fix articles 15355, salmon
Ministry discovery - "Salmon do not vote" (tags)
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland have found out the fact that salmon do not vote. Jarper Pääkkönen told he secretly taped the salmon concersation he had in The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland. "Several sourced warned, that they (in the ministry) can distort/twist stories...". Does one has to be either a police and a lawyer to succeed in Finland as The Wiesenthal Center know?
11/22 - Last Day for Public Comment on GMO Salmon! (tags)
Today is the last day for public comment on genetically modified salmon. Please tell Pres. Obama and the FDA that people do not want to risk tampering with natural ecosystems by releasing genetically engineered (GE/GMO) salmon into the oceans and rivers that currently support struggling populations of wild salmon. GMO salmon is the latest trick from Monsanto attempting to control our food supply by replacing wild salmon with genetically engineered "Frankenfish" salmon that have less nutritional value and greater risks of illness, including potential extinction of wild salmon populations by the Monsanto version of GMO salmon.
British Columbia's Premier Takes His Environmental Hypocrisy to Los Angeles (tags)
The Premier of British Columbia is in California today for the Governors' summit on Climate Action, even though his record at home is one of environmental hypocrisy. Campbell has been pushing for coastal drilling for oil and gas, and campaigning to open up crude oil tanker traffic along the coastline of the Great Bear Rainforest.
Deporting Fathers in the Name of Homeland Security (tags)
Via deportations, the U.S. government is destroying families and harming children. Roxroy Salmon's case is one of many thousands.
The California Water Wars: Not A Conflict Between Fish and People (tags)
Is the cost of destroying the thousands of jobs provided to the economy by California and Oregon fisheries, the tourist industry, and Delta and Sacramento Valley farms worth providing subsidized water to corporate agribusiness to irrigate toxic, drainage impaired land on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley?
California Water War Enters New Front with the 'Battle of the Reports' (tags)
The Public Policy Institute of California released a report advocating the construction of a peripheral canal on the California Delta, while two environmental groups, EDF and NRDC, released two separate reports recommending ways to provide enough water to both restore salmon and serve California's water needs.
Salmon Closure 2008 - NEVER AGAIN: Ten Actions We Need to Take Now! (tags)
This is the final copy of the "Salmon Closure 2008 - Never Again" action alert from the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations. This alert provides you with 10 concrete actions that you take NOW to restore Central Valley salmon, now in an unprecedented state of collapse, and other imperiled salmon runs on the West Coast.
Hearing (7/31) on Cheney's role in Rio Klamath fish kill of 2002 (tags)
Despite previous warnings of an impending collapse of Klamath's riparian ecosystem, Cheney promised basin farmers far more water than could be delivered during a severe drought season of 2002. As predicted, low water flows resulted in a massive die-off of endangered Klamath Rio salmon, today Cheney is being held responsible for his deceptive manipulations of science for profit off of physically unavailable water..
CA cannabis prohibition 4 CDC prison profit$$ (tags)
CDC state prison officials reap profits from the incarceration of non-violent cannabis offenders and the exploitation of rural economies..
FERC under GW Bush regime contributes to genocide (tags)
Recent GW Bush/Cheney regime influenced FERC decision to relicense Klamath River dams contributes to the genocide of indigenous nations (Yurok, Hupa, Karuk) living along the Klamath River ecosystem.
Grow Jojoba and Decommision Klamath Dams in 2006 (tags)
If Klamath Valley farming collectives would grow jojoba, tepary bean and other CA drought tolerant natives, then there would be no need for maintaining the expensive dams on the Klamath River. The Klamth dams' FERC license expires in 2006, decommision dams and restore Klamath for salmon!!
Free los rios from corporate agribusiness (tags)
Restoring los rios de california involves changing agriculture from corporate controlled 2 smaller scale permaculture and increasing use of drought tolerant native plants..
Iron Mountain Mine Superfund site (tags)
Redding is also suffering from the effects of Iron Mountain Mine, a Federal Superfund site given the cold shoulder by the Bush/Norton regime. The clean-up of this mine will not be as expensive as the 400+ billion dollar military budget and nuclear weapon contracters that gobbble up more than their share of rio agua from the north..
Feeling Rios' Sacramento/San Joaquin Flood Pulse (tags)
Poem about Sacramento River (or other) salmon run blocked by dams, potential for valley permaculture, free flowing salmon supporting rivers, and independence from petroleum based fertilizer/pesticides..
Feinstein deaf 2 Wintu and Palestinian voices, hears only $$$$ (tags)
CA Senator Diane Feinstein shows no concern for the original inhabitants of Palestine or Shasta County. Her campaign funding from pro-Israel AIPAC and Central Valley agribusiness could be blinding her to the objections of the Palestinians and the Winnemem Wintu..
He lost Afghansitan. He is losing Iraq. Even in America Bush can't get the people on his side.
Alaska's fragile ecology is imperiled by 'Rugged' ego (tags)
The military and the oil and gas industry account for most of Alaska's population growth, and are both notoriously conservative and transient. These immigrants believe they are rugged individualists, and they are dead wrong
Cloning a brave new wolrd order (tags)
Will the advent of a human clone be a threat to the survival of the species?