fix articles 145330, action across
Oaxaca Solidarity Demonstrations in the US on Thursday, November 2nd (tags)
"The only thing worth globalizing is dissent." - Arundhati Roy
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Mexican Consulates in the U.S. & Canada
Call to Action Across the US Against Mexican Consulates
Oaxaca Solidarity Demonstrations in the US on Wednesday, November 1st (tags)
"The EZLN makes a call to the Other Campaign in México and to the north of the Río Grande so that this 1st of November of 2006 there are mobilizations wherever possible, and that streets, highways, tollbooths, bus stations, airports and all types of means of communications are closed entirely, partially or intermittently, be these closures real or symbolic."
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EZLN Call for November 1st Actions and Solidarity with Oaxaca
Mexican Consulates in the U.S. & Canada
Call to Action Across the US Against Mexican Consulates
Call to Action Across the US Against Mexican Consulates (tags)
This is a call to action against mexican consulates all over the country for Monday Oct. 30.
Over 150 Events Planned on 3rd Anniversary of Downing Street Memo (tags)
Rep. Maxine Waters will host an Out-of-Iraq teach-in on July 23 in Inglewood to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the Downing Street Memo. Hear about the Out of Iraq Caucus & Resolution of Inquiry in Congress. Learn how to protect our youth from military recruiters. Join a cell phone call-in demanding journalists tell the truth re: Downing Street Memo. This will be one of 150 events around the country organized by