fix articles 149994, conass
Cory Aquino to join Dec. 17 Anti Charter Change rally at Luneta , Philippines (tags)
After the serties oftropical storms, a new political storm is brewing in the Philippines. The Icon Of Filipino People Power whose constiution of 1987 is named after ( The Cory Constitution of 1987) --the target of the US-Arroyo regime charter change yesterday said she would take part in the Church-led prayer rally on Dec. 17 to protest the Palace-backed move by administration congressmen, since withdrawn, to amend the 1987 Charter through a constituent assembly (Con-ass). In a brief statement, former President Corazon “Cory” Aquino also called on the people to join the rally at the Rizal Park . She said in a statement: “I will join the prayer rally on Sunday at the Luneta to express my moral outrage at the attempt of administration congressmen to foist their processed idea of Charter change upon the nation by turning Congress into a constituent assembly,”
Philippines: Charter Change is Arroyo's Cover-up (tags)
AKBAYAN (Citizens Action Party) today stepped up efforts to derail attempts at the House of Representatives to initiate Charter Change (Cha Cha), calling the move as nothing more than an attempt to cover up the seething political crisis hounding Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA).
US-Arroyo Regime Beat a Retreat : Stop Con-ass now (tags)
President Macapagal-Arroyo, sensing grave political fall-out from her manuverings, had instructed her political affairs adviser Gabriel Claudio on Friday to “order” the lawmakers allied with her to drop the constituent assembly (Con-ass) as a means of changing the Constitution, Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita said yesterday.
---Faced with threats of massive protests against the planned constituent assembly (Con-Ass), President Arroyo’s allies in the House of Representatives said on Saturday that they would settle for a constitutional convention (Con-con).