fix articles 14965, okay Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : okay


Sony and Hedbo (tags)

My apologies in advance for offending probably everyone.

Israeli Referendum Measure Blocks Land for Peace (tags)


It's official: Minuteman Jim Gilchrist is a nut! (tags)

Faced with increasingly tough questions from conservatives about his recently stated support for Peter Camejo, revolution and redistribution of the wealth, as well as his high praise of the Seattle anti-WTO demonstrators, Minuteman candidate says five Greens were charged for attempted murder in Garden Grove and that Greens are domestic terrorists.

W Doesn't Know What It Means to Have Three Jobs (tags)

At a press event in Omaha, GW Bush spoke to people about Social Security reform. This is a portion of the transcript where he displays utter ignorance about what it means to be an overworked, undepaid, single mother. This is our President -- someone who doesn't understand personal economics.

George Bush, recruiting sergeant for Bin Laden (tags)

By endorsing Ariel Sharon's plan George Bush has legitimised terrorism. What better recruiting sergeant could Bin Laden have than the President of the United States?

Self-Responsibility Most Precious Possession (tags)

get the State out of your life, the church too.

SNL 2000 Version of Bush Speech Reflects the White House in 2003 Better than Real thing! (tags)

This November, 2000 Saturday Night Live Parody of a "future Bush speech" sums up the Bush pResidency better than anything Dubya could say tonight during the "real thing"!

Just Say No To Forced Taxes (tags)

Don' want war? Don't pay forced taxes. Taxes should be voluntary only.

CNN gets a dose of itself (tags)

Here’s an excerpt from an interview by CNN’s Aaron Brown yesterday. He is talking to Hafez Al-Miraz, the chief Washington correspondent for Al Jazeera.

How NBC (tags)

Chuck Henry of NBC Local News explaining how NBC chooses its news items, how NBC counts protesters, how we should get informed. [222 seconds - WAV file]

Iraq and North Korea (tags)

Reporter's Notebook -- Making sense of US foreign policy

Ithaca's Coal-gas Fiasco Continues? (tags)

David Barry has been wondering about this place where it is okay to shoot the Sheriff, but it's not okay to shoot a deputy. Well let me tell you that the Sheriff in question probably "lit out for the territory ahead of the rest"; but the stupidity lives on. Don't tell nobody though!

those darn rascists! (tags)

get the felling the Gore/Liberman ticket wasnt "white" enough for alot of ding-dongs?

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