fix articles 144573, noticed
Velcro Military Patches (tags)
Velcro Military Patches Walked into a convenience store the other day. A soldier in BDUs ( battle dress uniform and that's camouflage to the uninitiated in military customs and procedures ) passed by and I couldn't help but notice that his patches ( name, branch and unit, to say nothing of the national origin like the American flag he wore ) were held on with velcro. I smiled and greeted him. “Good morning, are those patches held on with velcro?” I said. I noticed that his service hat was on in violation of military dress code, inside a building or under cover as he told me that the reason was “ in a war, all the patches are removed” or something to that order. “ Are you guys at war?” I asked. He gave me a look of vague concern “ no” he answered. “ This is troubling for a number of reasons” I told him and he acknowledged in the affirmative, looking me in the eye. Then I noticed that the American flag he had affixed to his velco shoulder patch was upside down. I told him to take care and have a good day. He returned the smile and we continued on to our own ways.
The minutemen had a rally and nobody came (tags)
The gang known as the Minutmen had a rally on Saturday. Nobody (not even me) noticed.
May Day 2007 Los Angeles (tags)
Brief observations and photos of today's May Day Immigrant Rights demonstrations in LA.