fix articles 144638, federal plaza
"John McCain has voted with George Bush 90 percent of the time." (tags)
This charge, a centerpiece of Obama's acceptance speech last night, was quite probably true. But it was also a stunning piece of hypocrisy coming from the Democratic nominee who has himself voted for almost every single George Bush war funding bill since becoming a U.S. senator.
If Israel Attacks Iran.... (tags)
"Friday's New York Times is reporting that multiple U.S. officials have stated that the Israeli military carried out what seemed to be a 'rehearsal' for a strike directed at Iran's nuclear facilities."
– The Raw Story
Expulsions Dropped for Illinois HS Antiwar Students (tags)
Berwyn, IL 11/13/07: In an abrupt turn-around, School District 201 Superintendent Nowakowski takes expulsions off the table and sends most student protestors back to school tomorrow.
Major Mobilization for Farmworker Justice - Three weeks to go! (tags)
In just a few short weeks, farmworkers from the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and their allies will travel from Immokalee, FL – home of one of the largest farmworker communities in the country – to Chicago, IL, home of the world’s largest restaurant chain, McDonald’s. The "2007 Truth Tour: Behind the Golden Arches” will culminate in two national days of action on April 13th and 14th in the Chicago area marking a new phase in the Campaign for Fair Food. Now is the time to finalize plans to join us for these historic actions!
M1: Chicago police bracing for 300,000-strong march (tags)
Chicago presente!
March 25-28 Nationwide Weekend of Actions to Support Immigrant Solidarity! (tags)
March 25-28 Nationwide Weekend of Actions to Support Immigrant Solidarity!
GABRIELA Network & Allies Across the U.S. Protest War "Of" Terror in the Philipp (tags)
GABRIELA Network, a US-Philippine women's solidarity mass organization est. 1989, leads first nationwide protest against human rights violations and political killings in the Philippines.
Creative protest - 500 pairs of Army boots stand empty in Chicago Fed. plaza (tags)
Finally... a CREATIVE ACT to engage the public and make people think. Demonstrations are fine... but what we really need are hundreds, thousands, of creative works that intervene in the mass consciousness. An anonymous public art that speaks truth to power and dares to envision a different world. Mass political struggle is one thing... but profound, insightful, and bold cultural work paves the way to a world at last inhabitable. LET A THOUSAND FLOWERS BLOOM! No more business as usual... turn the city streets into open air art galleries! In this Reuters photograph by Frank Polich, Viet Nam Veteran Eddie Randolph looks over 500 pairs of boots laid out in Chicago's Federal plaza, January 21, 2004. The boots were placed there to remember the U.S. soldiers killed in the War in Iraq.
Kidnapped at Federal Plaza (tags)
Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK
Kidnapped at Federal Plaza (tags)
Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK
Register Your Dissent-PROTEST Muslim Roundups JAN.10 (tags)
Statement from Arab community and list of events occuring nationwide on the next registration date.