fix articles 148962, john king
The US media and the London terror scare (tags)
Since August 10, when British authorities arrested two dozen individuals in connection with an alleged plot to blow up a number of airplanes over the Atlantic Ocean, the American mass media has worked ceaselessly to create a climate of fear.
CNN: Saddam's Sons Confirmed Dead; Bush, Blair, Cheney Still At Large (tags)
CNN is reporting that Saddam's sons,Qusay and Uday, have been killed by U.S. troops. Still unconfirmed is whether the Pentagon is lying again. Meanwhile, war criminals Bush, Blair, Cheney, and Rumsfeld are still at large.
Great News! More peace-loving Arab freedom fighting to apologize for.
Why Americans Tune in to Canada (tags)
My e-mail inbox overfloweth with missives from our neighbours to the south as, I expect, those of many of my Star colleagues do. Many Americans seem pathetically grateful for offshore, online sources for news and views of the world. Not that the Canadian media are perfect. We make our mistakes. We have our biases. But here, at least, there's a vigorous and wide-ranging debate on the looming war. So who can blame skeptical Americans for resorting to Canadians when their "most trusted" and "most watched'' media are marching in lockstep to the drums of war?