fix articles 14977, accuracy in reporting
Obama’s Still Shopping for a Grand Bargain (tags)
President Obama’s recent closed-door sessions with Republican congressmen to reach a “grand bargain” has roused suspiciously little attention in the mainstream media. What scant reporting has occurred presents the following narrative: President Obama is a “middle ground” politician attempting to breach political divides with erstwhile Republican opponents. In reality these meetings are not between political opposites, but kindred spirits; perfectly matched ideologies that differ only in implementation, and only by degrees.
LA Times Dumps Liberal Columnist (tags)
Los Angeles Times columnist Robert Scheer was fired on November 11 after nearly 30 years at the paper, the last 13 as one of its most progressive political columnists. In a published statement announcing op-ed page changes (11/10/05), the Times insisted that it is dedicated to "provid[ing] readers with a wide range of voices and perspectives," but in dumping Scheer, the paper has gotten rid of one of the few prominent progressive columnists in the country.
Unspinning Fox News Channel’s Bill O'Reilly (tags)
FOX creates programming for an audience that is angry about Jesse Jackson or reparations for slavery, or are still angry about Bill Clinton, or who think -- like O'Reilly does -- that Hillary Clinton is the most dangerous politician in the country.
cartoon © 2003 by charles amsellem. activists may reproduce for non profit use only. all other rights reserved
A Tampa pirate radio activist says an FCC proposal favoring media conglomerates can be detrimental to us
In Iraq Crisis, Networks Are Megaphones for Official Views (tags)
O.K. guys....check this one out ===Network newscasts, dominated by current and former U.S. officials, largely exclude Americans who are skeptical of or opposed to an invasion of Iraq, a new study by FAIR has found. of all
Oc 4: Latest News From Iraq--US Hijack UN Resolutions? More US Air Attacks, More Dirty Sec (tags)
By: At the recent report done by the congressional budget office (CBO) in Washington DC., CBO estimates that the incremental costs of deploying a force to the Persian Gulf would be between $9 billion and $13 billion. Prosecuting a war would cost between $6 billion and $9 billion a month-although how long such a war may last cannot be estimated. After hostilities end, the costs to return U.S. forces to their home bases would range between $5 billion and $7 billion, CBO estimates.
Martinez Family to Hold Protest Against Downey Police Shooting of Their Unarmed Son (tags)
Seven months ago a videotape captured Gonzalo Martinez's encounter with the Downey police. The tape ended as police fired with handguns and a machine gun, killing Martinez, 26, and spraying shots through a residential neighborhood. Martinez had his hands in the air and was unarmed. For the last seven months, the Martinez family has led protests outside Downey City Hall. The FBI and the Los Angeles County district attorney's office are investigating but no charges against any police officers have been filed.