fix articles 14982, evening news
Oscar Contender Truth Explains Why the News Doesn't Tell It Anymore (tags)
The movie, or rather documentary, "Truth", establishes the retaliation that takes place when newsmen and producers tell the truth.
The Pacifica Radio Network and "local control" (tags)
SaveKPFA are the majority caucus on the elected KPFA Local Station Board (LSB). Their delegates to the Pacifica National Board (PNB) are also in the majority there. "Local control" has always been a main plank of their platform, but in February, the PNB cast a vote that seemed to institutionalize the exact opposite.
KPFK News covers the Che Cafe struggle (tags)
Listen to Ernesto Arce's coverage of the Che Cafe struggle on the KPFK Evening News. Reported on July 10, 2014
FAIR v. Scoundrel Media Misreporting on Venezuela (tags)
New York Times Promoting War on Iran (tags)
Capital’s most severe crisis in seventy years ought to be a moment of significant opportunity for the left. But as the right mobilizes disgruntled Americans via its vast radio, television, web, and print empires, the one mass medium available to the left is driving out its best and brightest.
DU weapons use in Iraq; drastic birth defects in Fallujah (tags)
On Friday, 11.13.2009, the London Guardian reported a "Huge rise in birth defects in Fallujah," Iraq. I sent the news to KPFA Radio 94.1FM Weekend News Anchor Anthony Fest, along with contact info for Bob Nichols, San Francisco Bay View Newspaper correspondent and winner of a 2004 Project Censored Award for his reporting on U.S. military's use of depleted uranium weapons in Iraq, and consequent radiation poisoining. I then edited and animated the resulting KPFA Evening News segment, 11.15.2009:
Mainstream U.S. Media Controlled by Conservatives (tags)
A legion of conservative talk show hosts, pundits and media-watch groups pound away at the idea that the media exhibit an inherently "liberal" tilt
Activist's 2007 Information Source (tags)
Seek & Yee Shall Find!
Even before the bombs fell on Baghdad, a group of senior Pentagon officials were plotting to invade another country. Their covert campaign once again relied on false intelligence and shady allies. But this time, the target was Iran.
Another Surreal Day in the Age of Bush (tags)
The baseball season opened on April 3, 2006. President George W. Bush was in Cincinnati and tossed out the “ceremonial” pitch. Jay Leno said it went off to the “far right.” Meanwhile, nine brave U.S. troops were killed in Iraq on that day; one for every inning Bush was at the game. Zacarias Moussaoui, a suspected mental case, faces the death penalty for 9/11. Also, corruption-tainted Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX) fears a hammering from the justice system.
Law Suit: Housing Authority Abuses Citizenship Question (tags)
[Note: By the time this story reaches it's reading audience during the month of February, please be aware that an Injunction has just been filed in Federal Court in an effort to stop the Oakland Housing Authority from violating Federal Law.]
LA's Media Blitz To Save Social Security! (tags)
Save Social Security From Bush!
L.A.'s Social Security Now- Update (tags)
Stop The Privatization Of Social Security!
New Book on Earth Liberation Front (tags)
"The Ant and the Grasshopper" (tags)
Moral: socialism is the last refuge for a scoundrel.
"I want to f--k with Nevada for a while" (tags)
"This was not a smoking gun, this was an audio tape of the bullet coming out of the chamber, hitting the victim and the killer standing over the body and laughing about it." -- Russ Campbell, Nevada Power Company attorney
"Songs for Mahmud" - New David Rovics CD (tags)
"Songs for Mahmud" - new David Rovics CD, freely stream or download online.
Secrets and Lies Becoming Commonplace (tags)
The initial refusal of President Bush to let his national security adviser appear under oath before the 9/11 Commission might have been in keeping with a principle followed by other presidents -- the principle being, according to Bush, that calling his advisers to testify under oath is a congressional encroachment on the executive branch's turf. (Never mind that this commission is not a congressional body, but one he created and whose members he handpicked.)
Cronkite comments negatively on the depredations of the Bush Junta's "Grand Inquisitor" John Asscrack. Since Cronkite is a known CIA "Mockingbird" asset this could mean "The Company" is upset with Bush.
In a country run by and for millionaires, the surplus got spent. The rich got tax cuts, and the future got hocked. The environment got screwed. Bechtel and Halliburton got contracts. Religious schools got public funds. Big CEOs robbed and ran free. Good jobs disappeared by the millions. Bankruptcies and child poverty set new records. Big Oil did just fine, thank you.
Gen. Wesley Clark Says White House Pushed Saddam Link Without Evidence (tags)
Sunday morning talk shows like ABC's This Week or Fox News Sunday often make news for days afterward. Since prominent government officials dominate the guest lists of the programs, it is not unusual for the Monday editions of major newspapers to report on interviews done by the Sunday chat shows.
Immigration control- atool of the bosses (tags)
In Iraq Crisis, Networks Are Megaphones for Official Views (tags)
O.K. guys....check this one out ===Network newscasts, dominated by current and former U.S. officials, largely exclude Americans who are skeptical of or opposed to an invasion of Iraq, a new study by FAIR has found. of all
Isreal Cracks Down on Peace Activists; Ithaca Celebrates France (tags)
Iraq in Chaos Media Ownership Rules in Jeopardy NY Green: Public Supports Same-SeX Marriages Airlines in Tailspin Rumsfeld Agenda Wold Gut US Democracy
Dear Folks, Some stats from the back of the War Resisters League Pie Chart Flier (Where your tax dollars really go, available at, breaking down the domestic costs of war. Peace, Brad Simpson War Resisters League 212-228-0450
Who owns CNN? or MSNBC? ABC? (tags)
So ya think we have a "free press" eh? Check out who owns who, and who owns what you think.......
Bush Lied About Weapons of Mass Destruction (tags)
The Bush Administration’s main witness about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction told UNSCOM and IAEA Officials that all the weapons have been destroyed! Newsweek also reported that this information was conveyed to the CIA and British intelligence. Yet no other major news media is reporting this!
Andy Rooney Is Down, Mostly Down (tags)
CBS' Andy Rooney can hardley see though the piles of cash at the Dem. Convo.
John Seller, Director, Ruckus Society (tags)
John Sellers, Director of the Ruckus Society discusses his arrest and $1 million bail in Philadelphia during the RNC. Initially recorded on KBOO Evening News 8-11-00