fix articles 144515, irish freedom committee
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NIFC "Shell To Sea" Video (tags)
The National Irish Freedom Committee (NIFC) has been helping publicise the struggle of the people of Rossport for quite some time now and we are the only Irish organisation here in America that has been vocal in our support of the community in Mayo, and have actively used all our resources to try help keep our membership, other concerned people, and the general public informed about what is going on there.
Facts about Irish Political Prison Protest (and how you can help) (tags)
How can you help? Get involved and take part in the Cabhair monthly sustainer! Cabhair, is an Irish charitable organisation that provides financial assistance to the dependants and family members of Irish Republican political prisoners. I would urge everyone who reads this to help them in this most noble of work by making a contribution. Cumann Na Saoirse Náisiúnta (National Irish Freedom Committee) sends all collected donations straight to Cabhair through its Monthly Sustainer program. The program is the cornerstone of the NIFC's Irish Republican Political Activists Support (IRPAS) Campaign. The Sustainer program operates on the pledge principle, whereby, donors pledge a monthly contribution: the amount to be decided by the donor. The National irish Freedom Committee is getting the word out that there are still Republican political prisoners in both Irish states and that the dependants of these prisoners and other political activists deserve our assistance. Get involved! Participants in the program will receive monthly bulletins informing them of up to date information regarding the plight of political activists who are imprisoned on the inside or in a state of virtual imprisonment on the outside! The National Irish Freedom Committee supports the dependents of Republican political prisoners through Cabhair in Ireland. Cabhair has been in existence for many years supporting the dependents of faithful Republican prisoners, and ensnared Éire Nua political activists throughout the 32 Irish counties. Anyone wishing to take part in the program should contact at: and visit the NIFC's website at:
ACT NOW - US/UK Extradition Treaty Goes to Hearings TUES. NOV. 15th (tags)
The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee has announced hearings for the proposed US/UK Extradition Treaty. The hearings are to take place TUESDAY NOVEMBER 15th 2005. PLEASE ACT NOW.
Fascist Targeting of Irish Americans (tags)
NIFC Speak Out Against Fascist Targeting of Irish Americans
BUSH places Irish groups on terrorist list/FBIbritish infiltrates US group (tags)
FBI and British agent provocateur disrupts US Irish groups.