fix articles 144357, post carbon
Petrocollapse and Food Security at the South Central Farm (tags)
Jan Lundberg, oil industry analyst, founder of Auto-Free Times and came to Los Angeles last weekend to speak on the issues surrounding peak oil. I attended the Sunday afternoon talk on “Petrocollapse and Food Security”, an appropriate title for the location, the South Central Farm.
Tony Kienitz Attends a Post Carbon Meet Up (tags)
". . . Over and and over again [Alan AtKisson, author of Believing Cassandra] repeated the same idea, which I love: 'make the revolution attractive. And once it's attractive, then people will want to jump on.' Most people don't want strain anything, or make any waves, or change in any way." -- Tony Kienitz
Arctic Wildlife Refuge, Los Angeles and Peak Oil (tags)
What's the connection between the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and Los Angeles? The answer is peak oil. President Bush wants to open up ANWR (the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) to oil drilling and it has everything to do with the fact that we are at the global peak in oil extraction. Peak oil is the start of the age of ever declining oil extraction. This is very significant to Los Angeles because it could be argued that Los Angeles is one of the most oil-addicted places on earth - the birthplace of freeway suburbs, and home to thousands of big-box stores which carry products that traveled thousands of miles to reach us. In the article below, Kenneth Deffeyes brings to our attention the fact that the debate over ANWR is missing the big issue, the issue of peak oil. On April 10th in Venice, the Post Carbon Institute presents Options and Actions for a Post Carbon Los Angeles, with local community activists presenting projects addressing these issues.
April 10th, Options and Actions for a Post Carbon Los Angeles (tags)
Sunday, April 10th, 4 - 8 PM, Venice, CA The Post Carbon Institute will present a screening of The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream as well as a panel of speakers who will discuss the serious issues we will be facing in Los Angeles with the coming global decline in fossil fuel extraction and present local projects which represent a step towards sustainability.
Oil Addicts to march in Doo Dah Parade Nov 21 (tags)
LA Post Carbon will be entering the Doo Dah parade in Pasadena with an entry called "Got Oil?" The entry will include out-of-gassers pushing their car and carrying empty gas cans and the Earth being followed by a doctors with a thermometer and stretcher.