to stay home, but the military is controlling the streets and spreading the illness. Communities and organisations continue to campaign for the ‘Where is the money?’ campaign, with voices reverberating from zoom conferences, to managing to stage large letters across highways, printing the question on roads for drivers to see, and on walls for passers-by – people must have found holes in the militarisation. They paint their pained words about losing increasing numbers of fellow Hondurans to death from COVID-19, lives lost due to government’s greed and lies. This July 2020 we saw many attacks against people and organisers, and we continue to see that on the other hand, big businesses that don’t even have environmental permits are free to move around, operate, and act in ways that are harmful to people and environment. And similar to discourse familiar to all of us worldwide about balancing the economy over staying home, this regime, like others, is broadcasting that the nation only has a chance of surviving the pandemic, if ‘development (mega) projects’ of mining, logging, energy etc go ahead and if people also put up with low wages (not to mention threats, killings, and arrests to impose opposed projects) so that large profits can be made from them. International development finance organisations also continue to ignore the violence meted out by capital and by the regime and fuel this fire, passing loans to the regime and ignoring cries from communities who dream of a different kind of ‘development’.

China forces birth control on Uyghurs, other minorities to suppress population (tags)

War Crimes in China

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 38 (tags)

the diary of otto frank

December 2018 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

This December 2018 in Honduras: the regime plotted to politically imprison students who protest, another was kidnapped and assassinated in this context. State security gunshots that wound people at protests continued. Journalists received very heavy threats and attacks. Different campesino groups and communities of resistance against mining and sugarcane monocrop industry have their lives and livelihoods under attack. Some migrants under threat, others lost their lives.

September 2018 Honduras coup update (tags)

This September 2018 in Honduras. There has been heavy repressions against school students, students and others protesting the celebrating of 'independence' day since independence is not seen or felt, and more attacks against Rio Blanco by DESA hydroelectricity company only within a week or two from when DESA has been in court on trial for its members being assassins of indigenous activist Berta Caceres...

June 2018 Honduras coup update (tags)

June 2018 in Honduras marks 9 years of military coup. A gathering against this was met with gases, stones, ferocious beatings and a government vehicle ran over a protester and others in the vehicle went onto cut other protesters. Many attacks against indigenous and environmental defenders continue. Threats of evictions for model cities are coming dribs and drabs. Community leaders, journalists, and protesting truck drivers have faced arrests. Other journalists faced attacks on their bodies and threats. A trans person from Honduras died in US immigration detention on an attempt at migration. The Fyffes company known for labour rights abuses gets a 'fair trade' label.

As Trump consolidates his power, the history of 1930s Germany repeats itself (tags)

Compromises, concessions, and countermeasures are necessary in America after the budget attacks on the poor, seniors, the disabled, students and chidlren.

what does a mexican driver's license look like? (tags)

Chances are, you are looking for the Matricula Cosular

February 2018 Honduras Coup Again update (tags)

Much repression continues as the fraud dictatorship JOH regime continues in Honduras as does resistance against it. At least 3 have been assassinated this month, including a 40 years old community leader, a 33 year old organised farmer, and a 16 year old environmental activist. Read on for details about these and other attacks against a people resisting this dictatorship

July 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

This July 2017 in Honduras. A sociology student is hunted down and murdered, in the backdrop of a lot of persecution against uni students including arrests, violent evictions, 5 years suspensions. Several leaders of indigenous organisation Copinh were attempted against twice, with the intention of pushing them all over the edge

September 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)

September in Honduras. A barber was assassinated after an angry comment to the president on his own facebook. Farmers setting up occupation were violently evicted. Indigenous leaders forced to go into hiding. Lack of justice continues on the Berta Caceres case, this month with an arbitrary arrest against Copinh, her file was stolen by someone robbing the judge's car, and the finance organisation FMO wrote one of the gross reports that doesn't try much to really look like it cares about human rights. This and other news, read on..

June 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)

In this month's update: story of an ex soldier who tells of the hitlists the army received on which appeared Berta Caceres and many other social and enviro activists, and other news - another lgbti leader assassinated, massive repression against uni students protesting privatisation, and massive repression against protesters roadblocking against the installation of tollbooths, plus a few other news

May 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)

Its been a heavy month in Honduras. A resistance activist Tomás was murdered on May day in Tegucigalpa. There have been lots of attacks against people who are part of Copinh or who accompany copinh, whether as a member and activist, journalist, or international observers. There were definitely no shortage of gunshots this month courtesy of the state (mostly in evictions against farmers) and of companies and the state who paid hitpeople. Activists in Zacate Grande were imprisoned for being poor and breaching expensive bail conditions. High school students who opposed policy imposition faced 6 killings in 3 months, which the state is likely to dress up as gangs killing gangs.

March 2016 Honduras coup update - Berta's life (tags)

News of political murders, persecution and plunder in Honduras this March 2016, with a focus on the life of Berta Caceres

'I am having the time of my life ' (tags)

My update on fbi thugs, the good news and the bad.

February 2016 Honduras Coup News (tags)

The Feb one is late and the March one will be up soon. February saw 5 Tolupanes assassinated, their names withheld from public news to not endanger others. Another indigenous organisation Copinh received many attacks and threats, that culminated in two very shocking murders in March. Read on...

January 2016 Honduras Coup update (tags)

This month in Honduras, 6 and a half years into the coup, attacks including fatal attacks continue against indigenous persons defending territory, workers from different walks of life, journalists, and even politicians. And from the general news section there are worrying warnings of increases of mass deportations from US, about Zika virus having been introduced as another US intervention as a form of biological warfare, and some updates on corruption and who is getting away with it and who might appear not to be..

Pacifica is also KPFK and scandals are being transparentized. (tags)

Revelations have been published at the 1 website that dares to tell more of the internal doings of each and all Pacifica 5 radio stations, nationwide. KPFK is always connected to the others. Financially and otherwise. What happens at it’s umbrella – Pacifica- located in Berkeley is vital to it’s survival. Some revealed emails between a prior PNB member and Pacifica’s atty-counsel is posted there. See below

November 2015 Honduras coup update (tags) The November update is up, this month, Honduran courts are in the process of producing more political prisoners, lots of activists and communities in resistance have been subject to attacks attempts and threats, protests smashed by state forces including women protesting violence against women, in doing so, were smashed by men police and then women police...

October 2015 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

News from Honduras under continued military coup rule and supposed combat against corruption

Honduras coup update September 2015 (tags)

September 2015 in Honduras. Intensifying repression with soldiers and cops pulling out guns against protesters and in mass evictions particularly where there are occupying farmers. One sixteen year old died this way, and another farmer was assassinated 2 days after participating in a protest. This is mixed with selection persecution against journalists and leaders as they came to control demonstrations. 28 year old loved son of writers was arrested accused of killing lawyer of an elite family - both responsible for the massive IHSS scandal that stole so much from people, and for continuously killing people who are witnesses to the scandal for example. About this and more, check out the update

August 2015 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

The August Honduras update is up, a lot has happened, young fire torch leader murdered, taxi driver leader murdered, 14 farmers imprisoned for over 39 days without bail, child of the resistance Oscar now a high school leader now singled out and arrested in a students protests and kept overnight, and so many other things. Meanwhile the hope seems to be in more people taking direct action, with the realisable dream of a general strike, rather than what is catching more attention against corruption right now

July 2015 Honduras Coup update (tags) The July Honduras coup summary is up... this time a lot of the repression was against hunger strikers, students linked to occupations, journalists and human rights defenders. Things are getting to an impossible point for many and there is some hope about how this rage be channelled.

Honduras Coup, 6 years on (tags)

6 years into the coup, the news for June 2015 of political persecution against indigenous peoples, activists, journalists, and lgbti activists. A look at the current situation of crisis and grassroots movement with the IHSS crisis.

May 2015 Honduras Coup update (tags)

May 2015 in Honduras.... it came out that high officials of a social security department stole $320 millions using companies, this ending up in the campaign funds for National Party's electoral campaign in 2013 and diverted to those who made this happen using ghost companies... assassinations, threats, evictions, law being blatantly on the side of money, all evidentially continue. Check the titles here in the May post to see if you want to read some of it....

Links Re Many Instances Of Police Killings And Beatings (tags)

Video cams and cellphones have been equalizers and democratizers in exposing blue violence.

February 2015 Honduras coup update (tags)

Another February in Honduras: two killings of journalists, more persecution, evictions, threats... and the militarisation with something like Plan Colombia that may soon be funded by the US congress, and more

Honduras Coup update January 2015 (tags)

Honduras Coup update January 2015 Starting yet another year with killing, shootings, a disappearance, threats and judicial processes against those who protest, with ever deepening militarisation using military police, and ever graver privatisation, using model cities amongst other laws.

August 2014 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

A monthly update of the political persecution and plunder in Honduras - see archives here:

Crushing defeat for BDS at San Diego State University (tags)

Bigoted #BDS resolution defeated at SDSU 16 no, 3 yes, 3 abstentions

Soft Science, Hard Time: The Expanding Sexual Regulatory State As Facilitated By Science- (tags)

Periodic social upheavals as a result of moral panic seem to be the norm for humanity, with large segments of society reacting, or overreacting, with almost virally propagated outrage to perceived threats. The moral panic of our current age, an obsession with sexual inviolability, illustrates our continued susceptibility to emotional and irrational fears.

How Ratliff Won (tags)

clips from a blog post about an underfunded teacher beat out a well funded up-and-coming politician

Can spy cases be investigated objectively in Finland? (tags)

This follow-up article may explain how influential Russia is in Finland, how people in different bureau may support Russia by making blocking leaks to them, and how some people on government posts are breaking laws either accidentally or on purpose. On the other hand, has this been proofed or ran research on, as Finnish Police and The Guardian of The Law is in charge of such investigations instead of an independent bureau? When found facts are combined to other indicators like spying for Russia, carefully twisted political statements told in mass media for manipulating purposes and systematically made blocking, one may ask who is running the State?

DREAMers confront Sheriff Baca on Deportations, 6 arrested (tags)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

LOS ANGELES - While other immigrant rights organizations were getting bogged down in DACA paperwork1--many of them charging for the service--the DREAMers, never content to rest on their laurels despite their enormous accomplishment, realized the necessity of advancing the movement. Over ten years of organizing has made them masters of political strategy, timing being their forte. And last Thursday was no exception.

Demonstration in front of Disneyland (tags)

Demonstrations at Disneyland, the most powerful economic force in Anaheim, occurred both Saturday and Sunday, with a turnout ranging from 10 to 15 on the latter. Another couple hundred people were en route to join us (having just demonstrated outside the police headquarters) but were barred by police (as organizers learned via cell phone communications).

CIA financed Finnish Socialist (tags)

CIA financed Finnish Socialist between 1945 – 1954 and maybe onwards. IA was not willing to finance Finnish Capitalists 'as they already we on our side' say the document. Finnish geopolitical position creates opportunities for people in politics and working for government not to follow their own legal code as there is no punishment.

The New Walking Dead (tags)

They created the crisis and they offers now as the saviors. 2012 can not bring anything good having put wolves caring the hen house.

February 6, 2012 Gingrich, Romney push high-tech job creation as US lead slips (tags)

U.S. job losses in recent years — especially high-paying technology jobs — are a startling reality that even the Obama administration is having to acknowledge, however reluctantly. Read more:

Tension mounts as Brazilian Indians retake land (tags)

A community of Guarani Indians in Brazil has retaken part of its ancestral land in an act of desperation, having lived by the side of a highway for a year and a half.

The new senators-elect and people's issues (tags)

The line-up of 12 new senators-elect who will serve until 2016 is now complete. As nationally elected legislators, they will play prominent parts in crafting national policy for the next six years. What are we to expect from the newly elected senators? A look at their track records, or previous positions on people's issues, and their platforms of government would be instructive.

Betrayed trust (tags)

Betrayed trust

Harvard Professor’s Modest Proposal: Starve the Gazans into Having Fewer Babies (tags)

Harvard Professor’s Modest Proposal: Starve the Gazans into Having Fewer Babies


The rabbles commemorate but the people continue paying the bill.

LA Eco-Village hosting street painting/family fun party NOW!! (tags)

The LA Eco Village in Koreatown is hosting a street painting family fun event today (Saturday) until 4pm or so - sorry for short notice!!!

An Alternative Explanation for the "Health Emergency" in Mexico (tags)

Viruses make great excuses.

The Anti-Tax Protests: Not Just for the Right Wing (tags)

On tax day, April 15th, "Anti-tax" protests were held all over the nation, with some success. Thousands of people showed up in certain cities to vent their frustration with what was supposed to be a protest against taxation in general. The outcome was quite different. If one looked at the signs that were carried by the majority of the participants, messages were being sent that were impossible to disagree with: tax money should not be given to banks and corporations. Of course. Ordinary people should not have their taxes raised through higher sales taxes, and additional taxes on alcohol, cigarettes, property, or gas. Right on.

Netanyahu won't stand for two state solution. (tags)

He wants a bantustan solution.

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 11.20.08 (tags)

Some "Antiwar" Groups Excuse Obama's Pro-War Cabinet: Kevin Martin, executive director of the group Peace Action, said. . . . "There's so much Obama hero worship, we're having to walk this line where we can't directly criticize him" . . . . Tom Andrews, national director of Win Without War, said that although he finds Sen. Clinton's views "very troubling," Obama should be given the benefit of the doubt.

Bush invokes threat of “World War III” (tags)

The press conference held by President George W. Bush Wednesday was, like all of his press appearances, full of non-sequiturs, evasions and political bullying. Bush called the news conference to present himself as an opponent of excessive federal spending, by which he meant a few billion for children’s health insurance in the bill he vetoed last week, not the hundreds of billions his administration has squandered on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or the trillions in tax cuts for the rich. The routine of his 20th press conference of the year was broken only when Bush was asked about the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Tehran, widely seen as undercutting the Bush administration’s campaign to isolate Iran and pave the way for military action against it. Putin took part in a meeting of the five states bordering on the Caspian Sea, each of them pledging not to allow their territory to be used for military action against any of the others.

"Stop Your Engines Day"! (tags)

Leaving your automobile at home,just one day in a month is enough amazingly,in North America,to save hundreds of millions of gallons of gasoline from being used and this will have a number of positive effects,from dropping gas prices owing to having created a surplus plus a little bit cleaner air!

We all gonna hit the jackpot REAL SOON (tags)

Depleted uranium is worse than allergies.

Bush having nervous breakdown, again (tags)

He thinks Barney is President, now.

Pinochet is dead! It is time to kill the system that spawned him! (tags)

The fact that the death of Pinochet on Sunday sparked off celebrations in Chile and around the world should surprise no one. He was a hated figure, a living symbol of the real face of the bourgeoisie. In "normal" times the capitalists prefer to govern through "democratic" parliamentary means, so long as their fundamental interests are guaranteed. But the capitalist system cannot always guarantee that its interests can be defended through parliamentary means. History is full of examples where the bourgeoisie has preferred to do away with the niceties of "democracy"... Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Suharto... the list is endless.

A Trip to Guantanamo (tags)

stopping the lies

MILF denies agreeing to plebiscite (tags)

A senior leader of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has denied having said the Front agreed to holding of a plebiscite in new areas to be added to the present territory of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). Ghazali Jaafar, MILF deputy chairman for political affairs, was reacting to a news article published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI) today, bylined by Jeffrey Maitum and Charlie Seòase, quoting him as saying, “We are for the constitutional process, if that’s what they (meaning, the government) want…."

Families of the Condemned: The Death Penalty's Invisible Victims (tags)

"What is capital punishment if not the most premeditated of murders to which no criminal act, no matter how calculated, can be compared." Albert Camus


Police does not take any risks and they arrested over 136 people out of 200, who were having a peacefull demonstaration. All participating into demonstration were taken on photo and their identies were put on a security police’s black list.

Wars are stretching Marine Corps thin (tags)

The good news is we won't be invading Iran anytime soon. (Well that's if Geogre W Hitler doesn't nuke them)

MinuteKKKlan having BBQ for Costa Mesa Mayor (tags)

Members of the MinuteKKKlan Project are having a BBQ this Sunday for Allan Mansoor, the neo-Nazi loving Mayor of Costa Mesa!

The Second American Revolution : The Garden of Eden (tags)

Make haste my beloved, and be like a gazelle, or like a young stag upon the mountains of spices.

four years of bloody war (tags)


Young People of America...Rise Up and Rebel! (tags)

...what the soldier is never told is that as a result of having gone to war there is a reasonable likelihood that he will struggle until the day he dies with nightmares depicting the horrors of war, the unrelenting grief, bitterness and resentment, despair, depression, and the anger that will have taken possession of his life...

Toronto activists expose Peña Nieto’s role in the violations of human rights in Atenco (tags)

Toronto, June 16^th . A group of activists denounced today Enrique Peña Nieto, governor of the state of Mexico, for having ordered a police raid on the villagers of Atenco, on May 3^rd and 4^th , resulting in the dead of two youths, the rape of 30 women, the beating of more than 200 detainees. Peña Nieto was in Toronto for the Metropolis conference of the World Association of Major Metropolises, which is made up of delegations from across the world.

Molly Ivins: Pro-Israel 'Nutjobs' on the Attack (tags)

by Molly Ivins

American Workers Should Take a Lesson from the "Sissy" French (tags)

While young French workers express outrage at a proposed law making them endure three years of probation on a new job, U.S. workers wonder what the term "job security" means.

The Only Hope For the World (tags)

I see only one way out; a metamorphic leap of faith, an about face in the way we think, a decision to let go of everything that we, as a nation, once held dear, an understanding that the world will surely end unless we recognize the fact that we have no choice but to embrace our enemy as our brother, the one, without whom, we will never find peace, a brother-in-arms, enchained from head to toe, with whom we will either drown, or, together, might be allowed to live for yet another day....

The Day My Son Died (tags)


Is Finland going to be part of Russia? (tags)

How about Texas selecting Tarja, who told on his speech "It would be a blessing for Finland to join Soviet Union in a peaceful manner. At the same time we would be able to get rid of capitalist yoke, since capitalism will die anyway in the next 20 years. Finland together with Soviet Union cold be forerunner towards a communist society".

Finnish Citizen Missing Legal Protection (tags)

Where Swedish Chancellor of Justice blames Swedish Policemen for telling lies and Swedish Legal System for jailing innocent, have Finland continued the same policy lining having taken place three socialist president generations ago. This policy lining was started by President Mauno Koivisto (SDP), and it was carried on by Martti Ahtisaari (SDP) and President Tarja Halonen (SDP).

The Day America Died (tags)

Since that fateful day in September, we have seemingly never looked back. All pride..abject arrogance with no shame whatsoever. Never once questioning why so many people around the world have chosen to hate us.

The Mindless American: A Tragedy In The Making (tags)

shameful is the fact that there are people who seem not to care that such things are taking place in our country

Listing RIght (tags)

Who would have guessed so many liberals had combat medals, and so many conservatives hid behind deferments?

The Mindless American: A Tragedy In The Making (tags)

As a result of nine-eleven’s jarring impact upon our nation, journalists have discovered a near paranoid rise in retaliation against individuals attempting to expose governmental malfeasance.

W's Bizzaro world of 'Accountability' (tags)

In the pretzeled logic of the Bush Regime's Bizzaro world, 'accountability' means having your pals give you A's on your job reviews.

Screwing Future Retirees...Again (tags)

Having failed to kill off Social Security with private accounts, conservatives in Congress are now trying to render it useless by raising the retirement age further—this time to 69. That may be okay for a Wall Street lawyer who runs half-marathons and spends two hours in the gym, but for the average American worker bee, employers have by that point pretty much ruined her or his health and body. Some “reform.” ----------------

Co-Op Grows despite trials: New faces join the movement. (tags)

Even the US Marines know that the best laid plans go wrong in the first 20 seconds and you better be prepared for anything to happen!


The Organizers of certainly understand that concept intimately, having survived the first six weeks of operation.


A Co-op of Causes, Unslaver News followed Invisible Slavery and since then has added a new face each week to the movement.

Diving in Tropics with Down Jones; Pulp strike causing severe damage to your buttocks. (tags)

Finland’s Paper Union has been having and still is having a strike at the moment. The strike is causing severe damage to labor buttocks.

Neo-con's Definition of Freedom (tags)

It is imperative that the American people understand what this word means to the neo-cons.

President Tarja Halonen's Legal State is A Common Joke (tags)

You read yourself how Socialist Finland takes care of Official Legal Proceeding; No identification necessary, how socialist government judges list people, how Court Judges commit slanders and so on.

Are Bush's Social Security Program and John Bolton Nomination Dumb Ideas or Diversions? (tags)

The Bush Social Security “reform” proposal is so ridiculous, and John Bolton is such a jerk, that you have to wonder: could there be a reason Bush is proposing such stupid things? Maybe they are meant to be outrageous, to keep us ineffectively spinning our wheels while the real dirty business gets done.

PM denies any affair outside his wife (tags)

Big rumours from Finland. PM denies any affair to women having admitted having met and denied of having had an affair.


Finland - Few days ago Finns flew a group of Georgian women back to their homeland after these tourists did not have enough money to spend in Finland.

Finnish Security Police Ex-Manager Suspected of Having Committed a Threat (tags)

Northern Territory Ex Security Police Manager Mr Martti Pitkänen of Finnish Security Police is held under suspicion of having committed a threat.

US Iran Policy: Newton's Law of Threat and Response at Work (tags)

With the U.S. threatening an invasion, and still occupying neighboring Iraq, which it invaded two years ago, is it any surprise Iraq is trying to buy all the high-tech arms it can, or that it is trying to get the bomb? What would any government do faced with such a threat? But is this good policy on America’s part?

A Stygian Dream - (Chalk Another One Up To The Culture Of Death) (tags)

No Summary

ok reformists... (tags)

please email this to your reformist friends

Holiday Funding Appeal on behalf of The NewStandard (tags)

This is an urgent appeal on behalf of a very important online news organization -- a fledgling participatory economics collective called The NewStandard -- which is presently at risk of having to close down for lack of funds.

The President Should Have His Ears Cleaned (tags)

How can a president who communes with God make so many wrong, dangerous and idiotic decisions? Maybe he just isn’t hearing properly.

Affluenza - The Consumer Virus: The Market is our God (tags)

We fear meaninglessness and uselessness. Therefore we spend our whole life persuading ourselves we are invincible. One of the tricks for assuring ourselves of eternal life is consumption..The world econo-my is an altar for consumers and investors..

Standardizing Early Childhood Education? (tags)

Under federal mandates states are developing new standards for the education of young children.


Vanunu Not Yet Free

Big Business Hurts Itself and Workers by Opposing Socialized Medicine (tags)

Ideological blindness makes U.S. corporate interests oppose socialized medicine, even though by having to pay health benefits themselves makes them wildly uncompetitive with similar companies in Europe or Canada.



Another Bloody Gaza Day (tags)

The murder of a pregnant Israeli settler and her four children by extremists has torpedoed a Palestinian state once again.

As We Protest Today, Remember Those in Trouble for Speaking Out (tags)

As thousands protest in NYC and across the world today, we must remember those who face police reprisal for their protests. One is Camilo Viveiros, arrested protesting the Republican National Convention in 2000, whose trial is coming on April 5.

Top interpreters' life & Cheltenham's secrets (tags)

Interpreter's everyday life.

copy of letter to mkUltra investigator, request for help (tags)

Brief innerview of governmental control mechanisms, slave-system, based on personal witness eexperience. Also description of ongoing threats to falsey imprison, "commit", ship" me, force pregnancy,, sell me into slavery, drive me nuts or get me labeled as one.Invite all verifiable. non-governmental, non-violent,non-criminal, legitimate, Christian supportive responses, offers of job or safe domecile.

Demonstrations against the FTAA in the entire continent will increase (tags)

The possibility of create an opposition front to the FTAA that includes some Latin-American governments and the increase of popular demonstrations will be main issues of discussion in the 3rd Hemispheric Encounter against the FTAA, that is having place in Havana, Cuba.


Indymedia comes to the Central Valley


Who is a real threat to a State.

The New America- Darth VAder or Frankenstein's Monster? ( Part 2 Of 2) (tags)

Using unusual personal experience and studied general observation to denote the horrific transformation of America, via mass-conditioning, pop-culture media programming, the military, and of course the legislature and police to train and harvest the slaves to serve the New World Mafia's black market profits and control.

How to deal with irritatingly good news (tags)

Within minutes of Paul Bremer pronouncing the words "We got him" to ecstatic cheers from Iraqi journalists, there were solemn-faced experts crowding on to my television screen to proclaim that the capture was largely irrelevant, or positively counter-productive, to the present difficulties in Iraq. The very same interviewers who had once invited their interviewees to prophesy endless anarchy as a consequence of America's inability to locate this man were now asking more or less the same people if his arrest was not pretty useless after all. Or (better yet) if it might not "inflame" the situation even further.

Fight of the Week: Dennis “Media Killer” Kucinich Versus Ted “The Trivializer” Koppel. (tags)

In New Hampshire Debate, Democratic Underdogs Refuse To Take Media Bully Lying Down

Thinking of getting hired to the government - not without a red book of the Party (tags)

Short story of explaining about Finnish Government's hiring policy.

California recall (tags)

California and Arnold as a new Governor. Is this a case of America on the new path for a revolution? Just my own personal thoughts.

Does President Bush Plan To Attack Israel Next ? (tags)

We must stop terrorist states and rogue nations. President Bush has made this abundantly clear. The Mideast has only one country that is a bigger nuclear power than England, unregulated and unchecked by the International Atomic Energy Commission or the U.N., with an unsafe,aging nuclear reactor at Dimona, Israel. There is a fleet of Phantoms to deliver the nuclear bombs, as well as missiles that can hit all European capitals, as mentioned by an Israeli diplomat recently. It has advanced chemical and biological weapons. It occupies a land inhabited by 3 1/2 million people, terrorizing innocent civilians, not allowing them to build a home on 2/3's of their land.

Spreading Radical Beautifulness as 'Depth Charge', Despite Worries (tags)

Champaign, IL--a guy who has not been able to get foodstamps for several days now, got "lucky" and bypassed worry when he went into a flow of quite apparently rare excellence with quite a few people on the street.

Answer Answers Bush (tags)

Answer responds to Der Fuhrer's Propaganda Speech.

Between Irag and a Hard Place (tags)

War at home and abroad

DEAN: Reborn as a Neo-Conservative (tags)

The DLC speaks and the candidates follow! Dean adopts the hawkish, AIPAC view of Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East.

The Forbidden Truths of Sex within Human Society (tags)

A Truth-based dissection of the genocidally evil methods and doctrines that human societal and governmental leaders use to define, dictate, manipulate, and control the sexual beliefs, attitudes, and practices of their citizen-slaves.

Metaphysical Didactical Armor with Biblical-Analogy basis presented in Anarchistic format (tags)

If I were to tell you a story which held up in many instances and proved useful, while not hindering your efforts at leading a normal sane life... why would you mind? Here is a thought that occurred to me, the latest in my internal discource on Lucifer, Satan, God, Jesus, the fall of man, all that good stuff. I am an bona-fide anarchist, so my sources and assumtions follow that bent--there are law, rules and common sense, but no authority outside of those things. (Laws but no ordained rulers. That kinda thing.) ...enough said here, read on!

And Working Overtime (tags)

What's another broken promise from the GOP to the men and women of the armed forces?

Under Surveillance In Lebanon (tags)

It is said that Abu Mahjen, leader of Esbat Al-Ansar, has established contact with people who believe in Al-Qaeda's orientations.


What really is the deal here?

12 months for having books (tags)

A man in UK gets 12 months in prison for having books related to bomb making.


Having destroyed its water and power supplies, cut off food supply routes and having failed to crack its human defences, they are now preparing to lay siege to Iraq's second city which is more than 40 per cent children.

Indymedia Site (tags)

Indymedia Web problems .Hackers?

Bring AMERICAN FLAGS to the PROTESTS (if you can stomach it) (tags)

Having a lot of American Flags at Anti War Demonstrations would be a SMART MEDIA SAVY thing to do .

8am Federal Building - Downtown (tags)

I will be at the Downtown Federal building at 8am. Everyone needs to go to peace vigils every day.

SAG, IATSE condemn blacklisting (tags)

Screen Actors Guild Releases Statement Regarding Free Speech IATSE Joins SAG in Condemning Any Hint of Blacklisting

Diplomatic Riffs (tags)

It's funny that the president brags about having the support of Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria and Denmark. Those countries together couldn't whip Iraq.

Michael Lerner: Should He Speak? (tags)

Biting Satire Exposing Lerner's Ego.

54 cities so far pass peace resolutions! (tags)

As of January 29, 54 city councils and other civic bodies have passed resolutions opposing war with Iraq.

Osama Bin Laden's Romance With Kola Boof (tags)

Sudanese author Kola Boof, who faces death by fatwa, has admitted to a brief love affair with Osama Bin Laden in Morrocco in 1996.

A Peace Poster Project (tags)

We created a poster that has appeared in around 20 states, and has been dowloaded over 1,000 times from the site ( created to support distribution. Appropriate text is now being developed for versions in Spanish, Japanese, Italian and Finnish. The poster features a powerful photograph of an Iraqi girl who was injured in a US bombing raid south of Basra in April, 1999. Download the poster by accessing You can also email a letter to Bush from the site.

On the subject of so-called "Trust Fund Kids" (tags)

I've noticed that some of the right-wingers and Bush lovers who post on IMC -- most notably those with nothing of substance to say -- are fond of using the term "Trust Fund Kids" as a pejorative to somehow diminish the contributions of those whose financial circumstances are anywhere above the poverty level. Let's dispel some of the "popular" misconceptions.




What Nativism & Xenophobia have to do with Bilingual / Bicultural Education in America

Protest AIPAC! (tags)

AIPAC, the American Israel Political Affairs Committee, is having a "summit" at the Swissotel in Buckhead on October 6. Come join APS and other human rights activists in protesting these sponsors of terrorism!

Forbidden Truth:Mainstream Media Sellout (tags)

That Washington's media elite appears to be anesthetized to Bush's current drive to turning the United States into some mirror image of East Germany, China, or Pinochet's Chile cannot be overstated.


Nearly every day the news reports a child dying in the back seat of the parents car after having been forgotten by their loving parents. How is such a thing possible?


Background information of the Finnish Society and 'an emergency back-up update' to understand why things do go wrong.

Finnish police moral and ethic (tags)

Article describes in short some of the latest top police crimes taken place at Finland.

Who Aree the Terrorists? (tags)

"The Secret War, Strategy of Terror" was what the cloak & daggar crowd branded the war in Central America staged in Honduras during the 1980s.

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