fix articles 151909, immigrant workers freedom ride
Bush's Immigration Trap (tags)
Labor: Organize the Unorganized!
What we need today — a program for working people ELECTION PLATFORM 2004, COMMUNIST PARTY (tags)
This is no ordinary election year. Across our country, people are searching for security, hope and peace.
9/13 Los Angeles: DREAM Fast Vigil Day 1 (tags)
[Los Angeles] At the corner of Jefferson Street and Hoover Boulevard, with the University of Southern California as the backdrop, over 40 supporters, allies, students, and community leaders gathered for a press conference to kick off the DREAM Fast Vigil Campaign.
Unions UNITE HERE for greater power (tags)
CHICAGO – Two of the nation’s most active unions formalized their merger here July 8-10.
New American Freedom Summer 2004 (tags)
Volunteer immigrant rights activists work to maiximize voter turnout in key immigrant communities in project commemorating the 40th anniversary of Freedom Summer 1964
Sat.Jun26 3pm Event - MALDEF& Music - Defend Immigrants Rights (tags)
Reception for photo exhibit features speaker from MALDEF, music by Domingo Siete, poetry from EnDependence. Images from the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride by Peter Holderness. Event to benefit Border Action in Arizona: New American Freedom Summer.
BTL:U.S. Labor Movement Opposes Bush Plan to Create... (tags)
...Immigrant Guest Workers Program Interview with Anna Avendano, senior adviser on immigration issues for the AFL-CIO, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
LA NUEVA CARA DE mass immigration has changed the American building trades
Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Rally a Huge Success! (tags)
As the culmination of Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride, on Saturday, October 4th, tens of thousands of immigrant workers joined friends and allies for a fabulous rally in Flushing Meadows Park in Queens, New York.
Building Bridges Radio-Immigrant Worker Freedom Ride & The Next Pres.of El Salvador (tags)
Building Bridges presents this 28 minute Radio Program, TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK
Building Bridges Radio - Organizing for the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride- 28min (tags)
Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report-National Edition presents this 28 min Radio Program"Organizing for the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride" TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK