fix articles 145732, queer resistance
March 20th call for a Radical Queer/Pink Bloc at anti-war event in Pittsburgh (tags)
Resyst is sending this call out to all radical queers and queer sympathizers to join us in Pittsburgh for regional M20 events.
Usual suspects are behind anti-war protests (tags)
The sponsor of the New York rally was the umbrella group United for Peace and Justice, which can be described as the crazy far-left on its best behavior. he stench arising from the organizers attracts zero interest in the mainstream press. Writing in National Review, Byron Scott called it "the story no one wants to hear about the anti-war movement." If anti-war demonstrations were being organized by a tobacco company or the Augusta National Golf Club, the liberal establishment would erupt in screams of protest. No screaming now, though. These sponsors are just off-the-wall loonies and Stalinist front groups.