fix articles 144075, dore gold
Iran's Longstanding US-Inflicted Nightmare (tags)
Iran Nuclear Talks: No Deal Yet (tags)
Netanyahu Appoints Right-Wing Extremist to Head Israel's Diplomatic Corps (tags)
Israel's New Land Grab Master Plan (tags)
theft of Palestinian land
Gaza Flotilla Massacre: Goldstone Commission II Essential (tags)
independent investigation essential
"The United States of Israel?" – by Robert Fisk (tags)
Perhaps the most incendiary paragraph in the essay [The Israel Lobby] - albeit one whose contents have been confirmed in the Israeli press - discusses Israel's pressure on the United States to invade Iraq. "Israeli intelligence officials had given Washington a variety of alarming reports about Iraq's WMD programmes," the two academics write, quoting a retired Israeli general as saying: "Israeli intelligence was a full partner to the picture presented by American and British intelligence regarding Iraq's non-conventional capabilities."
14 Year Old Retarded Boy Used As Human Bomb by Terrorists (tags)
This morning a would-be suicide bomber was apprehended near Nablus. The suicide bomber was a mentally slow 14 year old boy who was often the but of teasing by other youths. His "handlers" told him the only chance for him to have sex with 72 virgins was to blow himself up at a border crossing.
Dignity, Solidarity and the Penal Colony (tags)
The Last Essay. I am honored to post with my name and hopefully await what respect Real Democracy teaches by its practice in a civil society.
The time to annihilate these filthy savages is long past due. Destroy "palestine"