fix articles 14463, wmds
Past Time for an Accounting of This Massive Fraud (tags)
The termination of the search for WMDs in Iraq, after the expenditure of several hundred million dollars and not a single sign of anything, should have the hounds after Bush and his neo-con advisers, but don’t bet on it. These guys don’t apologize, they just keep messing things up worse.
USA's FSD more lethal than WMDs (tags)
Prior to the naked Imperial aggression on the people of Iraq in March of 2003, the Bush regime repeatedly sowed fear onto the public by falsely claiming that Iraq had thousands of terrifying WMDs and that the World couldn't afford to wait for the evidence "in the form of a mushroom cloud," a clear reference that Saddam had nukes & would unleash them to kill tens of thousands of innocent civilians. As it turned out, it was the USA's own illegal & immoral Invasion-turned-Occupation that deployed thousands of USA's WMDs which killed up to 100,000 or more of Iraqi civilians...
Neo-cons find WMDs in Iraq! (tags)
Now that the U.S. Invasion/Occupation of Iraq has turned into "Operation Enduring Failure," it is fashionable to say that the Bush League Neo-cons' pre-War predictions have all turned sour. But you'd be dead wrong.
Exploiting America’s Dead for Political Gain (tags)
Deception: When Facts Aren't Real (tags)
Peanuts, French Fries, Broccoli, Homeland Security, Ho Hos, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Saddam and Al Qaeda, When Facts Aren't Real and Real Things Aren't Facts
The Liars War or the Case of the Vanishing WMD's (tags)
Dennis Kucinich was Right about WMDs- there were none (tags)
A new report reveals there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Bush-appointed weapons inspector, Dr. David Kay, testifying before the U.S. Senate said everyone in Washington was wrong, but Dennis Kucinich was right. He has consistently said there was no evidence of WMDs in Iraq. For more information see: MS-Word | pdf
the illusiuon & hypocrisy in US sports
Regardless of the spin there is only one conclusion that can be reached from an honest appraisal of the facts: Saddam had NO WMD's at the time of Bush's War, and Bush KNEW IT. He LIED.
Nothing Left To Lie About (tags)
With BushCo reaming the nation on just about every possible front, is implosion imminent?
A Crack In Bush's Facade Growing WMD Scandal (tags)
Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction. He lied to us, the United Nations, and the soldiers he sent to die in Iraq. Bush's apologists defend his attempts to sell this obscene war as mere spin, but claiming certain knowledge of something that doesn't exist is hardly a question of emphasis. It's time to stop wondering where the WMDs are.
How much of what the Bush Junta said was there justification for war was true. Paul Wolfowitless has said it was a consensus reason. How nice. What this means is that it is not the real reason.
Fox's protracted apologia is that despite promises of evidence of current weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) by the Bush Administration, the evidence has been ambiguous at best. Unfortunately for the network, I’ve been keeping a scratch diary of their reports since the war began.
"It's all over but the shouting. And the screaming. And the endless years of U.S. occupation in the Middle East, the quiet building of U.S. military bases in Iraq so we can keep those uppity bitches Syria and Egypt and Lebanon in line, forge ahead with the long-standing plan to strong-arm those damn Islamic nuts into brutal compliance with Bushco's bleak blueprint for World Inc. What, too bitter? Hardly. "
The History Of The Administration's Lies About WMD (tags)
A chronology of the lies regarding the so-called WMDs.
Madison: 'Does 'consent of the governed' imply 'informed consent'?' (tags)
I found this posted over at Smirking Chimp and thought Madison made some good points. So, I lifted it and brought it over here as it is thought provoking.
Revealed: How the road to war was paved with lies (tags)
On nuclear weapons, the British Government claimed that the former regime sought uranium feed material from the government of Niger in west Africa. This was based on letters later described by the International Atomic Energy Agency as crude forgeries.
We'll Plant WMDs, I Mean, We'll Find WMDs. (tags)
Gee, it was almost as if Frank Gaffney and the White House official were reading from the same page, a page produced from deep inside the White House sell machine but had more of a corrupt police network sound to it.