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linda sanchez

Trump & Republican Party: Party Of Animal Cruelty, War & Denial Of Human Rights (tags)

The Republican Party is the party of animal cruelty and violation of human rights.. Please read of their crimes of cruelty and vote out all who stand for election in primaries and general elections of 2018. Many of these people name themselves 'prolife' as they vote for illegal wars, heinous judicial and gubernatorial execution murders, and animal slaughter.

How To Contact The 544 Unelected Superdelegates Pledged To Clinton (tags)

7 more weeks remain to prevent a woman more hawkish than Obama from becoming the Democratic nominee

HR 676 Cosponsors (tags)

Los Angeles Moves to Forefront of National Impeachment Movement (tags)

Leaders of the Westside Greens, the Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Greens, and the Santa Monica Democratic Club have established the Impeachment Center to provide a facility for phonebanking, letterwriting, and the distribution of lawn signs, bumper stickers and a full range of impeachment action items and related literature.

Congress Votes 368-31 to Back Mumia’s Racist Frame-up (tags)

Five California Democrats in Congress voted nay while 23 voted for the resolution. Those voting against were Lynn Woolsey, Barbara Lee, Fortney Stark, Michael Honda, and Maxine Waters. Joining in the racist lynch mob voting for the blood of an innocent black man were California Democrats C. Thompson, Doris Matsui, Nancy Pelosi, Ellen Tauscher, Tom Lantos, Anna Eshoo, Zoe Lofgren, Dennis Cardoza, Lois Capps, Jim Costa, Linda Sanchez, Brad Sherman, Adam Schiff, Henry Waxman, Hilda Solis, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Jane Harman, Juanita Millender-McDonald, Grace Napolitano, Joe Baca, Loretta Sanchez, Bob Filner, and Susan Davis. Not voting were Diane Watson, Howard Berman, and Xavier Becerra. Also voting for blood were California Republicans Walter Herger, Daniel Lungren, John Doolittle, Richard Pombo, George Radanovich, Devin Nunes, William Thomas, Elton Gallegly, David Dreier, Edward Royce, Jerry Lewis, Gary Miller, Ken Calvert, Mary Bono, Dana Rohrabacher, John Campbell, Darrell Issa, Brian Bilbray, and Duncan Hunter. Howard McKeon didn’t vote.

12/6 Dem-Repubs vote 368 to 31 against Mumia Abu-Jamal (tags)

On December 6, 2006, the Democrats and Republicans in the House of Representatives put it on the record that they are one party in supporting the murder of Mumia Abu-Jamal by voting 368 to 31 to condemn the decision of St. Denis, France to name a street after Mumia Abu-Jamal. This is clearly a political frame-up of national and international stature as the murderer, Arnold Beverly, has confessed to killing Officer Faulkner, a whistleblower of police corruption on the Philadelphia police force 25 years ago, December 9, 1981.

Grocery workers win lawmakers’ backing (tags)

LOS ANGELES – If Safeway and its CEO Steve Burd have their way, the 21st century will have conditions more like the 19th century for working families, said Connie Leyva, president of Local 1428 of the United Food and Commercial Workers, speaking to a panel led by four Democratic California congresspeople.

Working families say: We’ll fight Bush agenda (tags)

WASHINGTON – Despite setbacks in the Nov. 5 elections, the AFL-CIO, the National Organization for Women and other grassroots organizations vowed a determined fight to block the Bush administration from railroading its ultra-right agenda through Congress.

Union members run for Congress (tags)

Even a brief look at the make-up of the 107th Congress helps explain why workers are catching hell these days. Yes, it is true that there are “friends of labor” who have 100 percent AFL-CIO voting records, but they find themselves out-gunned in a Congress whose 535 members include 150 millionaire lawyers, bankers and other business people.

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