fix articles 151327, sam brownback
After HUge Tax Cuts for the Rich, Kansas's Economy is Foundering (tags)
Things are also getting worse for the neediest people in the state. Brownback’s official response to the state’s poverty problem was a brief report that advocated fighting poverty by encouraging traditional family structures through eight-hour “pre-marital education” classes for couples
Why do These Senators DeMint-Enzi and Bob Corker Continue to Spread Lies about The EFCA? (tags)
What is the Strategy being used by Senators DeMint-Enzi and Bob Corker from Tennessee, in their attempt to defeat the Employee Free Choice Act? Keep Spreading LIES about the Employee Free Choice Act and Supporting The Secret Ballot Protection Act ( Better Known as The Employer FEAR and Intimidation Act )
Why do These Senators DeMint-Enzi and Bob Corker Continue to Spread Lies about The EFCA? (tags)
What is the Strategy being used by Senators DeMint-Enzi and Bob Corker from Tennessee, in their attempt to defeat the Employee Free Choice Act? Keep Spreading LIES about the Employee Free Choice Act and Supporting The Secret Ballot Protection Act ( Better Known as The Employer FEAR and Intimidation Act )
Wouldn't it be nice, for once, to hear a politician not so removed from Reality saying "There will be peace" ... ? Be wary of Electronic Vote-rigging ... And get those "Neo-Conservative" War Criminals behind bars and away from the halls of power.
Our kids are "otherwise engaged."
Labor Union Resources and Labor News (tags)
Labor Union Resources is designed to provide help to U.S. Workers in their efforts at organizing themselves and their co-workers into labor unions. It is also a resource for Union Leaders to assist in their operations, organizing, and bargaining efforts.
Environment Hating Senators List (tags)
This is from the League of Conservation Voters. It shows the percentage of votes "for" the environment of members of the US Senate who are morally bankrupt and do what the corporations want them to do in return for the campaign contributions they were given. The complete list is here: Click on "Look up Scores"
Bill for Confiscation of Firearms H.R.2403