fix articles 144835, levees
Prevent Future Floods in NOLA, close MR-GO! (tags)
Would like to reopen an investigation of possible deliberate levee breach during Katrina storm surge that was a preplanned action by unknown agents to prevent flooding of wealthier neighborhoods..
Katrina: A Rorschach Test - (Send in the Clowns) (tags)
No Summary
News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/11/05) (tags)
Jose Padilla and the death of personal liberty.
Locals believe New Orleans Levees were Intentionally blown (tags)
Could the levees in New Orleans have been INTENTIONALLY blown out in order to save sections of the city deemed to be more important? The locals certainly seem to think so, yet, as usual, the mainstream media is barely picking up on this wave of opinion, so it is left to us once again to bring the issue into the open.
There's something very wrong with the chronology of the levee breaks in New Orleans
News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/7/05) (tags)
FEMA turned away aid, rescue crews, cut emergency communication lines
food not lawns and cattails for central valley drought and heat..