fix articles 14555, know how
Rockefeller y sus negocios con Stroessner (tags)
La Standard Oil de New Jersey, fundada en 1870 por John D. Rockefeller, fue por mucho tiempo la mas poderosa y temida empresa del mundo capitalista
El Obispo de los pobres y el magnate petrolero (tags)
Dos países miserables, expoliados y mediterráneos se vieron enfrentados de 1932 a 1935 en lo que alguien llamó "guerra de los soldados desnudos".
Call Ralph Horowitz RIGHT NOW! (tags)
The office of Ralph Horowitz: 310 440 7878
Wake the Fk Up: A Primer (tags)
Life is not fair. Accept that fact and deal with it. Government ain't going to make life fair, either. If you believe that GOVERNMENT is the answer to your problems, you need to be dragged off and shot.
Sing to the Beatles tune BACK IN THE USSR...
Trying to find if anyone knows how to contact VH1/MTV about a program i saw this morning on the the CIA, and the disinformation it provided.
mkj is back (i got a lot of questions and comments and updates) (tags)
the fbi raided my home october of last year and i need to know how i can speed up the return of my familly's personal computers laptops cd's books and a shit load of other stuff
Women For Peace Torture Psychologically (tags)
The women for peace know how to torture psychologically. I'd rather have them punch me, than go through what women do to me.
Who Will be Kidnapped Next? (tags)
With all the Southern Cali activists arrested lately, some questions come to mind. Who's next? What can we do to stop it?
Auntie Racist on Hogs and Tactics (tags)
On McVeigh, Bin Laden and the plump end of a hog.