fix articles 147472, identify
Help KCET and UCLA identify 60s-70s Chicano images (tags)
Help KCET identify 60s-70s Chicano images
domains gls Brazil
THE ELI GEMINI SHOW - The City of Denton continues Constitutional & civil rights violation (tags)
THE ELI GEMINI SHOW - The City of Denton continues Constitutional & civil rights violations
RED: "Non-Binary" Person Rejects Male/Female Gender Duality (tags)
Red, who works at San Diego's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center, identifies themselves as non-binary: that is, neither male nor female but somewhere in a "cloud" of genders that rejects the idea that there are only two human gender identities, male and female. They gave an interview for the August 2011 Zenger's Newsmagazine in which they (you refer to a non-binary person as "they," "them" or "theirs" even if you're only referencing one individual) explained these new, unfamiliar concepts of gender that are beyond the experience of most people, including most Transgender people. Red and Zenger's editor/publisher Mark Gabrish Conlan discussed how both gender identity and sexual orientation are far more complex and fluid than either the straight or the Queer mainstream is willing to acknowledge.
Bisexual Forum Targets Invisibility and Bigotry (tags)
Bisexuals, the "B" in "LGBT," are actually the largest of the four groups represented by that unlovely acronym, but they're also among the most misunderstood people in the Queer community. They face bitter and often ferocious prejudice and bigotry not only from homophobic straight people but from Gays and Lesbians whose anti-Bi beliefs lead them to be threatened by the existence of Bi people. The Bisexual Forum of San Diego held a workshop at the San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center May 12 to dispel some of the misunderstandings other Queers have towards Bisexuals and tell their stories, which often involve a dual coming-out process: first as Lesbian or Gay, then as Bi when they realize they can no longer deny either their same-sex or opposite-sex attractions.
Fraud US-Style - Fake Videos and Elections (tags)
We're being lied to.
CODE YORKTOWN: AS OVERLORD AT YORKTOWN REMAINS RELENTLESS AND VICTORIOUS AS WE CONTINUE TO IDENTIFY THE ENEMIES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION IN THE 21ST CENTURY AND ANNIHILATE THEM. The criminality of the National Security Agency (NSA) has now been fingered in operating a massive surveillance and Gestapo program directed against the American people that has been fully operational since November 22, 1963.
CIA warned Bush five times pre 9/11 + Compromised NSA + HOAX News (tags)
IDENTIFY THE ENEMIES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION IN THE 21st CENTURY CIA warned Bush five times pre 9/11 Karl Rove has THE secret Blackwater Associates slushfund to be directed to his preferred Democrats
Six Lies About Immigration (tags)
An interesting take by a white guy who mostly gets it.
Bovine excrement meter melts (tags)
Cars stolen in US used in suicide attacks The FBI's counterterrorism unit has launched a broad investigation of US-based theft rings after discovering some vehicles used in deadly car bombings in Iraq, including attacks that killed US troops and Iraqi civilians, were probably stolen in the United States, according to senior US Government officials.
"BLACK/ETHIOPIAN JEWS REJECT ISRAELI SOCIETY -- as it has rejected them!" (tags)
READ!: Black Jews rejected in "the Promised Land of milk and honey" -- "the light unto the world": Israel.
Know Thy Enemy: A Resource Site Devoted to CoIntepro (tags)
The FBI's CoIntelpro program is one of the dirtier and more sordid highlights in the history of a dirty and Sordid agengy. CoIntepro was the FBI's excuse for waging war against Americans who disagreed with the Party Line and made it Known.
Ed Rosenthal Trial Update: Gag Order Sought (tags)
Federal Government Seeks to Silence Self-Help Author Ed Rosenthal
Re: EU's spying on anti-'capitalists' (tags)
an article link and opinion.