fix articles 14861, pan am Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : pan am

pan am

Why Blade Runner? Your Thoughts and Memories Are Not Your Own (tags)

While we may not have been directly implanted with Eldon Tyrell's niece's memories, our DNA reeks of Horatio Alger and our own bootstraps.

Independent Libyan Fact-Finding Mission (tags)


Killing Gaddafi: Longstanding US Policy (tags)


Why Libya Was Attacked (tags)


Libya: Flashpoint for Global Conflict (tags)


America's War on Libya (tags)


WikiLeaks at the Forefront of 21st-Century Journalism (tags)

"WikiLeaks is filling a void in traditional media, as the level of distrust of the mass media is now at record highs. A recent Gallup Poll found 57 percent of Americans do not trust the media, and a Pew Poll found a record low 29 percent trust the media. There is good reason for distrust. The New York Times helped start the Iraq War by publishing the false weapons of mass destruction story. It recently misled the public about a Blackwater employee arrested in Pakistan by hiding the fact that he worked for the CIA, while reporting that Obama said he was a diplomat. Even the way the Times and the Washington Post reported on WikiLeaks documents showed reason for distrust. WikiLeaks described Iranian long-range missiles that could hit European cities but also reported that Russian intelligence refuted the claim. The Times and the Post evidently made a decision to exaggerate Iranian capability and mislead readers by excluding the Russian intelligence report. The Times admits it provides WikiLeaks documents to the government in advance and excludes material at the request of the government."

Key Lockerbie Witness Admits to Perjury (tags)

Key witness at Lockerbie trial admits to perjury...further proof Libya did not do it.

Police chief- Lockerbie evidence was faked (tags)

A FORMER Scottish police chief has given lawyers a signed statement claiming that key evidence in the Lockerbie bombing trial was fabricated.

(Jewish) Groups Fear Public Backlash Over Iran (tags)

Jewish Groups Fearing Backlash When Iran is Attacked Next for Israel

the terrorist alert level is raised to pink! or is that azul, sienna, pale violet (tags)

the terrorist alert level is raised to pink! or is that azul, sienna, pale violet red or maybe sandstone orange???? and remember the government has banned toothpaste, makeup, suntan lotion, and all other liquids and gels from carry on luggage for your protection!!!

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Nuts (tags)

Debunking the Conspiracy Nuts

Saddaming the House of Assad. (tags)

Now that the U.S. coercion in the form of the Bolton recess appointment as U.S. ambassador to the U.N. has produced the U.N. Special Investigation Commission Report on the assassination of a former prime minister of Lebanon, it is time to ask the obvious question.

Vet believes 911 Inside Job (tags)

Originally posted by: Greg - Information for those that still cling in desparation to the hope 911 may actually have been terrorists from the East.

Vet says 911 inside Job (tags)

Who on the internet still believes the official 911 myth?

Will the West Survive? (tags)

Survival of the West (tags)

This is for fresca (JDL) in defense of Bob (tags)

Since fresca ( the liar from the JDL who resides in an iron lung, bitter and hateful) brought it up in defense of Bob. A few points I am aware of.

Libya Opens Gateway for Weapons Inspection (tags)

It is now left up to Libya to disclose data on what weapons programmes they have underway to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Amazing FTAA Article on (tags)

This article is now on the front page of It accurately descrbes the massive illegal police operation in Miami during the protests against the FTAA and the continued loss of our civil liberties and first amendment rights.

Rebuttal to a fighter pilot (tags)

A co-worker forwarded to me a letter written by a fighter pilot stationed in Turkey. I added my comments and sent it back to her.

did libya really destroy pan am 103 or was it a coverup? (tags)

i suspect a coverup

Airline Mechanics To Picket LAX To Protest Wage Cutting (tags)

Rank and file airline mechanics from UAL, American and other carriers will be protesting wage cutting and concessions on Wed Nov 20 at LA and other aiports. They need help.

Anomalies in the Wellstone crash (tags)

Reports of anomalies in the Wellstone crash, plus a report about the copilot in Wellstone's crash having taught al Queda's M. Moussaoui ar a FL aviation school, before the copilot left to work elsewhere (later as a source being queried by Wellstone re info the FBI failed to adequately look into?).

The Commercial Meat Factory (tags)

This week on CMF Tyler Phillips, Campaign Manager for Green Party Candidate Peter Camejo and Fly Pan Am

The Commercial Meat Factory (tags)

This week on CMF Tyler Phillips, Campaign Manager for Green Party Candidate Peter Camejo and Fly Pan Am

Zac In The Bush (Sept.21, 2002 version) (tags)

I explain why, arguably, 911 conspirator George Bush & his co-terrorists U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, FBI director Robert Mueller and his predecessors Thomas Pickard and Louis Freeh ought to be shackled and goggled and flown to Guantanamo.

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