fix articles 151996, s. centers
Underhanded History of the USA (tags)
From Grade 5, many schools are becoming binary and anti-racist. "Attitude instead of Education" is by Willy Meyer.
The Trojan Horse and Away from the Herd (tags)
In "Away from the Herd," the author compares the modern plight with docile submissive people in WW1. "Tagore criticizes modern civilization, which is crushed by materialism. He compares it to a giant giraffe: intelligence has grown into excess and has departed from the heart, the body is wasting away.
The US economy needs Joe Biden (tags)
The economic and socio-political record of US President Donald Trump is devastating. Wages stagnated even before the Corona crisis. Instead, the national debt increased because he lowered taxes for the rich - without any economic benefit. Joe Biden knows the reasons for the misery and knows what to do.
COVID-19 and Catastrophe Capitalism (tags)
The scale of the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences on world accumulation are unprecedented, with the global economic costs still increasing. At the end of March, some three billion people on the planet were in lockdown or social-distancing mode.36
LA Times Homicide Report (tags)
The Homicide Report is an interactive map, database and blog that chronicles homicides in Los Angeles County. Any death deemed a homicide by the coroner’s office -- the death of a human being by the hand of another -- is included in the database. Coroner's officials currently are providing a bi-weekly list of homicides to The Times. At a minimum, the Homicide Report provides basic details of each killing. In addition, the report includes in-depth reporting of cases and communities, as well as updates when arrests are made and suspects are tried in court.
Pharma Cartel Poisons Kids with Thimerosal Ethylmercury Vaccines (tags)
Several vaccines still contain Thimerosal and the ethylmercury compound believed to be linked with higher rates of autism in children and some adults. Unfortunately the corrupt western medical establishment under pharma cartel influences remains opposed to banning Thimerosal outright as suggested by the UN and continues to distribute these toxic vaccines in lower income countries and also in the U.S.
The state department today issued a warning advising for all Americans to avoid all " (tags)
The number of confirmed swine flu cases in the United States is as many as 40 and rising. United States cases spanned New York, Kansas, California, Texas and Ohio. Many of those who contracted the illness had recently visited Mexico.
Heath Ledger and “Legal” Drugs (tags)
The late Heath Ledger has been compared tto James Dean, but the real prematurely deceased celebrities he should be listed with are Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland and Elvis Presley — all heavy prescription drug abusers who thought that, because their drugs came from doctors and drug companies instead of street pushers, they somehow woudln't be as dangerous as illegal "recreational" drugs. Hopefully Ledger's death will awaken people to the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs and the drug-company strategies that get people hooked on them.
Hepatitis C: A disease no one will talk about (tags)
The war against the “viral time bomb” Hepatitis C virus (HCV), an infection that afflicts nearly 180 million worldwide, has become clinically imperative.
The Radiation Poisoning of America (tags)
(and the world)
Mortalities (non natural) in S.A. remain at the same 2.2% P.A. that they were BEFORE AIDS. Either every other disease in the region vanished overnight or 'AIDS' is simply the old diseases with a new name. You decide