fix articles 14512, harman
Small Democratic Convention Ends in Calls for Burton's Resignation (tags)
Under-attended Democratic Convention ends cries of fraud. Will the faithful desert the Democratic Party?
9/11,Carl Levin,Senator Jane Harman International,Kuwait Securacom, Marvin Bush,Al Sabah (tags)
After all they are royalty,both Sheikh Sabah al Sabah of Kuwait and Queen Jane Harman of Venice, California,aren't they ? And now one of the Sheikh most loyal subjects and leader of the Kuwait orchestrated illegal Harman International NYSE pump and dump to defraud American small investors is dead.Just goes to show as that old saying goes dead men or dead subjects of the Sheikh can't tell tales.
... And Then There Are California Democrats (tags)
Why can't California's elected Democrats act like... Democrats?
BTL:Progressive Challenger to Hawkish Democrat Rep. Jane Harman Gets an Early Start (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
Re: Wiretap: Rep. Jane Harman Promising to Intervene for AIPAC: (tags)
Re: Wiretap: Rep. Jane Harman Promising to Intervene for AIPAC:
Wiretap: Rep. Jane Harman Promising to Intervene for AIPAC: (tags)
Wiretap: Rep. Jane Harman Promising to Intervene for AIPAC:
LA County Federation Endorsements Missing Westside Incumbent (tags)
A Police Provocateur's Dream, HR 1955 & S.1959 (tags)
"The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act"
Republican congressman has told Congresswoman Harman that he would support Impeachment if (tags)
Republican congressman has told Congresswoman Harman that he would support Impeachment if Iran is attacked Check out the third video down at following URL as it includes Congresswoman Harman mentioning that a Republican has told her that he would support Impeachment of Bush if Iran is attacked: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Congresswoman Jane Harman asked (by me) about the Mearsheimer & Walt book in West Los Ange (tags)
Congresswoman Jane Harman asked about the Mearsheimer & Walt book in West Los Angeles this past Saturday
Protest Pro-war Congresswoman Jane Harman this Saturday (tags)
Protest Pro-war Congresswoman Jane Harman at town hall meeting this Saturday
Jane Harman, the Manchurian Candidate (FINAL) (tags)
Nancy Pelosi was much more diplomatic than I will be in opposition to Jane Harman's bid for the chair of the House Intelligence Committee. Here's a picture of Ms. Harman without the redeye of a cheap flashbulb photog: a professional shot that reveals her as a deer in the headlights of the Neocons, as she sings the praises of what a "great job our intelligence people are doing in spite of great obstacles". Obstacles like Stud Terkel's lawsuit against AT&T, for instance, for helping the NSA spy on you and your neighbors. UPDATED 12-04-06
We can't allow the Israelis and their supporters to run America anymore.
Will Jane Harman resign? (tags)
A new Department of Justice investigation of Jane Harman and her connection to the leaking of classified documents to agents of a foreign government was revealed by Time Magazine on Friday.
Jane Harman is no friend of Israel (tags)
Jane Harman's failure to condemn Israel's military aggression against the Lebanese people is detrimental to the cause of peace in the Middle East, which is in Israel's long range interests.
Democrats, Republicans line up to back Israeli war crimes (tags)
Last week, both the US House of Representatives and Senate overwhelmingly passed resolutions praising the Bush administration for its full support of Israel’s military campaign in Lebanon. Democrats joined with Republicans to endorse Israel’s bombing campaign, which has led to the deaths of hundreds of civilians.
Grassroots on Fire in 36th Congressional District (tags)
In the 36th Congressional race, challenger Marcy Winograd wins the endorsement of the influential West Los Angeles Democratic Club over six-term incumbent, Jane Harman, by a nearly 3-1 margin!!!
Grassroots on Fire in 36th Congressional Race (tags)
In the CA 36th Congressional race, challenger Marcy Winograd wins the endorsement of the West Los Angeles Democratic Club over six-term incumbent, Jane Harman, by a nearly 3 to 1 margin!!!
Middle East Policy Forum in Manhattan Beach (tags)
Marcy Winograd, Congressional Candidate in the 36th District, is joined by authors Gore Vidal and Robert Dreyfuss at a community forum on US Middle East policy
Marcy Winograd Campaign Gaining Momentum, Cindy Sheehan Gives Support (tags)
LOS ANGELES, April 26, 2006 – Peace Activist Cindy Sheehan came to a rally to support Marcy Winograd this Tuesday.
Cindy Sheehan-Marcy Winograd Rally April 25 (tags)
Rally to support Marcy Winograd. She's running against "Bush Democrat" Jane Harman.
Jane Harman Campaign Violates LA City sign Ordinance. (tags)
West side primary race heating up
Progressive Demo Marcy Winograd Blocks Congresswoman Jane Harman from winning endorsement by local Democratic organization.
Why are "progressive" dems and repubs silent on Tom Harman? (tags)
Tom Harman, supposed progressive republican assemblyman from Huntington Beach, has suddenly jumped on the Minuteman bandwagon. But nobody is saying anything. Why? This is not an article, but a letter similar to one I wrote to an email group I belong to.
Winograd Runs Against Harman (tags)
An announcement of a signature gathering party for 36th District Congressional Candidate Marcy Winograd, a peace activist challenging pro-war Congresswoman Jane Harman in the Democratic Party primary on June 6th, 2006. Marcy's candidate statement follows the invitation announcement. After the party tonight, the candidate statement could still be posted. Please! James did an audio interview with me last night.
Marcy Winograd, peace activist, to challenge 36th District Rep. Jane Harman in Primaries (tags)
Marcy Winograd, teacher, peace activist and president of Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles, has announced her decision to challenge 36th District Rep. Jane Harman in the Democratic Party primary!
HR 2625 is a bill to create an Independent Commision on Intelligence about Iraq authored by Rep. Henry Waxman and now has 110 cosponsors. It needs 218 votes to pass the 435 member House. Reps Howard Berman and Jane Harman are the only L.A. County Democrats who have not cosponsored to date. Congress is on recess and they should be in their Districs. These are two hard nuts to crack, please help out.