fix articles 15360, in alaska
BP Settlement Sells Out Gulf Ecosystem and Residents (tags)
President Obama's settlement with BP for 7.8 billion does not cover the costs of ecosystem clean-up and the losses sustained by the fishing industries of the region. The people of the Gulf depend upon a healthy fishery as do the pelicans and other birds that comsume fish. Covering the Gulf in oil because the emergency safety valve wasn't installed is a serious error that needs to be made an example of. BP was let off easy by the U.S. government in the interests of protecting corporate oil profits.
Lawless Spying in America to Obstruct First Amendment Freedoms (tags)
lawless spying
"The System is Incestuous" (tags)
"We have a two-po9le system with corporations that direct the economy and authorities that should protect us from market failure. The corporations hire people who come from the government and the government hires people from the corporations..."
BP and Administration Lies, Deceit and Coverup in the Gulf (tags)
The Gulf is now a crime scene
Biodegradable Eating Utensils, Alternative Energy, and Indigenous Culture at Eco Maya (tags)
“The paper goods are made from [materials] like corn, rice, and sugarcane, and they are all biodegradable. Even the trash bags are biodegradable. What we’re trying to do is change the way that festivals are produced.” – Carmelo Alvarez, event co-organizer
Alaska's fragile ecology is imperiled by 'Rugged' ego (tags)
The military and the oil and gas industry account for most of Alaska's population growth, and are both notoriously conservative and transient. These immigrants believe they are rugged individualists, and they are dead wrong