fix articles 1534, carly fiorina
Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes ,The GOP, Bush Operatives Exclude Rand Paul From Public Airwav (tags)
Though Rand Paul has been ahead of Christie, Bush and Kasich in the Jan 13th 2016 Des Moines Register and several other polls, the Fox tv network (part of Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp) has excluded him from the next debate.
Lunatics in Washington Want Direct Confrontation with Russia (tags)
Republican Race Tightens: Does It Matter? (tags)
US Presidential Aspirants Irresponsibly Bash Putin (tags)
Some Of Those Touted As 2016 Presidential Candidates (tags)
Will the Greens and Libertarians be gamechangers in 2016?
San Diego Queer Democrats Reject Progressive, Endorse Moderate for Congress (tags)
The San Diego Democrats for Equality, a predominantly Queer Democratic party club, decisively rejected the Congressional candidacy of progressive former Assemblymember Lori Saldaña at its regular meeting January 26. Instead they endorsed moderate Scott Peters on the ground that he'd be a better "fit" for the district, could raise more money and would have a better shot at unseating Republican incumbent Brian Bilbray.
Miriam Raftery of East County Magazine: Taking It to the Web (tags)
When San Diego East County journalist Miriam Raftery found the local community weeklies unwilling or unable to publish the kinds of journalism she wanted to do — from exposés of corporations like Blackwater to up-to-the-minute wildfire alerts — she turned to the Internet and started the online East County Magazine. Now over two years old, East County Magazine has won 32 independent journalism awards and broken several major stories.
Veteran Activist Tom Hayden Speaks in San Diego (tags)
Veteran activist and former California State Senator Tom Hayden came to the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in Hillcrest November 4 to talk about the "Long War," a doctrine used by America's military that suggests the U.S. will be at war against militant Islam for 60 to 80 years and Afghanistan and Iraq are merely "theatres" in this war. He also talked about the recent midterm elections and the frustration of white voters, especially white men, at the failure of either the Republicans or the Democrats to improve their lives.
Where the Hell is the Progressive Rebel Party? (tags)
Teabaggers are being “bagged” back into the same old two party system—that is not just corrupted but corroded—so the joke will ultimately be on them—exactly in the same way that the joke was on progressives, who equally thought a corporate owned “top-down” Democratic Party was going to deliver a new deal of any kind—even as the bottom up got many of them elected into office.
Democrats or Alternative Parties? SUF Debates the Question (tags)
Work within the Democratic Party or start alternative parties of our own? It’s a debate American progressives have been having since the 1890’s (though until the 1930’s there was the option of working within the Republican Party as well) and the progressive disappointment with the Obama administration was pervasive when San Diego’s Socialist Unity Forum (SUF) met to discuss the question Sept. 19. But so was fear of the “Tea Party” movement — ostensibly independent but supporting and invigorating the Right wing of the Republican Party — and concern that abandoning the Democrats now is unnecessarily divisive and harmful.
Koran Burning versus Real Patriotism (tags)
Any fanatic can burn a book, or a flag, because it doesn’t require rational explanation. But anyone with the brain of a troglodyte could appreciate there is complexity to the reality of most religions and belief systems. Once again high-minded religion plays its hand in the human affairs of politics, as Jones also sees the trumped up Muslim Mosque controversy, to be built close to ground zero, as seriously provocation. But real patriotism includes having a willing to seek out the truth.
Demand La Opinion/KPCC 89.3 FM “Public” Radio Open Up The U.S. Senate Debate! (tags)
Tired of the same old “Punch and Judy” show that the corporate-owned mainstream media continues to befuddle the voters with every election cycle?
Carly Fiorina makes the Tea Party (tags)
Carly Fiorina, candidate for Senate, tries to paint herself as a center-right candidate, but she has been seeking votes from the far-right, backwards, Tea Party. Here's a video about her appearance at a Tea Party rally.
“Earth Is for People, Not for Corporations” (tags)
Election fraud expert Steven Freeman headlined “Earth Is for People, Not for Corporations” at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego’s Hillcrest neighborhood July 1. The event featured a wide variety of anti-corporate presentations and showed the role of corporations in promoting and profiting from every current social evil, from war to the exploitation of immigrants and denial of the reality of climate change. It also exposed the role of corporate media and discussed ways people can challenge it.
San Diego’s Queer Democrats Discuss Election Aftermath (tags)
The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club heard from three local experts — San Diego County Democratic Party chair Jess Durfee, San Diego CityBeat editor David Rolland and political consultant Jennifer Tierney — on the aftermath of the June 8 primary election at their regular meeting June 24. The discussion centered mainly on how Democratic candidates like state gubernatorial nominee Jerry Brown and local City Council candidate Howard Wayne can overcome the vast advantage of Republican money — and, in Brown's case, the multi-billion dollar personal fortune of his opponent, Meg Whitman. The club also took a position against SB 1070, the controversial anti-immigrant law recently passed by the Arizona state legislature.
Anti-Abortion & Anti-Gay Marriage Republican Cal Candidates; Feeble Democrats (tags)
In a very low voter turnout election, the June governor's primary, California Republicans voted for 2 businesswomen who are anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage, Meg Whitman for Governor and Carly Fiorina for US Senate. Meg Whitman's anti-immigrant ads would make Hitler proud. And we can be sure Democratic candidate for governor Jerry Brown, a lawyer, will not touch any of these issues as he is also reactionary, having promoted a military charter school while mayor of Oakland. Ms. Israel, Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer, will also be silent on these issues. This garbage is called the leadership of this backward country.
Queer Democrats Celebrate Women’s Equality Day (tags)
The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club celebrated Women’s Equality Day August 27 with a program featuring the club’s women’s caucus chair Kate Lyon, California NOW president Patty Bellasalma, Congressional candidate Francine Busby and Assemblymember Lori Saldaña discussing the history of feminist activism in the U.S. and the continuing difficulty of electing women to public office. The club members also considered an initiative to impose term limits on the members of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, but decided to delay taking a position on that for a month.