fix articles 152765, mental illness
Capitalism as Mental Illness (tags)
As to the stress mechanism, Adam Smith supplied that with his theory of “selfish interest” providing collective benefit. And while it’s inarguable that being forced to compete in a self reinforcing and ever accelerating rat race has provided us with many industrial and technological milestones, we must ask ourselves: at what cost? The fracture of social cohesion?
Unhoused and Mentally Ill in Venice (tags)
The way City of Los Angeles deals with unhoused people suffering with mental illness should be dismantled and defunded.
The mentally ill who have nowhere to go and find little sympathy from those around them often land hard in emergency rooms, county jails and city streets. The lucky ones find homes with family. The unlucky ones show up in the morgue.
"History of mental illness " (tags)
The time is come to evaluate the presumed sanity of the community of fbi/police who regularly label their victims as crazy.
Key Declaration about Mental Illness and Homelessness in U.S.A. by E. Fuller Torrey (tags)
Author of the Tragic Odyssey of the Homeless Mentally Ill a Text by Harper and Row. Until the laye 1950's most seriously mentally ill lived in state hospitals It became feasible to discharge 100,000's of thousands when medications improved. by 1985 the population had decreased by 80%
Global turn-around: to persuade Western Powers to adopt 'bottom-up' ethical human rights. (tags)
Major Western Powers invited to New Zealand gives opportunity to adovate a global 'turn-around' by adopting the 'bottom-up' emphasis of global ethical human rights (developed in NZ) to replace 'near absolute', 'top-down' control of 'neoliberal absolutism'.
Horrific Conditions in Los Angeles County Jail (tags)
the same ongoing across America
Is Normal Now A Mental Illness? (tags)
Is your child easily distracted? Or perhaps he talks excessively, or can become impatient?
LA' Skid Row Homeless Shelter Residents Deliver Aid to Victims of Tsunami (tags)
A rousing spirit of giving prompted formerly homeless members of Skid Row’s Lamp Community to raise over $500 in two days to give to tsunami victims.
So-Called Mental Illness is Myth Masquerading As Science--new book will rock your world! (tags)
This dialogue between Dr. Szasz and his critics allows him to once again articulate the argument he has presented so brilliantly and passionately for over four decades. . . . A profession that fails to learn from and respect those who confront it with controversial and discomforting ideas loses strength and vibrancy. Hopefully, at least some younger psychiatrists will be encouraged to read this book. They will find that their intellectual and professional lives will be enriched.
Normalcy: The Most Common Mental Illness (tags)
Just what is mental illness?
BTL: U.S. Prison System Requires New Commitment to Treat Mentally Ill Inmates (tags)
...Interview with Mike Lawlor, Connecticut state representative, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus.