fix articles 14840, air france
Advice on Corona and Budget 2020 (tags)
Emancipatory politics is characterized by the fact that interests are negotiated. The post-Corona phase will show what can be learned about the relation between politics and capital. Civil society should be engaged and resistant to ruling politics
Russian Airliner Crash: Phony ISIS Claim of Responsibility (tags)
March Against Air France (tags)
Join The Bunny Alliance and Empty Cages LA for a protest against Air France – KLM. Air France-KLM is the number one transporter of animals to laboratories, and the number one Airline deporting asylum seekers and migrants out of France. Take a stand against the import of animals to labs, and the deportation of migrants!
Air France's Monkey Business (tags)
Please watch and share LCA's PSA: Air France's Monkey Business. Air France transports tens of thousands of primates each year for cruel and invasive animal experimentation.
Air France Ships Monkeys for Animal Testing! (tags)
Please watch and share LCA's PSA: Air France's Monkey Business. Air France transports tens of thousands of primates each year for cruel and invasive animal experimentation.
Israel Criminalizes Travel (tags)
Baby Doc Duvalier in Haiti (tags)
despot returns
France: More strikes, opposition to social austerity (tags)
"At Université Lyon-2, students gathered to vote on future action and protest the detention of demonstrators at Corbas prison, according to an account in Lyon-Capitale. They criticized the unions and also bourgeois “left” parties such as the Socialist Party (PS) and its presumed 2012 presidential candidate, Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Strauss-Kahn is currently the head of the International Monetary Fund, where he pressed for massive austerity policies and wage cuts to be imposed on Greek workers in exchange for an IMF bailout, during this spring’s Greek debt crisis. One Lyon student said: “We’re in the street because we have had enough of Sarkozy. We had had enough of [ex- President Jacques] Chirac before and we will have had enough of Strauss-Kahn.... What we do not want anymore is Sarkozy, capitalism, and globalization.”
Solidarity and revolt across borders (tags)
Greetings to all friends, to all those who are not resigned to the situation in which we live: police occupation of the streets, of the cities, raids, deportations, arrests, daily difficulties, the dispossession of our lives; the situation that pushes us to cede a major part of our lives to the bosses of every genre, to those who preside over our destinies, to power. If we've taken the road of revolt, it's for all these reasons, to retake the power over our lives, for the freedom to live.
Breaking the Silence - Israeli Soldiers Speak (tags)
They no longer will kill Palestinians
La mirada de Jokin. Carta de las visitadoras de Vargas Llosa a Charo, la prostituta de Mon (tags)
Las visitadoras de Vargas Llosa indican a Charo el papel que pueden jugar todas ellas, en su condición de “enfangadas”, en la activación de alternativas pragmáticas al método de la señora Maigret para confrontar la conspiración de los medios representantes de la opinión convencional para desconstruir los conceptos de Estado, de Nación, de ciudadano y de organización multilateral.
Carta anónima a la señora Maigret (tags)
El remitente agradece a la señora Maigret los esfuerzos que ésta y su grupo están realizando para descubrir alternativas a antídotos contra el impacto mediático. Sin embargo, aquel lamenta que la destinataria se halla adentrado de tal manera, en un cultismo, hasta ahora inoperante en ese objetivo.
Reinventing A War Criminal (tags)
Reinventing Tony Blair as a Trojan horse peacenik.
Reviewing Michel Chossudovsky's America's War on Terrorism (tags)
Exposing the war on terrorism as a cruel hoax
Reviewing Michel Chossudovsky's America's War on Terrorism (tags)
Exposing the war on terrorism as a cruel hoax
Criminal Mastermind: Donald Rumsfeld (By the Balls) (tags)
Download the actual Joint Chiefs of Staff Document this article is based on (Adobe PDF):
The funny thing about the anti-French fever that has swept through the U.S. over the last month is that it has produced an unusual buying opportunity in nice French wines. The 2000 Bordeaux is much admired as the best year in two decades.
Bush guts Health Care for Veterans; Michael Moore's Popularity Surges (tags)
Green news and opion updated daily
French workers mobilize against privatisation (tags)
Workers against privatisation
Zac In The Bush (Sept.21, 2002 version) (tags)
I explain why, arguably, 911 conspirator George Bush & his co-terrorists U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, FBI director Robert Mueller and his predecessors Thomas Pickard and Louis Freeh ought to be shackled and goggled and flown to Guantanamo.