fix articles 15370, medium
Dennis Wymbs: Retired Teacher Becomes Leather Artist (tags)
San Diego North County teacher turned leather artist Dennis Wymbs is showing his art through July 31 at Pleasures & Treasures, 2525 University Avenue in North Park. Wymbs creates stunning work in a wide variety of media, including leather sculptures, metal engraving, masks and painting. His work is sensual and reflects his background as a Gay man and a Leatherman, but without hurling his or its sexuality in our faces. The store where he's exhibiting can be reached at (619) 822-4280 or online at
Capital’s most severe crisis in seventy years ought to be a moment of significant opportunity for the left. But as the right mobilizes disgruntled Americans via its vast radio, television, web, and print empires, the one mass medium available to the left is driving out its best and brightest.
To mutilate literature and history = to do movies in the USA.
Is America a true democracy?
Prison on Lockdown and Eric McDavid in the Hole after Alleged IED Found (tags)
Eric McDavid is in the hole...
Eric McDavid Update - Lockdowns, Move and New Address (tags)
Lockdowns, move and new address
Eric McDavid Moved to Victorville (tags)
Eric's new address...
Exhibitionism - Made Easy (tags)
We have these wondrous possibilities but we don't know what we want to communicate (Brecht)..The expertocracy is losing ground and legitimacy..This peculiar network knowledge replaces authority.
Free Interfaith Kids’ Peace Convention (tags)
Saturday, October 2, 2004 from 9 am to 2 pm at Throop Memorial Church 300 S. Los Robles Ave in Pasadena. Come enjoy a relaxing day getting to know your neighbors! There will be games, oral history, dance, drama, and refreshments. Admission is free.
Other schemes that are drought inducing (by overloading the electrostatic capacity of the atmosphere via chemtrails) are Global Hawk, over the horizon radar, SkyNet, weather modification, HAARP, Star Wars.....G.I.S. FOLKS HAVE THEORIZED THAT LARGE FOREST FIRES ARE GOOD FOR REDUCING GREENHOUSE PRESSURE..THE OTHER OPTION IS 'SMALL SCALE' NUCLEAR WINTER.
Faith as a Balancing Act of Life (tags)
Like personal relationships, the modern world is out of balance. This chapter views faith as the discovery of the happy medium and the discovery of God. Nearness and distance, individuality and community can be redefined from the faith perspective.