fix articles 15071, kurt tucholsky
"A society based on solidarity begins when the capitalistically necessary separation of paid and unpaid work is broken down, in that there is no longer paid work and people satisfy their needs directly instead of mediated through money and the exchange of goods.
Europe's Conquest by the US (tags)
The US and NATO have troops at the Russian border. Russia has no troops at the US borders with Canada and Mexico. Who staged the 2014 coup in the Ukraine? Who promised Gorbatchev there would be no NATO expansion to the East? Who is the stabilizer and who is the destabilizer?
Causes of Great Problems Faded Out in Elections (tags)
Elections today have one thing in common: they don't change anything. Pseudo-battles dominate in which the actors are intensely focused on evading the burning questions and diverting the electorate from the real causes of problems..
Fast Track, TPP and TTIP Should Be Scrapped! (tags)
How scandalous that communities and states should lose sovereignty to corporations! In the TTIP, corporations can sue states for lost profits. Public interest legislation can be called a trade barrier or indirect expropriation.
"The barbaric core of capitalist socialization is on full display in the present system crisis. The propagandists of totalitarian economism come in the mask of democrats. Economic-profitability thinking is imposed on society. Our society has long been viewed as a business."
Lying into "Humanitarian" Wars (tags)
The worst lie of all is that we are not waging war but only taking "humanitarian peacekeeping measures" in Orwellian newspeak.. The great chance is that a generation will rise up that doesn't need to enter history through the battlefield.
The SHORTWAVE REPORT 6/27/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.4MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Russia, China, Netherlands, Spain, and Cuba.