fix articles 14929, attack on
The Ukrainian attack on global security (tags)
Ukraine's attack on modules of the Russian early warning system not least endangers our own security. Leo Ensel, conflict researcher and journalist, calls for a “Copernican revolution in security policy”. “In the nuclear age, security is only possible together with, but never against, the ‘opponent’!” he says.
Infamy at Sea: Israel’s Attack on the USS Liberty 50 Years Later (tags)
Infamy at Sea: Israel’s Attack on the USS Liberty 50 Years Later
Hillary’s email revelation: France and US killed Qaddafi for his gold and oil (tags)
poster's note: Hillary's emails show 143 tons of gold held by Libya as well as oil were 2 of the factors along with others in the bombing of Libya
BDS Drops Its Veil: Campus Anti-Semitism (tags)
More anti-Semitism in califronia schools
Twelve dead in attack on French Newspaper, Charlie Hebdo (tags)
An assault on Freedom of expression in Europe
How the U.S. Political Left is Failing Over Syria (tags)
It’s now painfully clear that Obama’s war on Syria is a replay of Bush’s march to war in Iraq, both built on lies. Zero evidence has been put forth that proves the Syrian government used chemical weapons. On the contrary, evidence has been recorded that suggests the U.S.-backed Syrian rebels are responsible for the attack.
An attack on Howard Zinn in American Educator reveals only the fear of exposure of the violence and inequality built into the structures of the United States.
BTL:Rush Limbaugh’s Attack on Law Student Sandra Fluke Provokes Campaign to Shut Down His (tags)
Interview with Terry O'Neill, president of National Organization for Women, conducted by Melinda Tuhus
Homeless 'Anonymous' Attack on Anti-Camping Laws (tags)
TPM reports on
President Hugo Chávez, backed by South American Presidents, Condemns the Attack on Libya (tags)
"Oppressed people around the world have only recently begun to unite in opposition to empire as awareness of the horror grows. In North Africa and the Middle East it began as a revolt against US backed dictators in Tunisia, then Egypt and spread to Bahrain, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen. In South America the rebellion grew out of the Bolivarian Revolution, spreading over the last decade from Venezuela to other Latin American states. Tonight, behind President Chavez' condemnation of the monster on VTV, Venezuela National Radio and TeleSur, Venezuelans have gathered en masse in Caracas and at the US and French embassies to declare their rebellion against the imperial war on the sovereign state of Libya."
Wikileaks SEP-ISSE Public Meetings (tags)
"The significance of the WikiLeaks exposures can be measured by the fact that the organization’s founder, Julian Assange, has faced death threats from US politicians and media figures as well as calls for his trial and execution. Assange is currently threatened with extradition to Sweden on trumped-up sex charges, while the Obama administration has labeled the WikiLeaks founder a "high-tech terrorist.” The attack on WikiLeaks and Assange poses a grave threat to democratic rights and to all those who seek to expose the crimes of the US government."
URGENT!: Intelligence professionals warn Israeli attack on Iran would drag US into war (tags)
URGENT!: Intelligence professionals warn Israeli attack on Iran would drag US into war
The Zionist Attack on the Free Gaza Flotilla (tags)
South African activists describe this flagrant assault as Israel’s Sharpeville, referring to the 1960 massacre in South Africa that marked a turning point in international support of anti-apartheid resistance. There certainly appears to be a great deal of active support for the BDS campaign. Let’s hope it culminates in the eventual realization of a one-state democracy inclusive of all residents, Arab and Jewish, living in peaceful coexistence under a secular, democratic government. Free Palestine now!
Democratic Party Endorses Israeli Massacre on Gaza Aid Ship (tags)
Democratic Vice President Joe Biden, a heart beat away from Democratic Party Pres Obama, announced he supported the illegal and deadly Israeli attack on the Gaza humanitarian ships. Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party support the Gaza humanitarian ships. If you are still registered Democrat, change your registration now.
AF3IRM Calls for Justice for Killed/Wounded Freedom Flotilla Activists, People of Gaza (tags)
AF3IRM, formerly known as GABNet, condemns the Israeli military attack on the Freedom Flotilla on May 30, 2010.
Admiral Mullen Wary of Attack on Iran (tags)
Admiral Mullen Wary of Attack on Iran
Prince Saud al-Faisal calls on his Israeli brothers (tags)
To attack Iran.
The USS Liberty Saga as Told by a Survivor’s Son (tags)
James Scott’s book, “Attack on the Liberty: The Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on the U.S. Spy Ship,” makes for a compelling read. The onslaught, on June 8, 1967, in international waters, during the Six-Day War, off the coast of Sinai, killed 34 crew members and injured 171 others. Israel claimed that it was all “just an accident...a case of mistaken identity.” Scott makes a very strong case that the assault on the “Liberty” was deliberate.
Stop the Witch Hunt Against Professor Robinson (tags)
I am a dismayed and concerned Southern California resident writing you to express support for Sociology and Global Studies Professor William I. Robinson. As you may know, Professor Robinson and academic freedom have come under recent attack on the UCSB campus.
Zionist Mass Murder: Break the Siege, Defend Gaza! (tags)
At midday on December 27, Israeli warplanes launched a massive bomb attack on the densely populated Gaza Strip. More than 270 Palestinians were killed as wave after wave of U.S.-supplied F-16 fighter jets and Apache helicopters dropped more than 100 bombs. The Israeli military said they were targeting Hamas installations, but numerous civilians were killed, including a number of children, as schools had just let out for lunch. The Zionists' attack on downtown areas was deliberate mass murder. The Israeli slaughter was carried out with the full knowledge and a green light from its imperialist patrons in Washington, as well as U.S. client regimes such as Egypt. The Internationalist Group and League for the Fourth International condemn the Israeli mass murder in Gaza and call for action by the international working class in defense of Gaza and the Palestinian people, including efforts to break the siege.
The Shortwave Report 8/15 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.
Candidate Alexander Rejecting U.S. Threats Against Iran (tags)
The Socialist Party opposes the use of military force or economic sanctions to deal with the problems involving Iran.
Why All of Our Efforts Won’t Stop an Attack on Iran (tags)
Why All of Our Efforts Won’t Stop an Attack on Iran
Exclusive: Iran, Syria, Lebanon on military alert over US Gulf movements and Israel’s home (tags)
Exclusive: Iran, Syria, Lebanon on military alert over US Gulf movements and Israel’s home defense drill
3rd American War Crime in the Making (tags)
Note that Obama has told AIPAC that he supports an attack on Iran ...
Iran in the Crosshairs: A Third American War in the Making? (tags)
Iran in the Crosshairs: A Third American War in the Making?
Heads-up warning to the American Peoples - Nuclear Attack on Iran appears imminent! (tags)
This heads-up wakeup call has embedded links for self-study so that the reader can affirm the truth or falsity of this warning and reach his or her own informed conclusions on the matter. The full url is
Israel, our very worst ally, ever? (tags)
With friends like this, who needs enemies?
Cheney Orders Media To Sell Attack On Iran (tags)
Cheney Orders Media to Sell Attack on Iran (for Israel)
get their man
Police Attack Peaceful May Day Rally (tags)
LOS ANGELES, May 2, 2007 – A massive police attack on a peaceful rally in MacArthur Park brought a violent end to yesterday’s May Day celebrations.
US attack on Iran shelved (tags)
All new West Bank to be created
The Coming Attack on Iran (tags)
Is Bush's War Winding Down or Heating Up? The Coming Attack on Iran On January 7 the London Times reported that it has learned from "several Israeli military sources" that "Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons."
Israel attacks German Warship (tags)
The pilots mistook it for a nazi warship
Stop U.S. Plans To Attack Iran (tags)
Join 60,000 people who have signed our petition:
Kevin Zeese: Attack on Iran May Lead to WWIII! (tags)
Takoma, Maryland’s City Hall was the scene for a lively discussion on Middle East issues, on Aug. 17, 2006. Kevin Zeese, the “Unity candidate” for the U.S. Senate in Maryland, and one of the panelists, said Israel’s attack on Lebanon was premeditated and that an attack on Iran might lead to WWIII. Noura Erakat said Lebanon had been devastated ‘on a humanitarian level” by Israel’s War Machine. She also denounced Israel as an “Apartheid state.”
"Missiles and Bombs Threaten the Future" (tags)
The spiral of vengeance is not a solution!.. Perhaps a change will come in the US; perhaps questions will be raised soon.. The attack itself was retaliation for the US policy of the "big stick," retribution for the "new world order" that creates so much poverty.
Protest in Costa Mesa 7/8 (tags)
please see below
Will Terrorist Attacks Be Launched During the World Cup? (tags)
Fundamental principles of the American republic were thrown overboard by Spygate, the current spying scandal.. The Bush admin-istration crossed the Rubicon when Bush set himself above the law in the course of the bugging scandal.
Bush administration finalizes military attack on Iran (tags)
Bush administration finalizes military attack on Iran
THE DEATH OF PENSIONS? by Mumia Abu-Jamal (tags)
Everybody wins -- except the workers.
Stop the Nazi Lies of the "USS Liberty Lobby" (tags)
The USS LIberty Lobby are a pack of neonazis who lie about what happened
Iran, the draft, and another "New Pearl Harbor"? (tags)
Are the Bush Neo-cons setting the stage for *another* "New Pearl Harbor" attack on US interests--one that may dwarf September 11? The author of the following article thinks so. He thinks the attack is being planned to mobilize the US for ever more war and to ensure support for a military draft. And the article's footnote suggests the attack on US interests may hit a US city...and it may be nuclear.
A Bush pre-election strike on Iran 'imminent (tags)
eradicate bush
Fanatic Muslim Terrorists Srike Again (tags)
The Arabic newspaper Al-Quds al-Arabi said Thursday it had received a claim of responsibility for the Madrid train bombings issued in the name of al-Qaida.
Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network January 30th Update Report! (tags)
Editorial 1.Iraqi Resistance Report: Updated News Reports Compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr , from the Editorial Board of the Free Arab Voice. 2.Iraqi Resistance Data Report Updates: 3.HamasOnline- Solidarity Gathering Held in Lebanon Honors Sheik Yassin 4.Loles Oliván: Paper presented to the 2nd Cairo Conference (PDF) 5.On the Significance of the Martyrdom of Rim ar-Riyashi- Essay by Dr.Ibrahim Alloush, Editor of the Free Arab Voice, defending the use of women as Human Bombs ***En Español*** 6. :: Diario de la resistencia iraquí: Titulares: 25 a 27de enero 7. Declaración de la II Conferencia Internacional de El Cairo:Con la resistencia palestina e iraquí, contra la globalización capitalista y la hegemonía de EEUU 8. ¡ ORGANICEMOS LA DEFENSA DEL PRESIDENTE SADDAM HUSSEIN !
USS Liberty Attack Panel Discussion at US State Department on January 12, 2004 (tags)
US State Department Panel Discussion on Treacherous Israeli Attack on USS Liberty
No Scapegoats! The Fight for Immigrant Rights (tags)
As the economy gets worse, attacks on public services deepen and scapegoating of immigrants escalates.
Iraq/Suwayrah 29.11.2003:
Rockets, Napalm, Torpedoes & Lies Israel's Attack on the Liberty, Revisited (tags)
After more than two hours of unremitting assault, the Israelis finally halted their attack. One of the torpedo boats approached the Liberty. An officer asked in English over a bullhorn: "Do you need any help?" The wounded commander of the Liberty, Lt. William McGonagle, instructed the quartermaster to respond emphatically: "Fuck you."
The SHORTWAVE REPORT 10/10/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, China, Spain, and Cuba.
It's even not easy to die for lying assholes far away from the frontline
Attack On RaiseTheFist Was Really An Attack On WEF Protest (tags)
Here's the real reason webmaster Sherman Austin was railroaded by the entire US Government.
"Drip, drip, drip"... can you hear that sound? It's not the sound of oil entering American SUV's... it's the sound of blood hitting Iraqi sand.
This MUST be the work of the Mossad right?
Driver Runs Down Protestors in Vancouver (tags)
Direct Action Goes Ahead Despite Road Rage Attack on Protest
FBI whistleblower: 'We can't stop terrorism unleashed by Iraq war.' (tags)
(a conservative view, and not a "neo-conservative" take, which often is cozy with fascists)
POETRY MATTERS! On the Media Persecution of Amiri Baraka (tags)
WAR(?) ECONOMY: IS THE PUBLIC TAKING ISSUE? Are these poll ?'s a coincidence? (tags)
interesting array of poll questions at the augusta chronicle coincidence or no?
Opposition grows to war with Iraq (tags)
Growing opposition to the Bush administration’s planned attack on Iraq, even from prominent right-wing Republicans, provides a “window of opportunity” to prevent such a war, Kathy Kelly, coordinator of Voices in the Wilderness, a humanitarian group working to end economic sanctions against Iraq, told the World.
Israel Kills Americans too (tags)
The attack killed 31 American servicemen and wounded over 170.
BTL: Escalating Violence Between Israelis and Palestinians Interferes with... (tags)
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Hussein Ibish, communications director with the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, who discusses the relationship between a possible future U.S. attack on Iraq and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The Shortwave Report 12/21/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)
A 30 minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.7MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Spain, Cuba
*URGENT* Senate to Vote on Drilling In ANWR!! (tags)
The White House's Attack on America continues pressuring the Senate to vote on ANWR drilling during an exceptionally vulnerable time for the United States.
Pakistan's Frontier Post: Protests Rock Pakistan (tags)
A report on protests demonstrations in key towns across Pakistan from the English-Language Frontier Post in Peshawar.
1st casualty = rule of law (Guardian) (tags)
Apparently Afghans in Britain are not all so happy that the US and UK are bombing their homeland. The US press seems to promote the opposite view for our domestic Afghan nationals. Why the discrepency?
US role in WTC attacks - Investigation called for (tags)
Evidence is mounting that the Bush administration may have deliberately provoked a terrorist attack on the U.S. as a means of justifying its plans to replace the Taliban in Afghanistan with a puppet government friendly to gas and oil development in the region.
Destroy The Network By Henry Kissinger(Washington Post) (tags)
An attack such as yesterday's requires systematic planning, a good organization, a lot of money and a base. You cannot improvise something like this, ...
Police Attack Organized Labor at Staples Rally; Leaders Demand Apology (tags)
Monday night's Staples Center rally was an officially sanctioned labor event. Labor has been and will remain an essential component of the Seattle coalition regardless of the wishful thinking of some. When the LAPD attacked those attending the Staples Center rally, they were also attacking organized labor. We demand an apology. An injury to one is an injury to all!