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Exposing Groups Like Save our Secret Ballot and The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (tags)
Why does Corporate Front Groups like Save our Secret Ballot and The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace continue to Spread Disinformation and Lies?
The Union Busting Strategy Behind the Employee Free Choice Act EXPOSED! (tags)
First,Navigators Global changed the "face" of the campaign, making it a fight between union bosses and workers, and branded the private ballot as the symbol of the campaign
Who is really behind The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace EFCA FEAR campaign ? (tags)
Union busting is a field populated by bullies and built on deceit. A campaign against a union is an assault on individuals and a war on truth. As such, it is a war without honor. The only way to bust a union is to lie, distort, manipulate, threaten, and always, always attack. Martin Jay Levitt, 1993, Confessions of a Union Buster Employee Free Choice Act Now .Org