fix articles 150342, interrupt
The Sparticists Are Disgusting (tags)
The Sparticist League would rather interrupt meetings than hold their own.
Tonight! We Interrupt This Empire... film screening in Chinatown! (tags)
Friday, Oct 11, 8PM $5-10 Sliding scale, suggested donation at C-Level (
Action Trailer for 'We Interrupt This Empire...' (tags)
Action trailer for 'We Interrupt This Empire...' Screening in Los Angeles Oct 10 - 11.
Oct 10, 11 'We Interrupt This Empire...' Film Screenings (tags)
Thursday Oct 10, 7:30PM at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood Friday Oct 11, 8PM at C-Level in Chinatown Some of the filmmakers will be present at the screenings for Q & As.
We Interrupt This Empire... (tags)
The San Francisco Video Activists Network screens its documentary "We Interrupt This Empire..." on Oct 9th at 7.30pm at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood.