fix articles 144063, korea university
How South Korea will contain coronavirus without curfew (tags)
South Korea tests almost 3 times as many people as Germany, 84K a week. Social distancing works in Japan and South Korea. Japan has closed schools but lets restaurants and shops stay open.
S. KOREA. New Struggle Report... (tags) striking migrant workers, now since 332 days occupying Myeong-dong Cathedrals compound, downtown Seoul. We demand legalization, work visa, the right to choose our work places and full labor rights.
S. Korea Fights Against New Troop Dispatch To Iraq (tags)
While Iraqi "resistance" fighters yesterday already killed their Korean hostage anti-war movement here possibly is waking up.
S. Korea, New Attacks Against Migrant Activists (tags)
Now since 215 days we're fighting, the "ruling" class started again to attack us.
S. Korea, Hospital Workers General Strike (tags)
Right now, even the government is fighting against us more than before, we join the struggle of S. Korean working class.