fix articles 15259, bechtel
Calling All UC Students & Alumni: Stop Nuclear Development at our University! (tags)
A new online campaign is up that utilizes the strategic power of students and alumni to demand a peaceful and sustainable University. Check it out to learn more about the issue, join up and network with others. Together we can send a powerful message to the University of California that tells them we will not be complicit with the nuclear weapons industry!
Protests Increase in August (tags)
From: Protest News Website
Student Statement Opposing UC-Bechtel Bid (tags)
The Regents of the University of California have announced a partnership with the Bechtel Corporation in their bid to manage the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). The students of the UC oppose this partnership and the UC’s continued involvement in the design and production of nuclear weaponry.
We, the Students: UC Students Rise Up to Oppose UC-Bechtel! (tags)
Dozens of students from across the UC system will converge at the UC Regents meeting at UC San Francisco Laurel Heights to speak out in opposition to the UC's join bid with Bechtel for management of the nation's nuclear weapons labs. After meeting at 9 a.m. outside of the Laurel Heights building, the students will command the floor during the Regents' public comment period at 10 a.m. At roughly 11:20, we will conduct a rally outside the conference building. Please join us in opposing the nuclearization and corporatization of the UC! Contact to carpool from SoCal to the Regents meeting.
How Can We Escape This Abyss? (tags)
One hand washes the other even if it is bloodstained.. The government of one of the poorest countries paid Enron $220 million per year for energy that was not produced!.. Now Bechtel and GE aresuing the Indian government for $5.6 billion..
As Iraq death toll rises, so do war profits (tags)
WASHINGTON – As the roster of dead and wounded in Iraq grows longer, George W. Bush is pleading that the people of this country stay the course despite admissions by his administration that the occupation has become a “long, hard slog.”
Women Call Anti-Occupation Halloween Protest Against Bechtel (tags)
In a Halloween themed protest, women and men occupied the street outside the offices of the “truly scary” Bechtel Corporation at 707 Wilshire Blvd in downtown Los Angeles beginning at 5 pm on Tuesday, October 28. Protesters used music, costumes, spoken word and more to highlight Bechtel’s rap sheet of profiteering from weapons, war and water privatization.
Anti-occupation Protest (tags)
Anti-occupation Protest Bechtel Corporation
Carving Up The New Iraq (tags)
Carving Up The New Iraq By Neil Mackay The Sunday Herald Tuesday 15 April 2003
Bechtel Gives to Democrats & Republicans (tags)
Bechtel Group, Inc., an engineering and construction firm just awarded a contract to build in Iraq, gives to both Democrats and Republicans.
Corporate corruption and the Bush Administration (tags)
How to Find Work in Iraq (tags)
Since compiling our initial list of reconstruction contracts in Iraq, we have received inquiries on how to find information on job and business opportunities in Iraq. A common complaint is how difficult it is to find out where to start. Unfortunately, the US Govt has not made it as simple as they could have by posting all of the relevant information on one web site. Those unfamilliar with government contracts are placed at a disadvantage as a result.
Republicans Gone Wild! The Corporate Orgy in Iraq (tags)
The Corporate Orgy in Iraq and hardcore Republican porn.
Four Days of Action Against Bechtel and the Corporate Invasion of Iraq: June 1 - June 5 (tags)
Activists in San Francisco are organizing four days of action against war profiteer, Bechtel! Join us, flyer your community, inform your comrades! Flyers available at: and let us know!
UN rubber stamps US-UK occupation of Irag (tags)
Occupation of Irag
Plan an action at the LA office on June 5th!FOUR DAYS OF ACTION AGAINST BECHTEL AND THE CORPORATE INVASION OF IRAQ June 1 – June 5, 2003
Bechtel tied to bin Ladens (tags)
Osama bin Laden family members invested $10M in an equity fund run by former Bechtel unit.
Bechtel wins oil contracts (tags)
Last month, multi-billionaire Riley Bechtel was sworn in as a member of President Bush's Export Council to advise the government on how to create markets for American companies overseas. It was hardly a surprise to the 104th wealthiest man in world, whose family had amassed its fortune in mega-construction projects around the globe was tapped to advise the Bush administration on trade.
Rebuilding Iraq: Political Contributions of Corporate Winners (tags)
It's not what you's who you know! That old adage couldn't be more true, as contractors jockey for position for the US. Government's "Corporate Dash For Cash" being held in Washington . Not coincidentally, many of these contractors just happened to contribute rather generously to the Bush Presidential campaign. Open Secrets has all the juicy details on their web site:
Bechtel corruption info. (tags)
Bechtel Corporation Info. -- Employees: 47,000 -- Current projects: 900 -- Countries: 60 -- Ownership: Bechtel family -- Founded: 1898 -- Major projects: BART, Boston's Big Dig, Hoover Dam and the Channel Tunnel rail link between Britain and France. -- Revenues: $13.4 billion (2001)
Contracts for reconstruction in Iraq are primarily being handled by the USAID. The US Agency for International Development is headed by Andrew Nastios.
U.S. corporations set to profit off Iraq (tags)
The Bush administration’s attempt to fashion for itself the sole role of ruler and victor in post-war Iraq is meeting growing domestic and international opposition.
HOLOCAUST 2003 - The ONLY Solution is The Final Solution
Capitalists profit from war both from the destruction of a country and from the reconstrution afterwards, and of course from the natural resources like oil.
Secret Bechtel Documents Reveal: Yes, It Is About Oil (tags)
Titled "Crude Vision: How Oil Interests Obscured US Government Focus on Chemical Weapons Use by Saddam Hussein," this report traces an intense effort by Reagan officials in the mid-OE80s to win Hussein's approval for a $2-billion oil pipeline to be built by Bechtel, running from the Euphrates oilfields in southern Iraq westward to Jordan and the Gulf of Aqaba. A key player in that effort was Rumsfeld, then the CEO of Searle drugs, the giant phramaceutical company.
Screw Bechtel - I prefer BELCHtel -BURP!- (tags)
I photoshopped the Bechtel Corporate Logo to be "Belchtel" Belch: 1. To expel gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth; burp. 2. To erupt or explode. 3. To gush forth. I submitted this to Adbusters Magazine :-)
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