fix articles 14934, bodies Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : bodies



the vaccinazification of mankind


global nazism looming ahead


‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7 (tags)

A Times investigation uncovered new details showing a pattern of rape, mutilation and extreme brutality against women in the attacks on Israel.

Womens Bodies 2017: Public or Private or Both?? (tags)

Female Genital Mutilation has been discussed by college professors, communists and the UN. Amnesty International reports its use in 28 countriesmwhen the clitoris and sometimes labia are cut off at an early age. Efforts to stop this

Kiev Junta War Crimes (tags)


Palestine to Join 15 UN Bodies and Treaties (tags)


Washington's War of Aggression on Syria (tags)


The trojan horse of Ron Paul-style libertarianism (tags)

Sweeping away government means that the “market” will determine all outcomes. The “market” would mean concentrated corporate power would decide all outcomes, especially economic outcomes. That is what libertarians, Ron Paul included, would deliver if they actually were handed power.

THE ELI GEMINI SHOW - Denton citizens advised to (secretly) record governmental bodies (tags)

THE ELI GEMINI SHOW - Denton citizens advised to (secretly) record governmental bodies

Occupy the Machine- Together we can halt the destruction of our only home (tags)

Our planet is dying, and there is no mistaking the cause... Industrial civilization must me confronted as the machine of death that it truly is. The Occupy Movement has the makings of a revolutionary struggle, but it will only succeed if we can properly align our actions with an honest assessment of the predicament we face.

Please Stop Removal of Native American Cemetery in Huntington Beach (tags)

A developer is building a housing complex in Huntington Beach and is removing the remains of some 80 Indigenous people. Please write letters expressing your concerns or offense to the coastal commission.

Focus on Israel: Harvesting Haitian Organs (tags)

Israel doesn't offer humanitarian aid

pro life-pro-choice (tags)

right to choose

New Killing Fields Discovered In Ciudad Juarez Mexico (tags)

Now again Mexican federal police report discovering a new mass grave containing numerous unidentified human bodies the exact number police are refusing to say. But usually reliable anonymous sources tell the Journal that up-wards of a dozen bodies have already been dig up plus two severed heads and three torsos

Children die in convoy attack as Israel widens Lebanon assault (tags)

'" Dear friends and colleagues ,You will all have to excuse me for sending this. It's pictures of the bodies of babies killed by the Israelis in South Lebanon. They are all burnt. I need your help. I am almost certain these pictures won't be published in the West, although they are Associated Press pictures. I need your help exposing them if you can..."

Massacre of 20 civilians in Lebanon (tags)

An Israeli missile incinerated a van in southern Lebanon, killing 20 people, among them 15 children. Police said the van was carrying two families fleeing the village of Marwaheen after Israeli loudspeaker warnings to leave their homes. Many of the bodies were charred and broken. All photos by Reuters photographers. Full story:;_ylt=Aozer6GRALvzhiDpD_s8qh.aK8MA;_ylu=X3oDMTA5bGVna3NhBHNlYwNzc3JlbA

4 Tortured to Death; 4500 Arrested in Iran (tags)

In this repost from Today.AZ-Azerbaijan, Iranian protesters as part of the Azerbaijan National Revival Movement gathered in the Iranian cities of Tabriz, Sulduz, Miyane, Ardabil, Urmia, and Zenjan on Saturday against the publication of an insulting caricature in the Iran daily. Iranian govt. forces met them with bloody clashes.

Is New Orleans The Second Time FEMA Has Committed Genocide? (tags)

After Hurricane Andrew struck Miami in 1992, many well documented accounts claimed that FEMA covered up its murder through neglect of thousands of poor seasonal workers just south of Miami. These stories now seem believable.

Eleven Corpses Found in Baghdad (tags)

The bodies of 11 men, two of them beheaded, were found on waste ground near a Baghdad school, an interior ministry official said.

Yad Vashem: Nazi soap stories `invention' (tags)

So they lied about this and they lied about Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction, because President Hussein was the most pro-Palestinian of all Arab leaders, and they lied about a land without a people for a people without a land.... but its supposedly irrational and hateful to question them about gas chambers? Does it make Jewish death any less real to just call typhus what it is, a horrible way to die in ghetto conditions without some supernatural self-explotation story used to justify crimes in Palestine? ---John Paul Cupp PS Sorry to use a Zionist newspaper but I think it is important because this is coming out of the Zionist devil-liars mouth directly!

Warning: Graphic Photos : Anger over U.S. Forces posting photos of Iraqi war dead on Inter (tags)

Anger over Iraqi war dead on Internet

Bleeding Haiti (tags)

Haitian police killed dozens of prisoners last week and carted out bodies in wheelbarrows during a riot that turned into a massacre, according to a human rights group.

'Unusual Weapons' Used in Fallujah (tags)

Fallujah why Guernica

What's up in Iraq (tags)

Resistance not responsible for abduction of aid worker. Will the CIA have her beheaded and offer another grisly video to assure the American people that our enemy is pure evil and that God is on “our side? The best protection we can offer her is to understand what is going on and spread that understanding. Wake up already. It’s 1984. jamie "She had been living in Iraq for 30 years and she was a humanitarian. The resistance did not kidnap her because this would have left a bad impression of the resistance in the world," said another commander. And much more..... -----

A Life of Illusions (tags)

Would you believe it, should someone tell you that at this very moment you are experiencing a number of pasts simultaneously? No doubt your immediate response would be, "That's just absurd!" But doesn't it ever occur to you that the stars you see in the sky are actually in their past condition, not in their present condition? Does this not mean at present we too are experiencing "a number of pasts" of the stars?

U.S. helicopter kills 40 terrorists in Iraq (tags)

"This was a wedding and the (U.S.) planes came and attacked the people at a house. Is this the democracy and freedom that (President) Bush has brought us?" said a man on the videotape, Dahham Harraj. "There was no reason."

Militant Direct Action is a must at the RNC (tags)

Not much needs to be said here. The police will as always be donning their Darth Vader gear...this includes objects of OFFENSE, and objects of defense. We, as could-be revolutionaries must show that we are serious and to be TAKEN seriously.

Pictures and story of Tortured people of Iraq (tags)


A bloody day in Iraq (tags)

"... the horror, the horror." At the Iraqi town of Fallujah resistance fighters ambushed a "coalition forces" SUV with rocket propelled grenades and small arms, killing the four riding in the vehicle. After the guerillas struck and disappeared, the people of Fallujah came out to inspect the aftermath of the attack. The passengers obviously worked for the "coalition forces"... on their bodies were found dog tags, weapons, an American passport and a U.S. Department of Defense identification card. The gathered crowd then pulled the charred corpses from the vehicle... beat and mutilated them, dragged them to the nearest bridge over the Euphrates River, and hung them from it. The masses chanted "Fallujah is the graveyard of Americans!" We can still hear Vice President Dick Cheney's words ringing in our ears, "We'll be greeted as liberators." (AP photo/Sabah Arar)

A production line of death at the mass graveyard (tags)

Angus McDowall describes the aftermath of the killer 6.3 earthquake in the city of Bam in Kerman province of Iran early on Friday, killing at least 20,000 people and injuring ten of thousands of others.

Gee maybe there weren't 54 or 46 or... (tags)

Kimmitt said the casualty reports were "visual battlefield reports ... from soldiers involved in the engagement. "That's why we have said all of these are estimated," he said. don't recall them ever saying this was an estimate.

Ocean Graves for Leftists (tags)

Not only were leftists sent to Pacific ocean graves near Chile by Pinochet, but in neighboring Argentina, during the so-called dirty war, thousands of leftists were pushed alive out of airplanes over the Atlantic ocean and disappeared. Their mothers protested for years in the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires. These leftist victims wanted things like land reform, better wages and working conditions, health care and education for everyone and no child labor or starving children and they were treated this way by fascists and their cohorts in the CIA and US government. Disgusting!

Crowd cuts the throats of two U.S. soldiers in Iraq (tags)

Somalia or Iraq? These images taken from video, show the bodies of US occupation soldiers next to their vehicle in Mosul, Iraq Sunday, Nov. 23, 2003 after resistance fighters shot the two Americans from the 101st Airborne Division as they drove through the city center to another U.S. garrison, sending their vehicle crashing into a wall according to witnesses. Then, crowds of teenagers dragged the bloody bodies of the two American soldiers from their vehicle, pummeled them with concrete blocks and slit their throats. The crowd then looted the bodies... taking whatever was available. (AP Photo/APTN)

Bush renames Body Bags, Transfer Tubes (tags)

As the saying goes, if you can't convince them, confuse them. With more lies told each day by President George Bush, here is yet another one. The US Department of Defense changed the name from "Body Bag" to "Transfer Tube" to describe how the bodies of our young warriors are returned home in the dark of night, with no official count of their growing numbers, and no solemn public ceremony to honor their proud service

The Worst Atrocity in Europe since WWII (tags)

Some 7,000 Muslim men and boys are believed to have been summarily executed after Serb forces overran the UN-protected enclave of Srebrenica in July 1995.

STILL No Arabs On Flight 77 (tags)

I am an ex Naval line officer and a psychiatrist in private practice in New Orleans, a Christian and home school dad. It troubled me that we rushed to war on the flimsiest of evidence. I considered various ways to provide a smoking gun as to who perpetrated Sept 11th.

Boycotting Exxon/The evil of capitalism (tags)

Boycott ExxonMobil

Breaking News-- Bodies found in Basra belong to Iran (tags)

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran said the remains of as many as 200 people found near Basra were Iranian soldiers killed during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq (news - web sites) war and demanded their immediate repatriation, a newspaper reported on Sunday.

Horror beyond belief (tags)

HUMAN COST: The bodies of an Iraqi woman and her child in a coffin in Hilla, about 80km south of Baghdad. They were among 48 civilians killed by US-led attacks since Monday. -- AFP


Al-Jazeera television broadcast pictures of the bodies of several American soldiers. Watch the footage here...

"Dead Bodies Everywhere" (tags)

A recent article published in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution -

We Remember These Crimes (tags)

The Bush/Cheney criminals are now again about to murder people in foreign countries in the name of their personal greed.


93 resolutions have been passed opposing the war, including cities, counties, and state legislative bodies.

Top Cop in Nepal killed (tags)

Shrestha is the first top-ranking official to have been targeted by the rebels and was the first Inspector General of Police (IGP) of the 15,000-member APF raised about one-and-half-year ago to combat insurgents.

Hell on Earth (tags)

The American Left's anti-semitism and hate of Democracy exposed by John Perrazzo. Muslims killing muslims? Yawn. Jews from Isreal killing muslims? Throw up the barricades!

WAR (tags)

This is a poem for the Anti-war movement.

WAR (tags)

This is a poem for the Anti-War movement.

The Disappearing Women of Juarez (tags)

this is capitalism

Afghan Wedding Party Like Slaughterhouse After U.S. Butchers Attack (tags)

"I saw bodies flying like straws," said Haleema, an old woman brought to a hospital in Kandahar. "I had to jump over six bodies to escape."

New Killings Enrage Women of Juarez (tags)

Authorities thought that a 6 year rampage was over; but 8 more bodies have been found.


Bombs hit two homes in north Kabul today, reportedly killing at least eight civilians, including four children.

Enter the new secret police (tags)

Under cover of an anti-terrorist offensive, the Howard Government has signalled new laws to enhance and reinforce the right of law enforcement bodies and spy organisations to trample on the civil liberties and democratic rights of the Australian people. The new laws would add to the draconian powers given to the military in the lead up to the Sydney Olympics last year, and to the powers handed to law enforcement bodies and the military this year in the Border Protection Bill.

Enter the new secret police (tags)

Under cover of an anti-terrorist offensive, the Howard Government has signalled new laws to enhance and reinforce the right of law enforcement bodies and spy organisations to trample on the civil liberties and democratic rights of the Australian people. The new laws would add to the draconian powers given to the military in the lead up to the Sydney Olympics last year, and to the powers handed to law enforcement bodies and the military this year in the Border Protection Bill.

20 killed in anti-U.S. Nigerian riots (tags)

Anti-U.S. Riots Rock Nigeria, 20 killed, hundreds injured. Nigerian Army issues "shoot on site" orders.


Reaffirming the importance and urgency of preventing the weaponization of outer space

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